
autocad_entity: autocad_insert

Inserts are point features used in AutoCAD to specify block locations and associated attribution. Inserts are another way in which attribution is stored within an AutoCAD drawing file. The features returned from the AutoCAD reader encapsulate all the information from the AutoCAD insert entity and all attribute entities that are associated with the insert entity.

Insert features can be thought of as block references. They represent the location of an instance of a block definition. When passing features to the AutoCAD writer, those features with the type autocad_insert can be used to match existing block definitions in the TEMPLATE file.

If an attribute passed to the writer is defined by an AutoCAD Attribute Definition in the TEMPLATE file, then the placement of the attribute is taken from the TEMPLATE file unless it is overridden by the attributes shown in the table below.

If the position of the attribute is not specified in a TEMPLATE file and is not specified in the attributes below, then the attributes are placed at the insert location. Apart from the user-defined attributes specified within it, each insert entity also has the following attributes.

Note: Insert Attribute parameters are stored in two locations on the Insert feature:

  • in the respective autocad_<atr_name>_* attributes
  • in the fme_attrib_info list

In a typical conversion, if the feature being written to AutoCAD has both sets of parameters (for example, in a DWG-to-DWG conversion), the fme_attrib_info list takes priority. If you are modifying the attribute contents or parameters as part the conversion, you may wish to remove the fme_attrib_info list before writing.

Note, however, that the autocad_<atr_name>_* attributes take priority if the Writer parameter Attribute Output is set to Inserts.

Attribute Name






Used when attributes are associated with the insert elements, enabling the location of the attributes to be specified for display purposes. This specifies the alignment location where the attributes are to be placed.

Note that the FME attributes may contain different values than the AutoCAD attributes. This is because the values of the FME attributes will be modified if the justification is not baseline_left in an attempt to be more useful when translating into or out of other formats that support these FME attributes.

Range: any 64-bit floating point value


  • 0,0,0 (for the AutoCAD attributes)
  • Value of fme_attrib_info{N}.location_[x|y|z] (for the FME attributes)



A bit-coded value. Values can be combined by using addition. Possible values are:

  • 1 = The attribute is invisible (does not appear).
  • 2 = The attribute contains a constant value.
  • 4 = Verification is required on input of this attribute.
  • 8 = Attribute is preset (no prompt during insertion).

If the fme_attrib_info{N}.attribute_flag attribute is used, the invisibility bit will get overwritten by the fme_attrib_info{N}.isVisible attribute.

If the autocad_<attr_name>_attribute_flag attribute is used, the invisibility bit will get overwritten by autocad_attribute_display if the attributes autocad_visible_attributes{} and autocad_invisible_attributes{} are specified.

Default: 0 if no attribute definitions exist for the attribute (that is, when the Attribute Output parameter is set to Inserts, or autocad_attributes attribute is set to insert_attributes), or value from the attribute definition if attribute definitions are used.


The color number of the attribute. See autocad_color for more information.

Default: The color of the layer on which the insert is placed (not the same as COLOR_BYLAYER).



This specifies the height of the attribute in ground units.

Range: Any 64-bit floating point number

Default: 1


The justification of the attribute relative to its insertion point (not its alignment point).


  • autocad_top_left
  • autocad_top_center
  • autocad_top_right
  • autocad_top_middle
  • autocad_top_aligned
  • autocad_top_fit
  • autocad_middle_left
  • autocad_middle_center
  • autocad_middle_right
  • autocad_middle_middle
  • autocad_middle_aligned
  • autocad_middle_fit
  • autocad_bottom_left
  • autocad_bottom_center
  • autocad_bottom_right
  • autocad_bottom_middle
  • autocad_bottom_aligned
  • autocad_bottom_fit
  • autocad_baseline_left
  • autocad_baseline_center
  • autocad_baseline_right
  • autocad_baseline_middle
  • autocad_baseline_aligned
  • autocad_baseline_fit

Default: No default



The layer on which the attribute definition, corresponding to this attribute, was created.

Default: none



This specifies the rotation of the attribute, measured in degrees.

Range: Degree of rotation measured counter-clockwise from the horizontal.

Default: 0



The name of the text style for the attribute. For this attribute to be used by the writer, a template file containing the text style must be specified.

Default: No default



Used when attributes are associated with the insert elements enabling the location of the attributes to be specified for display purposes. This specifies the offset from the location of the insert.

Range: Any 64-bit floating point number

Default: x, y and z value of insert coordinate







Used when attributes are associated with the insert elements, enabling the location of the attributes to be specified for display purposes. This specifies the exact location where the attributes are to be placed.

Note that the FME attributes may contain different values than the AutoCAD attributes. This is because the values of the FME attributes will be modified if the justification is not baseline_left in an attempt to be more useful when translating into or out of other formats that support these FME attributes.

Range: Any 64-bit floating point number


  • x, y, and z value of insert coordinate (for the AutoCAD attributes)
  • 0,0,0 (for the FME attributes)


(used by the reader only)

Specifies the default attribute value.

Range: text string


(used by the reader only)

Specifies the prompt that is displayed when you insert a block containing this attribute definition.

