You are here: Web User Interface > Using the Interface > Run Workspace

Running and Configuring Workspaces

To Run a Workspace

Note: Workspace templates cannot be run from FME Server.

  1. On the Run Workspace page, specify:
    1. The repository in which the workspace is held.
    2. The workspace you want to run.
    3. An FME Server service that the workspace is registered to run.
    4. Optionally, an e-mail address to deliver results. This option allows you to receive e-mail notification when the translation is complete, rather than wait for a completion message on this page.
    5. Note: To receive e-mail, the following FME Server email subscribers must be properly configured: DataDownload_Email_JobFailure, DataDownload_Email_JobSucess, JobSubmitter_Email_JobFailure, JobSubmitter_Email_JobSuccess. For more information, see Configuring FME Server to Send E-mail Notifications.

  2. Under Published parameters, provide any published parameters or other settings specific to the FME Server service.
  3. If any published parameters represent data files, this page allows you to upload files to FME Server, making use of the Data Upload Service behind the scenes. This service works in conjunction with the Data Download, Data Streaming, and Job Submitter services to upload files.

    Note: Any "Feature Types to Read" published parameters that contain spaces must be enclosed in double quotes. For example, "Bus Routes".

  4. (Optional) Expand Advanced. This section shows:
  5. Job Priority (optional): The priority of the job that is run by the workspace.

    Job Queue (optional): The job queue in which to run the job. If not specified, the job is placed in the job queue of the repository to which the workspace belongs.

    Queued Job Expiry Time (optional): The length of time, in seconds, after which a job that is waiting in queue does not execute. If the job does not execute before this time is reached, it remains in the queue until it is ready to execute, but execution is not attempted. This directive is useful for time-sensitive jobs that you do not want to run after the specified time is exceeded.

    Running Job Expiry Time (optional): The time, in seconds, a job will remain in the running state. This directive is used to ensure that a job does not hang and block an FME Engine indefinitely. The minimum allowable value is 1.

    Run Until Cancelled (optional): If checked, the job runs continuously, even after a server shutdown or crash, until it is explicitly canceled.

    Sharable Url: Share this URL with other users to run the workspace from the Web User Interface, using the default settings when the workspace was published to FME Server. To run, users require the necessary permission.

    Direct Url Example: HTTP syntax of the job request as it is currently configured.

    Published Parameters: Details of any published parameters.

  6. Click Run. You might see an intermediate page indicating that processing has begun.

The resulting web page indicates whether the job submission was successful.

To Unregister a Service from a Workspace

To unregister a service from a workspace, use FME Workbench to "republish" the workspace to FME Server. On the "Register Workspace Services" page of the "Publish to FME Server Wizard," unselect the service you want to unregister. For more information, see the FME Workbench help.

To Unregister a Workspace from a Repository

To unregister a workspace from a repository, use FME Workbench to "republish" the workspace to FME Server. On the "Register Workspace Services" page of the "Publish to FME Server Wizard," unselect all the FME Server Web Services. Although the workspace is still considered "published," it is no longer visible in FME Server. For more information, see the FME Desktop Help.