Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), the Azure Table module makes use of the following special attribute names:

Attribute Name



The type of geometric entity stored within the feature. The valid values for the object model are listed below:



The UTC date and time value formatted as a string representing the time this table was last updated. For example: 2010-10-12 18:23:47.574000


The unique value for the partition that this row will be a part of. Partitioning helps with load balancing on the server when retrieving data.

If no value is provided, a random GUID is used. This random GUID is generated once per table, per translation. Any text value is permissible.


This attribute allow the user to specify or retrieve a unique identifier per row. If set this should be unique per input feature. If no value is provided a unique GUID will be generated for each row inserted into a given table.