Configure an Instance

After connecting to an FME Flow Hosted instance, there are a few things you should do to ensure your instance is optimally secured.

  1. Review the open ports on the instance to see if you can close any of them. For more information, see Configuring Security.
  2. If you plan to use the PostGIS database, connect to the database and set up your own roles and users. If you do not need the database, delete rule 5432 from the instance security. For more information, see Deleting a Security Rule.
  3. Note   For information about connecting to external databases, see How to Connect FME Flow Hosted to an External Database in the FME Community.
  4. Configure your own user logins and roles rather than using the fmesuperuser role. For more information, see the Security section of the FME Flow documentation.

What's Next?

You are now ready to start publishing workspaces to FME Flow.