CADRG (Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphics) Feature Representation
In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes described in this section.
CADRG features specify a matrix of x, y coordinates and 3-byte RGB pixels.
Attribute Name |
Reader/Writer Attribute |
Contents |
cadrg_type |
reader and writer |
This will always be cadrg_raster. |
cadrg_toc_endian_indicator |
reader |
This numeric value indicates that the table of contents file is recorded in little endian format or big endian format. A 255 value represents little endian format, whereas A 0 value represents big endian format. |
cadrg_toc_file_name |
reader |
A 12-byte ASCII character field defining the name of the table of contents file. This should always be A.TOC. |
cadrg_toc_new_replacement_update_indicator |
reader |
A 1-byte unsigned integer encoded as follows: 0 indicates that this is a new table of contents file. |
cadrg_toc_governing_standard_number |
reader |
A 15-byte ASCII character string defining the document number of the standard to which the format of the table of contents file conforms. |
cadrg_toc_governing_standard_date |
reader |
An 8-byte ASCII character string in the format YYYYMMDD defining the effective date of the standard to which the format of the table of contents file conforms. |
cadrg_toc_security_classification |
reader and writer |
A 1-byte ASCII character coded to indicate the security level (e.g. unclassified, confidential, secret) of the TOC file, as specified as follows: T = Top Secret S = Secret C = Confidential R = Restricted U = Unclassified |
cadrg_toc_security_country_ |
reader and writer |
A 2-byte ASCII character coded to indicate the originating country or international affiliation of the security classification of the table of contents file, as specified as follows: AB = Abu Musa (Disputed Island In Persian Gulf) AF = Afghanistan AL = Albania AG = Algeria AQ = American Samoa (US) ZQ = Andaman Islands (IN) AN = Andorra AO = Angola AV = Anquilla (Leeward Islands) (UK) YR = Annobon (Pagulu) (EK) AY = Antarctica AC = Antigua-Barbuda AR = Argentina AM = Armenia AA = Aruba (NL) AT = Ashmore & Cartier Islands (AS) AS = Australia AJ = Azerbaijan AZ = Azores (PO) BF = Bahama Islands BA = Bahrain FQ = Baker Islands (SP) BG = Bangladesh BB = Barbados BS = Bassas Da India (FR) BO = Belarus BK = Belgium BH = Belize BK = Benin BD = Bermuda BT = Bhutan BL = Bolivia BK = Bosnia-Herzegovina BC = Botswana BV = Bovet Island (NO) BR = Brazil IO = British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago ) VI = British Virgin Islands (Leeward Islands) BX = Brunei BU = Bulgaria UV = Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) BM = Myanmar (Burma) BY = Burundi VK = Cabinda (AO) CB = Kampuchea (Cambodia) CM = Cameroon CA = Canada ZZ = Canary Islands (SP) CV = Cape Verde Islands ZL = Caroline Islands CJ = Cayman Islands CT = Central African Republic CD = Chad CI = Chile CH = China, People’s Republic of KT = Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) (AS) IP = Clipperton Island (FR) CK = Cocos Islands (Keeling) (AS) CO = Columbia CN = Comoro Islands (AS) CF = Congo CW = Cook Islands (NZ) CR = Coral Sea Islands (AS) CS = Costa Rica IV = Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) VJ = Crete (Kriti) (GR) HR = Croatia CU = Cuba CY = Cyprus EZ = Czech Republic DA = Denmark YL = Diego Garcia DJ = Djibouti DO = Dominica DR = Dominican Republic XZ = Easter Island (Isla De Pascua) (CI) EC = Equador EG = Egypt ES = El Salvador YU = Elobey, Islas De EK = Equatorial Guinea ER = Eritrea EN = Estonia RT = Ethiopia EU = Europa Island (FR) FO = Farroe Islands (DE) FK = Falkland Islands (UK) (Malvinas) FJ = Fiji Islands FI = Finland FR = France FG = French