Provide a Database Server

FME Server uses its own database to manage jobs and workspace information. It is not a source or destination data source for FME workspaces.

To ensure the FME Server Database remains available in a failover scenario, provide a machine on which to install the database that is physically separate from the machines on which the FME Servers are installed. In addition to being physically separate, the database server should, by itself, be configured for fault tolerance.

You can choose to install a PostgreSQL database that is included with the FME Server installer, or you can configure the FME Server Database on your own database server. If you use your own database server, keep in mind the following:

  • PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQL Server are supported. The following versions are recommended:
    • PostgreSQL: 11.x or later.
    • Oracle: 12c or later.
    • SQL Server: 2016 or later.
  • When you install the FME Servers, the database server must be running and you must know the connection information.
  • If using an Oracle database server, you must obtain the Oracle Database JDBC driver. For more information, see
  • Note  Oracle Database JDBC driver versions that use ojdbc10.jar are not supported.
  • Following installation, you must be able to create a new database on the server using SQL scripts.

For information about acquiring a fault-tolerant database server, consult your IT department.

Updating the FME Server Database Password

If you choose to install a PostgreSQL database that is included with the FME Server installer, and want to update the password for the database user account, follow these instructions: