autocad_entity: autocad_viewport
Features with autocad_entity set to autocad_viewport are read from drawing files as rectangular entities that represent viewport entities from a paper space. They will have a number of attributes that define how the viewport will appear in an AutoCAD application.
If the reader parameter Read Model Space Entities Through Viewport is selected, a representation of model space entities will be read as they appear through the viewport. These features will have the attribute autocad_viewport_handle set to the handle of the viewport they were read through. The resulting features are only a representation of model space entities and will be ignored by the writer. Writing of these features can be forced by removing the autocad_viewport_handle attribute.
Attribute Name | Content |
autocad_viewport_ambient_light_color |
The ambient light color. Range: 0...256 |
autocad_viewport_anno_scale |
The name of the current annotation scale of the viewport object, as a ratio of paper scale units to drawing scale units. Range: Any defined annotation scale in the drawing annotation scale list Default: 1:1 |
autocad_viewport_anno_scale_drawing_units |
The numeric value of the drawing scale, as a part of the current annotation scale for the viewport. Range: A real number matching the drawing scale of the current annotation scale. Default: 1.0 |
autocad_viewport_anno_scale_paper_units |
The numeric value of the paper scale, as a part of the current annotation scale for the viewport. Range: A real number matching the paper scale of the current annotation scale. Default: 1.0 |
autocad_viewport_back_clip |
Indicates whether the back clipping pane is on. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_back_clip_distance |
The distance (along the camera-target line) from the target to the back clipping plane. Positive values indicate that the clipping plane is in front of the target (between target and camera), negative values indicate that the clipping plane is behind the target. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_brightness |
The brightness factor (relative intensity of lights). Range: -10...10 |
autocad_viewport_center_point_x |
The x-axis coordinate of the center point (in paper space WCS coordinates). Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_center_point_y |
The y-axis coordinate of the center point (in paper space WCS coordinates). Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_center_point_z |
The z-axis coordinate of the center point (in paper space WCS coordinates). Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_circle_sides |
The circle zoom percentage; controls the number of sides when displaying curves an AutoCAD application. Range: 1...20000 |
autocad_viewport_contrast |
The contrast factor (intensity of ambient light, relative to other lights). Range: -10...10 |
autocad_viewport_custom_scale |
The custom scale factor. Defines the relationship between paper space units and units in the viewport. A custom scale of 0.5 would indicate that 1 unit in the viewport is 0.5 units in the paper space. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_default_lighting |
Indicates whether default lighting is on. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_default_lighting_type |
The type of default lighting being used in the viewport. Range: 0 for old type | 1 for new type |
autocad_viewport_front_clip |
Indicates whether the front clipping plane is on. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_front_clip_eye |
Indicates whether the front clipping plane is currently located at the camera. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_front_clip_distance |
The distance (along the camera-target line) from the target to the front clipping plane. Positive values indicate that the clipping plane is in front of the target (between target and camera), negative values indicate that the clipping plane is behind the target. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_grid |
Indicates whether the grid is on. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_grid_adaptive |
Indicates whether the grid adapts to display fewer lines in the viewport. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_grid_bound_limits |
Indicates whether the grid is drawn beyond limits for the WCS and UCS in the viewport. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_grid_follow |
Indicates whether the grid will follow a dynamic UCS change in the viewport. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_grid_increment_x |
The x-axis spacing (in drawing units) of the grid. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_grid_increment_y |
The y-axis spacing (in drawing units) of the grid. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_grid_major |
The number of minor grid lines between each major grid line in the viewport. Range: 1...100 |
autocad_viewport_grid_subdivision_restricted |
Indicates whether subdivisions are allowed below the minor grid spacing in the viewport. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_height |
The height of the viewport entity (in paper space WCS units). Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_hidden_lines_removed |
Indicates whether hidden lines should be removed during the plotting of the viewport entity. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_lens_length |
The lens length used when perspective mode is on for the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number greater than 0.0 |
autocad_viewport_locked |
Indicates whether the scale of the viewport entity is locked. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_non_rect_clip |
Indicates whether non-rectangular clipping is currently turned on. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_non_rect_clip_handle |
The handle of the non-rectangular clipping entity which is associated with the viewport entity. Range: char[50] |
autocad_viewport_on |
Indicates whether the viewport entity is on or off. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_perspective |
Indicates whether or not the perspective mode is on. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_plot_style_sheet |
The name of the style sheet applied to objects seen through the viewport when viewed in the native application. Range: String |
