What is FME Hub?

Get Started!

FME Hub is a free community platform for sharing and accessing customized FME content such as transformers, formats, templates, and web connections. It's a valuable resource for finding solutions and enhancing your FME experience.

Users can freely download tools, and with an account, store their own creations privately or share them publicly to contribute to the FME community.

FME Hub content includes:

  • Safe Official items: Explore and download content provided by the Safe Development team.
  • Verified Publisher items: Explore and download high-quality content provided by external vendors.
  • Community items: Explore and download content provided by external vendors.
  • Publishers: Store your own creations privately or share them publicly to contribute to the FME community.

Engage with FME Hub content:

  • Bookmark items and receive notifications when they are updated.
  • Comment on items to engage with the FME community.
  • Receive monthly digests of new items added to FME Hub, keeping you updated on the latest tools and solutions.

Getting Started with FME Hub