Range: text string


(used by the reader only)

Indicates the tag used for “Attribute” definition.

Range: text string


Indicates if the attribute values are to be visible or invisible. This will not override the visibility flag found in an existing template file attribute definition.

Range: visible | invisible

Default: invisible


Used during writing to indicate if attributes are also to be stored with the insert entity. This must be specified if feature attributes are to be written as insert attributes to the AutoCAD output file.

This attribute affects both the creation of block attributes when writer parameter Attribute Output is set to Inserts, and the creation of blocks during automatic block creation.

Range: true | false

Default: true


This attribute is set on members of an exploded block. It holds the handle of the block insert from which the members originated.




The insert point location of the block reference entity.

When reading, these attributes are added to the block reference component entities when the reader parameters Explode Blocks into Entities and Store Insert Location on Components are both enabled.

When writing, these attributes set the insert point of blocks during automatic block creation.

Range: 64-bit floating point number

Default: 0


The name of the block insert to be inserted.

Range: char[33]

Default: FMEBLOCK<block_number> where block_number is some unique positive integer > 0.


An integer assigned to each block reference (insert) read, which is added to insert point features, and any features that represent entities exploded from a block reference. This attribute is useful in relating block component entities together after exploding blocks.

Range: A unique positive integer > 0

Default: None


The column spacing for the insert.

Range: 64-bit floating point number > 0

Default: 0


The list of attributes that are set to be invisible. This is a list attribute. This list will override the visibility flag found in an existing template file attribute definition.

If the string values of attributes in this list have embedded line feed characters, then multi-line attributes will be written.


The column count for the insert.

Range: 0..65536

Default: 1


The row count for the insert.

Range: 0..65536

Default: 1


The rotation of the inserted block, counterclockwise from horizontal.

Range: -360.0 ..360.0

Default: 0


The row spacing for the insert.

Range: 64-bit floating point number > 0

Default: 0


The size of the inserted block in ground units in the x direction. This value will be used to set the scale factor of the inserted block, and takes precedence over the value for autocad_xscale.

Range: Any positive real number

Default: No default


The size of the inserted block in ground units in the y direction. This value will be used to set the scale factor of the inserted block, and takes precedence over the value for autocad_yscale.

Range: Any positive real number

Default: No default


The size of the inserted block in ground units in the z direction. This value will be used to set the scale factor of the inserted block, and takes precedence over the value for autocad_zscale.

Range: Any positive real number

Default: No default


The temporary name assigned to a dynamic block after it has been modified. If the block has not been modified or is not dynamic, this parameter will be the same as autocad_block_name.

Range: char[33]


The list of attributes that are set to be visible. This is a list attribute. This list will override the visibility flag found in an existing template file attribute definition.

If the string values of attributes in this list have embedded line feed characters, then multi-line attributes will be written.


The scale factor for the inserted block in the x direction.

Range: 64-bit floating point number

Default: 1


The scale factor for the inserted block in the y direction.

Range: 64-bit floating point number

Default: 1


The scale factor for the inserted block in the z direction.

Range: 64-bit floating point number

Default: 1




These list attributes hold the color of the Nth attribute in RGB values, ranged between 0.0 and 1.0.

Range: real number 0.0-1.0 (inclusive)

Default: No default


The source of the color. If the attribute’s color does not come from the block or layer, then it is given the value explicit.


  • use_layer
  • use_block
  • explicit



This list attribute hold the name of the Nth attribute.

This attribute should be in the same order and match the attribute definition tag name for the block referenced. Doing otherwise may create unexpected insert attribute data.

Note  Changing this attribute in AutoCAD-to-AutoCAD translations is not recommended.

Range: text string


This list attribute hold the size of the Nth attribute.

Range integer

Default: 0


This list attribute holds the value of the Nth attribute.

Range: text string


The generation of the Nth attribute.


  • normal
  • upside_down
  • backwards
  • upsidedown_backwards

Default: normal


These list attributes indicate whether or not the Nth attribute should be displayed.


Default: FALSE


The justification of the attribute relative to its insertion point (not its alignment point).


  • top_left
  • top_center
  • top_right
  • top_middle
  • top_aligned
  • top_fit
  • middle_left
  • middle_center
  • middle_right
  • middle_middle
  • middle_aligned
  • middle_fit
  • bottom_left
  • bottom_center
  • bottom_right
  • bottom_middle
  • bottom_aligned
  • bottom_fit
  • baseline_left
  • baseline_center
  • baseline_right
  • baseline_middle
  • baseline_aligned
  • baseline_fit

Default: baseline_left


This specifies the obliquing angle of the attribute, which causes the text to lean to the right or left of vertical, where positive numbers indicate to the right.

For convenience, the AutoCAD reader and writer will treat the range of values from 275.0..360.0, as an alternative specification of the range from -85.0..0.

Range: -85.0 ..85.0

Default: 0


The scaling applied in the x direction, which makes the text wider or narrower. However, this does not affect the weight (boldness) of the text string.

Range: 64-bit floating point number > 0 and <= 10000

Default: 1