DeLorme GPL (GPS Track Logs) User Attributes

For information on the parameters in this dialog that are common to all readers, see:

For information on the parameters in this dialog that are common to all writers, see:

Fixed Schema

The user attributes for this format come from the schema; they are visible in the Feature Type > User Attributes tab, but you cannot modify them.


Geometry type: fme_point

Feature Attribute Description
ele Elevation in meters.
fix Type of GPS fix. Possible values are none, 2d, 3d, and dgps.

Creation date/time, in UTC


course Course of travel, in degrees
speed Speed of travel, in meters per second


ID of the track feature to which the point belongs.

Since DeLorme GPS Track Logs files only support a single track, this value is always 0.


ID of the track segment to which the point belongs.

Since DeLorme GPS Track Logs files only support a single track segment, this value is always 0.


ID of the point in the track.


Geometry type: fme_aggregate of lines

There are no attributes specific to tracks. The reader exposes tracks as a convenience only.

Note: Since the DeLorme GPS Track Logs format only supports a single track and track segment, only a single feature of type fme_aggregate is returned, consisting of a single fme_line.