You are here: Reference Manual > FME Server Web Services > Notification Service > Publishers > Configuring an Email (SMTP) Publication

Configuring an Email (SMTP) Publication

In the FME Server Web User Interface, select Notifications > Publications, and click New.Provide the following:

  • A name for the publication.
  • Protocol: Email(SMTP).
  • Specify the Topics you want to publish to using the drop-down selector. To create a topic and use it right away, click +.
  • Email User Name:
    • To e-mail FME Server directly, enter the user account name to receive the e-mail on the FME Server host system. For example, if the FME Server host name is services.internal, and the e-mail address is user@services.internal, enter user.
    • To e-mail a separate server that relays the e-mail to FME Server, enter the user name of the e-mail address on the e-mail server. For example, if the e-mail address is, enter user.
    • Note: A rule must be configured on the e-mail server that relays e-mails for the specified Email User Name on to FME Server. The rule must specify the FME Server machine name and SMTP port. To determine the port, see Configuring for SMTP.

  • Note: Email addresses cannot be duplicated across Email publications. There must be a unique email address for each email publication. Email addresses are case-insensitive.

Click OK.

Notification Content

The notification content that is generated by the email publisher includes the following keywords:

  • fns_type – The value is “email_publisher” to identify the message is being relayed via the Email publisher.
  • email_publisher_from – The email address of the email client that sent the mail.
  • email_publisher_to – The email address that received the email (The same as what is configured in the Email publication).
  • email_publisher_subject – The email subject
  • email_publisher_content{n} – The email message content. Multiple "contents" appear in conjunction with multiple "content types," and have a suffix starting at {0}, {1}, {2}, and so on.
  • email_publisher_content_type{n} – The email message content type. Multiple content types have a suffix starting at {0}, {1}, {2}, and so on. The most common content types are text/plain and text/html.
  • email_publisher_sent – The date the email was sent
  • email_publisher_received – The date the email was received
  • email_publisher_attachment{n} – The attachment directory. Multiple attachments have a suffix starting at {0}, {1}, {2}, and so on. Forward slashes are supported. Backslashes must be escaped as double blackslashes.

The following is a sample JSON notification message published by the Email publisher upon receiving an email to address '':


"fns_type": "email_publisher",

"email_publisher_to": "",

"email_publisher_subject": "MIME message from sender",

"email_publisher_content{0}": "Testing Email",

"email_publisher_content_type{0}": "text/plain",

"email_publisher_from": "",

"email_publisher_received": "Thu May 17 11:15:46 PDT 2012",

"email_publisher_sent": "Thu May 17 11:15:46 PDT 2012",

"email_publisher_attachment{0}": "C:\\Temp\\demo246129673106713_canada.xsd"
