FME Flow: 2025.0

FME Flow Ports

The following ports are used by FME Flow:

Diagram of FME Flow Ports

Mouse-over for diagram:

Defining an Ephemeral Port Range

FME Flow makes use of ephemeral ports. For certain processes, ports are used to establish an initial connection, after which another random port is opened for dedicated communication, freeing up the original port to connect with other services. If your FME Flow installation distributes components across a network in a locked-down environment with strict firewall rules, you must define a dedicated pool of ports that FME Flow can use for the random port assignment.

  1. Open fmeFlowConfig.txt.
  2. Locate parameter FME_SERVER_PORT_POOL, under FME SERVER SETTINGS START > Port and Host Assignments.
  3. The default value is 0, meaning the dedicated port assignment is random. Change the parameter to a valid range of available ports. For example, 7100-7150.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 with the files that correspond to the following FME Flow Web Services:
    • fmerest
    • fmedatadownload
    • fmedatastreaming
    • fmejobsubmitter
    • fmenotification
  5. Restart the FME Flow Application Server, FME Flow Core, and FME Flow Engines services to apply these changes.
  6. Create the associated firewall exceptions for this range.

Other Ports

Depending on functionality, FME Flow will also occupy additional ports, including but not limited to:

Functionality Port
Automations FTP/SFTP
SMTP Email Trigger
IMAP Email Trigger
SMTP Email Action
25 (Windows), 7125 (Linux) or 465 (secured)
993 (Gmail, Outlook, Office365, Yahoo)
465 (Gmail, Yahoo) or 587 (Outlook, Office365)
System Email 465 (Gmail, Yahoo) or 587 (Outlook, Office365)
Active Directory 389 or 636 (secured)
Proxy 8080
File Share Protocols 445
Apache Tomcat Shutdown Request
Windows: 8006
Linux: 8005
On servers running Remote Engine Services, for communication with requesting FME Flow. 443