Adding, Updating, and Removing Account Users

An account user belonging to the owner or admin role can add users to an account, change the role of an account user, and remove an account.

To add an account user

  1. Open the Account Settings page: Click your account name (upper right), and select Settings.
  2. On the Members tab, click Invite Member.
  3. In the Invite member dialog, specify the First name, Last name, and Email address of the new user.
  4. Specify the role for this new user. You cannot assign the owner role to a new user. However, this can be changed after the user joins the account. For more information, see below.
  5. Click Invite Member.

The new user is now listed on the Account Members page, and an invitation e-mail is sent to the new user. Under INVITATION, it reads 'Invitation pending' until the user receives the e-mail and joins the account.

To change the role of a user

  1. Open the Account Settings page: Click your account name (upper right), and select Settings.
  2. On the Members tab, click inside the role of the user you want to update, and select a different role. Note that if you select owner, the current owner auto-updates to become an admin.

To remove a user

If you are logged in as an admin user, you can remove your own account. This action is the same as closing your account.

  1. Open the Account Settings page: Click your account name (upper right), and select Settings.
  2. On the Members tab, click the ellipsis (...) beside the user you want to remove, and select Remove. You cannot remove the account owner.