FME Flow: 2025.0
Workspace Apps
Select Flow Apps > Manage Workspace Apps.
Workspace apps allow FME Flow clients to run workspaces from a web browser. The "apps" are shared as URLs, and may be presented through customizable web pages.
When you create a workspace app to run a workspace, FME Flow generates a URL for the workspace, along with a security token. The token allows anyone with the URL to run the workspace and configure published parameters, without authenticating to FME Flow.
- You can provide your clients with access to multiple workspace apps and other links from a single, customizable web page. For more information, see Gallery Apps.
- Workspace apps provide some Progressive Web App (PWA) features, such as Add to Home Screen (A2HS). For more information, see this FME Community article.
The Workspace Apps tab of the Flow Apps page lists the workspace apps that have been created.
By default, all apps are enabled to run when created. Disabled apps do not run, even if their tokens are not expired. To disable or enable an app, select an app, then select Actions > Disable or Enable.
From the Actions menu, you can also Remove an app or Change Expiration of an app.
To view and run an app, or copy an app's URL, click the View or URL icon of the corresponding app, respectively.
To edit a workspace app, click on it.
To Create a Workspace App
- Click Create under the Workspace Apps tab, or select Flow Apps > Create Workspace App. Alternatively, to duplicate an existing workspace app and revise, select an app, and select Actions > Duplicate. The Create Workspace (or Duplicating) App dialog opens. Complete or update the following:
- Name: Provide a name for the app. The name appears on the run page for the app. App names are case-insensitive.
- Title (optional): Provide a title for the app. The title appears in place of Name on the run page for the app.
- Description (optional): Provide a description for the app. The description appears on the run page for the app. Use the toolbar widgets to customize the appearance of the description, as desired.
- Repository: The repository of the workspace you want the app to run.
- Workspace: The workspace you want the app to run.
- Service: An FME Flow service that the workspace is registered to run.
- Expiration: The expiration date and time of the security token of the app. After the token expires, the app will not run. The default expiration is 10 years from the current date.
- Require Authentication: If enabled, access to the app is restricted to designated Users or Roles in FME Flow. Designated users must first log in to FME Flow with their username and password before access is granted. Access is denied to all others. To enable, click the slider. Click inside the Allowed Users box to add the users and roles you want to grant access.
- User Can Upload: If the workspace uses the Data Upload Service, this setting allows users to upload temporary files that are used to run the workspace.
- Parameter Defaults: If the workspace has published parameters, configure the default values for each one when the app runs.
- Show in App: If checked, the app allows the user to explicitly specify a value for the parameter, or accept the default value. If unchecked, the app page does not display the parameter, and the app runs according to its default value.
- Dynamic Form Configuration
- Enable Dynamic Forms: If enabled, allows you to use a JSON schema to change default values or available choices of published parameters dynamically at runtime. For information about working with the schema, click Help.
- Schema Guide: Explains the dynamic parameters JSON schema, with an example.
- Generate Configuration: If Load Configuration at App Launch or Cascading Dynamic Parameters (below) is enabled, this tab allows you to generate a dynamic parameters JSON configuration for any of the current set of published parameters.
- Select parameters to configure: Select the published parameters you want to configure dynamically in the JSON schema.
- Parameter Schema: The JSON schema populates the published parameters selected in Select parameters to configure (above) with the values specified under Parameter Defaults. You can manually update these default values and make any other adjustments to the schema as desired. When finished, test and download the schema as follows:
- Click Test. The dialog displays the parameter configurations that are found. To see these parameters as they would appear in the app, click View Parameters. To close the view, click Confirm.
- To download the configuration as a JSON file, click Download.
- Click Confirm to close.
- Generate URL Parameter: If Accept Configuration from URL Parameter (below) is enabled, this tab allows you to generate a static URL from a JSON parameter configuration.
- Parameter Configuration: Paste a published parameter configuration in the form of a valid JSON schema. For assistance generating the schema, use the Parameter Schema tab (described above). When finished, click Generate URL. The URL appears below. Click on the URL to open it in your browser. To copy, click Copy URL.
- Accept Configuration from URL Parameter: If enabled, a URL pushes URL-encoded JSON parameter configurations to launch the app. The URL must supply the configurations through a query string parameter named dynamicParameterData.
- Load Configuration at App Launch: If enabled, the app pulls JSON parameter configurations when it launches. Configurations are pulled from the specified Data Source:
- Resource: Parameter configurations derive from a JSON schema in Resources.
- Workspace: Parameter configurations derive from a workspace that returns the required JSON schema.
- URL: Parameter configurations derive from a URL, such as an external web service.
Tip To display the parameter configurations from the specified Data Source, click Test. To see the parameters as they would appear in the app, click View Parameters. - Cascading Dynamic Parameters: When enabled on any published parameter, the app pulls a JSON choice configuration from the specified Data Source for one or more other parameters. The configuration that is pulled depends on the selected choice of this parameter. A pull request initiates each time a different choice is selected. For example, depending on the value selected for a "country" parameter, Cascading Dynamic Parameters can pull a different choice configuration for a "states-provinces" parameter.
- Resource: When a choice for this parameter is specified, the choice configuration for one or more other parameters derives from a location in Resources that is equipped with a macro to update the schema request dynamically.
- Workspace: The specified workspace runs when a choice for this parameter is specified, and returns the applicable JSON choice configuration for one or more other parameters.
- URL: When a choice for this parameter is specified, the JSON choice configuration for one or more other parameters derives from a URL, such as from an external web service. The URL is equipped with a macro that updates the schema request dynamically.
Tip To test the choice configurations from the specified Data Source, click Test. To view the choices as they would appear in the app, click View Parameters.
Working with Dynamic Form Configuration HelpThe Dynamic Parameters help dialog provides assistance in three tabs:
- Customize (optional): You can customize various elements of the run page for the app. Alternatively, to specify that the app should run as soon as its URL is invoked, without displaying a run page, enable Run Immediately (at bottom).
- Browser Icon: A clickable icon to reference the app URL.
- Heading Background Color: A background color to comprise the banner at the top of the app page. Appears behind Heading Banner, if transparent.
- Heading Logo: Appears over Heading Banner and/or Heading Background Color, centered.
- Heading Banner: An image to comprise the banner at the top of the app page. If transparent, appears over Heading Background Color.
- Footer Text: Appears beneath the Links on the app page. Use the toolbar to customize as desired.
- Footer Logo: Appears beneath Footer Text, and behind Footer Banner, if transparent.
- Footer Banner: An image to comprise the banner at the bottom of the app page. If transparent, appears over Footer Logo.
- Log Debug: When enabled, records additional information to FME Job Logs. This setting is best used when an error has previously occurred and you seek further information.
- Click OK. A message appears to indicate the app is created, along with the app URL. Click the Copy icon to copy the URL. To run the app, click the URL.
- Click OK. The Flow Apps page re-opens and lists your new app on the Workspace Apps tab.
To revert to the original default values of the workspace, click Reset Values.
The security token that FME Flow generates for the app is configured with the minimal set of permissions to run the specified workspace. These permissions are shown under App Security. However, other permissions may still be required, and you may need to further test and adjust the given permissions. To adjust, click Add More Permissions. For more information about permissions in FME Flow, see Role-Based and User-Based Access Control.