FME Flow: 2025.0


Select Jobs > Completed.

Finished jobs appear in the Completed table. By default, jobs older than four weeks are removed from the table. To change the length of time completed jobs appear, adjust the Job History scheduled cleanup task.

The following columns are available to display in the Completed table:

Note  Some fields do not display by default. To control which columns display, click the Customize Columns icon.
Tip  You can filter the list of jobs based on the values of some columns. To set filters, expand the Filters drop-down.
  • Id: The unique ID of the completed job.
  • Workspace: The workspace request that was run.
  • Repository: The repository containing the workspace that was run.
  • Username: The FME Flow user that ran the job. When a job is run directly through the FME Flow web services, this value matches the value of Ran By. When a job runs in the context of these FME Flow mechanisms, Username means the following:
  • Ran By: The FME Flow user that ran a job. When a job is run directly through the FME Flow web services, this value matches the value of Username. When a job runs in the context of these FME Flow mechanisms, Ran By means the following:
  • Status: The status of the finished job. To learn more click on the job to examine its properties and log file.
  • Logs: Indicates if any errors or warnings were logged when the job ran. Click the icon to view the job log, filtered by errors and/or warnings.
  • Started: The date and time when the job was started.
  • Finished: The date and time when the job was finished.
  • Source Name: Identifier of the FME Flow mechanism from which the job originated, such as an Automations ID or Schedule Category name. If the source is a mechanism that was removed after the job was submitted (such as an automation, automation app, schedule, or stream), this field indicates that it is a Deleted mechanism.
  • Source Type: FME Flow mechanism from which the job originated, such as Automations or Schedules. Source Type FME Flow means the job originated from a remote engine.
  • Queue Type: The type of queue in which the job ran:
    • System: The queue is configured to run jobs on the native FME Flow.
    • Remote: The queue is configured to route jobs to a remote engine.
    • Note   Jobs that run on Remote queues appear as System when viewed on the remote FME Flow on which the job ran.
  • Engine: The name of the FME engine that processed the job and the FME Flow host on which the engine was running.
  • Queue: The queue in which the job ran.
  • % CPU: The percentage of total processing time that is recorded as CPU time, calculated as CPU Time / Elapsed Time.
  • CPU Time: Total CPU time to run the job, as recorded by the FME Flow REST API.
  • Note  The REST API record of CPU Time differs from FME Flow and FME Form logs because it includes additional start and end scripting, and is a more accurate report of total processing time.
  • Elapsed Time: Total processing time of the job, calculated as Finished - Started.
  • Peak Memory Usage: The peak memory used by the FME Engine while processing a job, minus the memory in use by the FME Engine at the beginning of the job.
  • Note  Due to differences between FME Form and FME Flow in how FME Engines restart between translations, FME Form does not subtract the memory in use by the FME Engine at the beginning of the job when reporting Peak Memory Usage, but simply records peak memory at any time during the translation. With this additional calculation, FME Flow provides a more accurate report of Peak Memory Usage, and in particular, a more accurate value when reporting Average Peak Memory Usage for workspace metrics.