Interpreted Format
The FME AutoCAD reader module may attempt to interpret any string held in the extended entity data if the reader parameter Read Interpreted Extended Entity Data is enabled. If enabled, and the reader is successful in interpreting any data, then it stores that data as attributes within the feature.
If it is successful in interpreting any data, then it stores it as attributes within the feature. As it is reading each extended entity string entry, it attempts to determine if the value is composed of an attribute name or value pair and, if it does, it stores the information as such. For example, if the extended entity data from the previous example were read, the following interpreted values would be stored within the FME feature.
Attribute Name |
Attribute Value |
43F4 |
3 |
43F3 |
43F2 |
The reader is able to do this by recognizing the = divider within each of the string attributes as the separator between an encoded attribute name and attribute value. The reader also recognizes a space character as a separator.
The remaining sections discuss the representation of each supported AutoCAD entity type.