autocad_viewport_resolved_target_x |
The x coordinate of the resolved target of the viewport entity; takes into account the view target, the view center, the view direction, and twist angle. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_resolved_target_y |
The y coordinate of the resolved target of the viewport entity; takes into account the view target, the view center, the view direction, and twist angle. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_resolved_target_z |
The z coordinate of the resolved target of the viewport entity; takes into account the view target, the view center, the view direction, and twist angle. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_shade_plot |
The shade plot mode which specifies how the viewport entity will be plotted. Range: As Displayed | Wireframe | Hidden | Rendered | Visual Style | Render Preset |
autocad_viewport_snap |
Indicates whether snap mode is currently on. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_snap_angle |
The snap angle (in degrees). The snap angle is within the UCS XY plane, positive angles measured counter-clockwise from the positive UCS x-axis. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_snap_base_point_x |
The x-axis coordinate of the snap base point (in UCS coordinates). Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_snap_base_point_y |
The y-axis coordinate of the snap base point (in UCS coordinates). Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_snap_increment_x |
The x spacing of the snap grid. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_snap_increment_y |
The y spacing of the snap grid. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_snap_iso_pair |
The snap IsoPair (which indicates the current isometric plane) setting. Used when autocad_viewport_snap_isometric is set to Yes. Range: 0 for left isoplane | 1 for top isoplane | 2 for right isoplane |
autocad_viewport_snap_isometric |
Indicates whether the snap mode is currently set to isometric. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_standard_scale |
The scale of the view of the viewport entity when viewed with an AutoCAD application. Range: Scale to fit | Custom | 1:1 | 1:2 | 1:4 | 1:5 | 1:8 | 1:10 | 1:16 | 1:20 | 1:30 | 1:40 | 1:50 | 1:100 | 2:1 | 4:1 | 8:1 | 10:1 | 100:1 | 1/128" = 1'-0" | 1/64" = 1'-0" | 1/32" = 1'-0" | 1/16" = 1'-0" | 3/32" = 1'-0" | 1/8" = 1'-0" | 3/16" = 1'-0" | 1/4" = 1'-0" | 3/8" = 1'-0" | 1/2" = 1'-0" | 3/4" = 1'-0" | 1" = 1'-0" | 1-1/2" = 1'-0" | 3" = 1'-0" | 6" = 1'-0" | 1'-0" = 1'-0" | |
autocad_viewport_twist_angle | The twist angle (in degrees) of the view of the viewport entity when viewed within an AutoCAD application. The twist angle is a rotation around the view's line of sight (line from camera to target); positive angles measured counter-clockwise from the right horizontal axis. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_ucs_elevation |
The elevation of the UCS plane. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_ucs_follow_mode |
Indicates whether the viewport entity is set to generate and display a plan view in an AutoCAD application whenever the UCS changes in the viewport. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_ucs_icon_origin |
Indicates whether the viewport entity is set to have the UCS icon follow the current UCS origin. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_ucs_icon_visible |
Indicates whether the viewport entity is set to have the UCS icon display. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_ucs_origin_x |
The x coordinate of the origin point for the UCS of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_ucs_origin_y |
The y coordinate of the origin point for the UCS of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_ucs_origin_z |
The z coordinate of the origin point for the UCS of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_ucs_xdir_x |
The x coordinate of the x-axis for the UCS of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_ucs_xdir_y |
The y coordinate of the x-axis for the UCS of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_ucs_xdir_z |
The z coordinate of the x-axis for the UCS of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_ucs_ydir_x |
The x coordinate of the y-axis for the UCS of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_ucs_ydir_y |
The y coordinate of the y-axis for the UCS of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_ucs_ydir_z |
The z coordinate of the y-axis for the UCS of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_ucs_saved_with_viewport |
Indicates whether there is a UCS that is saved with the viewport entity. Range: Yes | No |
autocad_viewport_view_center_x |
The x coordinate of the view display (in display coordinate system coordinates) of the view in the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_view_center_y |
The y coordinate of the view display (in display coordinate system coordinates) of the view in the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_view_direction_x |
The x coordinate of the vector (in model space WCS coordinates) from the view's target to the view's camera of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_view_direction_y |
The y coordinate of the vector (in model space WCS coordinates) from the view's target to the view's camera of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_view_direction_z |
The z coordinate of the vector (in model space WCS coordinates) from the view's target to the view's camera of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_view_height |
The height (in model space UCS coordinates) of the model space view within the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_view_target_x |
The x coordinate of the location (in model space WCS coordinates) of the view's target of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_view_target_y |
The y coordinate of the location (in model space WCS coordinates) of the view's target of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_view_target_z |
The z coordinate of the location (in model space WCS coordinates) of the view's target of the viewport entity. Range: 64-bit floating point number |
autocad_viewport_width |
The width of the viewport entity in paper space units. Range: 64-bit floating point number |