You are here: Reference Manual > FME Server Core > Role-Based Access Control > Securing Client Applications

Securing Client Applications

All FME applications and components that access FME Server require user credentials (such as username and password) for authentication. To ensure further security control to the administrator, all clients also provide a service client ID that is used for authorization.

Web Service Client Identifier

Every resource, including web service, has a client identifier that identifies the FME Server client calling context.

To view the client ID assigned to a resource:

  1. Open the Security page of the FME Server Web User interface:
  2. http://<host>/fmeserver/security

  3. Click the Object Policies tab.
  4. Click on a service.
  5. The editing page opens, and the client ID for that resource appears in the Client ID field.

For added security, you can change the following property in the Web Service properties file:


Web service property files are stored in:
