GeoJSON (Geographic JavaScript Object Notation) Reader Parameters

Attribute Parameters

Flatten Nested JSON Values into Attributes

When this parameter is set to No, the reader will create string attributes that contain JSON objects and arrays. For example:

Attribute(encoded: utf-8) `friends' has value `[{"id":0,"name":"Ursula Tucker"},{"id":1,"name":"Jennie Gutierrez"},{"id":2,"name":"Camacho Neal"}]'
Attribute(encoded: utf-8) `tags' has value `["reprehenderit","qui","ullamco","ullamco","do"]'

When this parameter is set to Yes, these values will be split into multiple attributes. For example,

Attribute(64 bit integer)

`friends{0}.id' has value `0'

Attribute(encoded: utf-8) `friends{0}.name' has value `Ursula Tucker'
Attribute(64 bit integer) `friends{1}.id' has value `1'
Attribute(encoded: utf-8) `friends{1}.name' has value `Jennie Gutierrez'
Attribute(64 bit integer) `friends{2}.id' has value `2'

Attribute(encoded: utf-8)

`friends{2}.name' has value `Camacho Neal'
Attribute(encoded: utf-8) `tags{0}' has value `reprehenderit'

Attribute(encoded: utf-8)

`tags{1}' has value `qui'

Attribute(encoded: utf-8)

`tags{2}' has value `ullamco'

Attribute(encoded: utf-8)

`tags{3}' has value `ullamco'

Attribute(encoded: utf-8)

`tags{4}' has value `do'

Schema Attributes

Use Network Authentication

Note  This parameter is always visible in some formats, and visible in other formats only when the dataset is a URL.