Guiana FP = French Polynesia FS = French Southern & Antarctic Lands GB = Gabon GA = Gambia GZ = Gaza Strip (Is) GG = Georgia GM = Germany QH = Ghana GI = Gibraltar (UK) GO = Glorioso Island (Ma) GR = Greece GL = Greenland GJ = Grenada GP = Guadeloupe (Leeward Islands) GQ = Guam GT = Guatemala GK = Guernsey (UK) GV = Guinea PU = Guinea-Bissau GY = Guyana HA = Haiti HM = Heard Island & McDonald Is (AS) HO = Honduras HK = Hong Kong SAR, China HQ = Howland Island (US) HU = Hungary IC = Iceland IN = India ID = Indonesia IR = Iran IZ = Iraq EI = Ireland IS = Israel IT = Italy JM = Jamaica JN = Jan Mayen Is (NO) JA = Japan DQ = Jarvis Island (US) JE = Jersey (UK) JQ = Johnston Atoll (US) JO = Jordan JU = Juan De Nova Islands (FR) YV = Jaun Fernandez, Archipelago (CI) KZ = Kazakhstan KE = Kenya KQ = Kingman Reef (US) KN = Korea, North KS = Korea, South KU = Kuwait KG = Kirghizia LD = Lakshadweep Islands (IN) LA = Laos LG = Latvia LE = Lebanon LT = Lesotho LI = Liberia LY = Libya LS = Liechtenstein LH = Lithuania LU = Luxembourg MC = Macao (PO) MK = Macedonia ZX = Macais Nguema Biyogo MA = Madagascar VD = Madeira Islands (PO) MI = Malawi MY = Malaysia MV = Maldives ML = Mali MT = Malta IM = Isle of Man (UK) RM = Republic of the Marshall Islands MB = Martinique (FR) MR = Mauritania MP = Mauritius MP = Mayotte (FR) MX = Mexico FM = Federated States of Micronesia MQ = Midway Island (US) MD = Moldova MN = Monaco MG = Mongolia MW = Montenegro MH = Montserrat MO = Morocco MZ = Mozambique NA = Namibia NR = Nauru BQ = Navassa Island (US) NP = Nepal NL = Netherlands NT = Netherlands Antilles NC = New Caledonia (FR) NZ = New Zealand NU = Nicaragua YZ = Nicobar Islands (IN) NG = Niger NI = Nigeria NE = Niue (NZ) NF = Norfolk Islands (AS) WN = Northern Ireland CQ = Northern Mariana Islands (US) NO = Norway XO = Okinawa (JA) MU = Oman PK = Pakistan PS = Palau, Republic of (US) LQ = Palmyra Atoll (US) PM = Panama PP = Papua New Guinea PF = Paracel Islands (CH) PA = Paraguay PB = Pemba Island (TZ) PE = Peru RP = Philippines PC = Pitcairn Island (UK) PL = Poland PO = Portugal RQ = Puerto Rico (US) QA = Qatar RE = Reunion (FR) RO = Romania RS = Russia RW = Rwanda SH = Saint Helena, Ascension Island (UK) ST = Saint Lucia VC = Saint Vincent and the Grenadines WC = Sala Y Gomez (CI) YX = San Ambrosia Island (CI) YK = San Felix Island (CI) SM = San Marino TP = Sao Tome and Principe SD = Sardinia (IT) SA = Saudi Arabia SG = Senegal SR = Serbia SE = Seychelles SL = Sierra Leone SN = Singapore LO = Slovakia SI = Slovenia SJ = Socotra (YM) SP = Solomon Islands SO = Somalia SF = Republic of South Africa SX = South Georgia & South Sandwich Is (UK) WG = South Orkney Islands (UK) WH = South Shetland Islands (UK) SP = Spain PG = Spratly Islands (CH, RP, MY, VM) CE = Sri Lanka SC = St. Christopher-Nevis SB = St. Pierre Miqurlon (CA) SU = Sudan NS = Surinam SV = Svalbard (NO) WZ = Swaziland SW = Sweden SZ = Switzerland SY = Syria TW = Taiwan and Penghu TI = Tajikistan TZ = Tanzania TH = Tahiland TO = Togo TL = Tokelau (NZ) TN = Tonga Islands TD = Trinidad and Tobago TE = Tromelin Island (FR) TS = Tunisia TU = Turkey TX = Turkmenistan TK = Turks and Cicos Islands (UK) TV = Tuvalu UG = Uganda UP = Ukraine TC = United Arab Emirates UK = United Kingdom US = United States IQ = US miscellaneous Pacific Islands UY = Uruguay UZ = Uzbekistan NH = Vanuatu (Former New Hebrides) VT = Vatican City VE = Venezuela VM = Vietnam VQ = Virgin Islands (US, UK) WQ = Wake Island (US) WF = Wallis and Futuna Islands (FR) YA = Walvis Bay (SF) WE = West Bank WI = Western Sahara (MO) WS = Western Samoa YM = Yemen CG = Zaire ZA = Zambia ZY = Zanzibar (TZ) ZI = Zimbabwe |
cadrg_toc_security_release_marking |
