You are here: Reference Manual > FME Server Web Services > Notification Service > Publishers > Configuring the Publisher

Configuring the Publisher

  1. In the FME Server Web User Interface, select Notifications > Publications, and click New.
  2. Name: Provide a name for your Publication.
  3. Protocol: Select Amazon SQS.
  4. Topics To Publish To: Specify the Topics you want to publish to using the drop-down selector. To create a topic and use it right away, click +.
  5. SQS Queue URL: Provide the URL of the queue.
  6. AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key: Provide your AWS security credentials.
  7. Delete Message After Received: If Yes, the publisher deletes the Amazon SQS message from FME Server after it is published. If No, the publisher does not delete the message. (Instead, a corresponding subscriber process is responsible for deleting it.)
  8. Visibility Timeout: The time, in seconds, beginning when the publisher starts, during which other SQS publishers cannot access the same message from the Amazon SQS queue.
  9. Click OK. Your publication is now configured to receive messages from the specified queue.


The publisher associates elements in the incoming messages with the following keywords:

Keyword Description
sqs_md5 MD5 of the message.
sqs_message_id ID of the message.
sqs_publisher_content Body of the message.
sqs_receipt_handle Receipt handle of the message.

See Also