A 2-byte ASCII character string coded to indicate any special handling or releasability restrictions assigned to the contents of the table of contents file, as defined as follows: AT = ATOMAL (NATO designation to identify restricted or formerly restricted data BX = Background use only PI = Caution - Proprietary information involved (PROPIN) CC = Continued Control PX = Copyright CS = COSMIC (Caveat applied to NATO Top Secret) CN = Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information/DoD directive 5210.2 applies (CNWDI) CR = Cryptographic (CRYPTO) OR = Dissemination and Extraction of information controlled by originator (ORCON) DS = Distribution Limited-Destroy when no longer needed (DIST LIM) TX = Encrypted for Transmission Only FO = For Official Use Only (FOUO) RF = Formerly restricted data (FRD) IC = Intelligence Components Only LA = Limited LU = Limited official use UB = NFIB (National Foreign Intelligence Board) departments only (NFIB ONLY) DA = No Dissemination Abroad NT = Noncompartmented NC = Not releasable to contractors/consultants FN = Not releasable to foreign national (DoD) NF = Not releasable to foreign nationals (NOFORN) NS = NSC Participating Agencies Only IN = Personal Data - Privacy Act EZ = Releasable to Republic of Vietnam RD = Restricted Data (RD) SA = SAO SL = SAO Handling Caveat #1 (SAO-1) HA = SAO Handling Caveat #2 (SAO-2) HB = SAO Handling Caveat #3 (SAO-3) SK = SAO Special Intelligence Handling Caveat #2 (SAO-SI-2) HC = SAO Special Intelligence Handling Caveat #3 (SAO-SI-3) HD = SAO Special Intelligence Handling Caveat #4 (SAO-SI-4) SH = Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) SE = Single Integrated Operational Plan/Extremely Sensitive Information (SIOP/ESI) SC = Special Control SU = Special Handling Required/Not Releasable to foreign Nationals SI = Special Intelligence (SI) SN = Special Intelligence Handling Caveat #1 (SI-1) EP = Authorized for release to Australia (REL AUSTRALIA) EN = Authorized for release to Canada (REL CANADA) ER = This information has been authorized for release to CENTO (REL CENTO) BZ = Authorized for release to Chile (REL CHILE) EK = Authorized for release to Denmark (REL DENMARK) EQ = Authorized for release to Federal Republic of Germany (FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) FR = Authorized for release to France (REL FRANCE) IG = Authorized for release to Greece (REL GREECE) FV = Authorized for release to Israel (REL ISRAEL) FY = Authorized for release to Italy (REL ITALY) PM = Authorized for release to Japan (REL JAPAN) MR = Authorized for release to Jordan (REL JORDAN) ET = Authorized for release to NATO (REL NATO) FP = Authorized for release to NATO Forces (REL NATO FORCES) FC = Authorized for release to New Zealand (REL NEW ZEALAND EF = Authorized for release to Norway (REL NORWAY) FX = Authorized for release to Taiwan (REL TAIWAN) EO = Authorized for release to Republic of Korea (REL REPUBLIC OF KOREA) ES = This Information has been Authorized for release to SEATO (REL SEATO) IS = Authorized for release to Denmark FW = Authorized for release to Spain (REL SPAIN) ED = Authorized for release to Sweden (REL SWEDEN) PF = Authorized for release to Thailand (REL THAILAND) EA = Authorized for release to Turkey (REL TURKEY) WN = Authorized for release to United Kingdom (REL UNITED KINGDOM) WI = Warning Notice - Intelligence sources or Methods Involved WNINTEL) |
cadrg_toc_boundary_rectangle_ |
reader |
A 5-byte ASCII character string encoded as follows: 55:1 = Digital product compressed approximately 55:1 with respect to the uncompressed data. |
cadrg_toc_boundary_rectangle_ |
reader and writer |
A 12-byte ACII character string identifying in human-readable form the norminal scale (e.g. “1:1M”, 1:12.5K”) or nominal resolution (e.g. “100m” or “50m” that produced the frame files associated with the boundary rectangle record. |
cadrg_toc_boundary_rectangle_ |
reader |
A 1-byte ASCII character string encoded as follows, identifying in human-readable form the latitudinal zone described in the frame files associated with the boundary rectangle record. The following values are the nominal values. The actual values might be different in different scales: 1, A = 0 to 32 arc degree 2, B = 32 to 48 arc degree 3, C = 48 to 56 arc degree 4, D = 56 to 64 arc degree 5, E = 64 to 68 arc degree 6, F = 68 to 72 arc degree 7, G = 72 to 76 arc degree 8, H = 76 to 80 arc degree 9, J = 80 to 90 arc degree |
cadrg_toc_boundary_rectangle_producer |
reader and writer |
A 5-byte ASCII character string encoded as follows, identifying in human-readable form a designator for the organization (e.g. “DMAAC”, “SOCAP”, “AFESC”) that produced the frame files associated with this boundary rectangle record: AFACC = Air Force Air Combat Command AFESC = Air Force Electronic Systems Center DMAAC = Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center DMAHC = Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic Topographic Center DMARC = Defense Mapping Agency Reston Center DMASC = Defense Mapping Agency Systems Center SOCAF = Air Force Special Operations Command SOCOM = United States Special Operations Command PACAF = Pacific Air Forces USAFE = United States Air Force, Europe |
cadrg_toc_boundary_rectangle_product_data_type |
A 5-byte ASCII character string encoded as “CADRG”. |
cadrg_toc_boundary_rectangle_num_frames_in_north_ |
reader |
A 4-byte unsigned integer >= 1 specifying the number of frames in the north-south or up-down direction comprising the virtual geographic matrix of frame files that are contained within the boundary rectangle whose corner coordinates are given in the boundary rectangle record. |
cadrg_toc_boundary_rectangle_num_frames_in_east_ |
reader |
A 4-byte unsigned integer >= 1 specifying the number of frames in the east-west or left-right direction comprising the virtual geographic matrix of frame files that are contained within the boundary rectangle whose corner coordinates are given in this boundary rectangle record. |
cadrg_toc_frame_id |
reader |
A unique identifier for the frame file. |
cadrg_toc_frame_highest_ |
reader and writer |
A 1-byte ASCII character field indicating the highest security classification assigned to any frame file indexed in the frame file index section, similar to cadrg_toc_security_classification. |
cadrg_toc_frame_boundary_rectangle_record_number |
reader |
An index number to identify the boundary rectangle in the dataset. |
cadrg_toc_frame_row_number |
reader |
An unsigned integer, 0 <= frame location row number <= number of frames in north-south or up-down direction - 1, defining the north-south or up-down coordinate of the frame file identified in the frame file index record, within the virtual matrix of frame files that comprise the corresponding boundary rectangle record. The frame location row numbers are assigned in ascending order beginning at the southernmost or lowest edge of the boundary rectangle. |
cadrg_toc_frame_column_number |
reader |
An unsigned integer, 0 <= frame location column number <= number of frames in east-west or left-right direction - 1, defining the east-west or left-right coordinate of the frame file identified in the frame file index record, within the virtual matrix of frame files that comprise the corresponding boundary rectangle record. The frame location column numbers are assigned in ascending order beginning at the westernmost or leftmost edge of the boundary rectangle. |
cadrg_toc_frame_file_name |
reader |
A 12-byte ASCII character field identifying a frame file recorded on this volume. |
cadrg_toc_frame_geographic_ |
reader |
A 6-byte ASCII character string defining the geographic location of the southwest or lower left corner of the frame file identified in the frame file index record in GEOREF notation, encoded as specified in DMA TM 8358.1, section 5-4. |
cadrg_toc_frame_file_security_classification |
reader |
A 1-byte ASCII character field coded to indicate the security level (e.g. unclassified, confidential, secret) of the indexed frame file, similar to cadrg_toc_security_classification. |
cadrg_toc_frame_file_security_country_international_code |
reader and writer |
A 1-byte ASCII character field coded to indicate the security level (e.g. unclassified, confidential, secret) of the indexed frame file, similar to the cadrg_toc_security_country_international_code. |
cadrg_toc_frame_file_security_release_marking |
reader and writer |
A 2-byte ASCII character string coded to indicate any special handling or releasability restrictions assigned to the contents of the indexed frame file, similar to cadrg_toc_security_release_marking. |
cadrg_toc_frame_pathname |
reader |
A variable-length ASCII character string defining the pathname for a given frame file (e.g. “./CONC/CONCZ02” for a frame file stored in the folder /RPF/CONC/CONCZ02). |
cadrg_frame_endian_indicator |
reader and writer |
A 1-byte field indicating that the frame file is recorded in little endian format or big endian format similar to cadrg_toc_endian_indicator. |
cadrg_frame_file_name |
reader |
Same as cadrg_toc_frame_file_name. |
cadrg_frame_new_replacement_ |
reader |
A 1-byte unsigned integer for the frame encoded as similar to cadrg_toc_new_replacement_update_indicator. |
cadrg_frame_governing_specification_number |
reader |
A 15-byte ASCII character string defining the document number of the product specification to which the format of this frame file conforms. |
cadrg_frame_governing_specification_date |
reader |
An 8-byte ASCII character string in the format YYYYMMDD defining the effective date of the product specification to which the format of this frame file conforms. |
cadrg_frame_security_classification |
reader and writer |
A 1-byte ASCII character coded to indicate the security level (e.g. unclassified, confidential secret) of this file, same as cadrg_toc_security_classification. |
cadrg_frame_security_country_ |
reader and writer |
A 2-byte ASCII character string coded to indicate the originating country or international affiliation of the security classification of the frame file, same as cadrg_toc_frame_file_security_country_international_code. |
cadrg_frame_security_release_ |
reader and writer |
A 2-byte ASCII character string coded to indicate any special handling or releasability restrictions assigned to the contents of this file, same as cadrg_toc_frame_file_security_release_marking. |
cadrg_frame_data_series_code |
A 4-byte ASCII character string coded to indicate the scale of the destination dataset: GN - 1:5,000,000, Global Navigation Chart JN - 1:2,000,000, Jet Navigation Chart ON - 1:1,000,000, Operational Navigation Chart TP - 1:500,000, Tactical Pilotage Chart LF - 1:500,000, Low Flying Chart JG - 1:250,000, Joint Operations Graphic JA - 1:250,000, Joint Operations Graphic - Air JR - 1:250,000, Joint Operations Graphic - Radar TF - 1:250,000, Transit Flying Chart AT - 1:200,000, Series 200 Air Target Chart TC - 1:100,000, Topographic Line Map TL - 1:50,000, Topographic Line Map HA - Various Scale, Harbor and Approach Charts CO - Various Scale, Coastal Charts OA - Various Scale, Naval Range Operating Area Chart CG - Various Scale, City Graphics CM - Various Scale, Combat Charts MM - Various Scale, Miscellaneous Maps and Charts |