Module fmeobjects :: Class FMEUniversalReader
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Class FMEUniversalReader

object --+

init(readerName, cacheFeatures, directives)

Create a FME reader to read data from a format or system. Only the reader's type mneumonic, as found in the FME Reference Manual Part II, need be passed in. Any parameters needed for the reader will be passed to it via its `open' call.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(readerName, cacheFeatures, directives)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__new__(T, S, ...)
Terminate the reader mid-stream.
Close the reader after it has exhausted its data source.
This method flushes cached geometries to disk.
Query the native reader for properties.
Return property values for the given property category.
open(datasetName, parameters)
Open the reader.
Return the next feature in the data source.
Return the next schema feature for the data source.
Specify the spatial and attribute constraints to be used when reading the data.
Extract reader parameters from schema feature and set the parameters on this reader.

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(readerName, cacheFeatures, directives)


x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

  • readerName (string)
  • cacheFeatures (bool) - If True then the reader builds a spatial index and caches the features enabling subsequent reads to be much faster. Only set to True when the input data is to be read multiple times. Set to False if each feature from the source dataset is only read once.
  • directives (dict or list of strings) - Specify one or more additional directives to the reader. All elements in this collection must be strings. A list should be used if one key is to be set to multiple values. If a list is passed in, key-value pairs such as those in a Dict must be placed side by side. For example, the key should be placed in the first list element, followed by the value for the key.

    The supported directives are:

          This directive takes a pipeline file name as its values. If it is not a full path name then the pipeline file must be in the userPipeline 
          directory under the FME installation. If it is an absolute path name then the pipeline file at that location is opened and used.
          Specifying this directive results in all features from the reader first going through the user pipeline before being given to the application.
          This directive takes a System Data Format (SDF) list of macro names and values -- see fmedlg.h for a description.
          This directive provides a convenient means for settings to be propagated from the dialog box package to the reader being created. These settings 
          control how the reader itself will behave.
          This directive takes a System Data Format (SDF) list of macro names and values -- see fmedlg.h for a description.
          This directive provides a convenient means for settings to be propagated from the dialog box package to the reader being created. These settings 
          typically govern how the reader's metafile and schema information will behave.
          This directive takes the name of the metafile that should be used for this reader. This is returned in the metafile parameter from the dialog box package.
          Occasionally the settings box may request a specific metafile be used to control the reader's behaviour. This directive provides a means for propagating this 
          information to the reader.
          This directive takes the name of the coordinate system that all features should be converted to (if the reader thinks they are from a different 
          coordinate system), 
          or tagged with. The value is any valid FME coordinate system name.
          This allows the caller to dictate the coordinate system that the features should be returned in.
          This directive takes a SDF formatted list of 'IDs' which will limit the tables being read by the reader.
          This allows the caller to limit the tables that will be read in. For example, the list may contain the basenames of the shape files which should be read 
          from a directory.
          This directive takes an unparsed character string which contains an entire DEF line to add to any others which will be used. (The value should not include the 
          first 'KEYWORD_DEF' token.)
          This allows the caller to specify DEF lines that the reader should use in conjunction with any others that may be automatically read from the 
          'metafiles/KEYWORD_reader_def.fmi' file.
          This directive takes a value of YES or NO. If NO, then no writer statistics are output to the log file. The default is YES.
          This allows the caller to turn off some statistic logging that writers normally do.
          This directive takes a value of YES or NO. If YES, then any readSchema calls on the reader will contain the format attributes for that reader on the returned 
          schema features. The default is NO.
          Any directive that begins with two dashes is considered to be a macro name that will be set for use within the canned DEF files used by the reader 
          (<readerName>_reader_def.fmi). For example, if a directive name '--MySetting' with a value of 'Yes' is given, then the macro 'MySetting' will be given a 
          value of 'Yes', for use within the DEF file. 
Overrides: object.__init__

__new__(T, S, ...)

Returns: a new object with type S, a subtype of T
Overrides: object.__new__



Terminate the reader mid-stream.

Returns: None
  • FMEException - An FMEException is raised if there was an error.



Close the reader after it has exhausted its data source.

Returns: None
  • FMEException - An FMEException is raised if there was an error.



This method flushes cached geometries to disk. When reading and building a feature cache, most geometries will be kept on memory to avoid the expense of serializing them. Calling this method forces the unserialized geometries to be written to disk. Typically it is not necessary to make this call. However, it may be useful in cases where the temporary cached ffs file is being accessed directly.

Returns: None
  • FMEException - An FMEException is raised if there was an error.



Query the native reader for properties. It is a proxy to the pluginbuilder.FMEUniversalReader.getProperties() method. For more information, please consult the documentation for pluginbuilder.FMEUniversalReader.getProperties() in the FME Plugin Builder SDK.

  • propertyCategory (string)
Returns: dict
None is returned if the property category was not recognized.



Return property values for the given property category.

This method handles the following property categories:


The return value will contain the key 'fme_prop_spatial_index' with either 'FME_TRUE' or 'FME_FALSE' indicating if the reader being used is spatially enabled or not. None is returned if the reader does not know the correct value.


The return value will contain the key 'fme_prop_persistent_cache_loaded' with either 'FME_TRUE' or 'FME_FALSE' indicating if the reader persistent cache is loaded or not. None is returned if the reader does not know the correct value.


The return value will contain the key 'fme_prop_coord_sys_aware' with either 'FME_TRUE' or 'FME_FALSE' indicating if the reader is coordinate system aware or not. None is returned if the reader does not know the correct value.


Returns all properties for all known property categories.

  • propertyCategory (string)
Returns: dict
None is returned if the property category was not recognized.

open(datasetName, parameters)


Open the reader.

  • datasetName (string) - The name of the dataset.
  • parameters (list of strings) - A list of parameters.
Returns: None
  • FMEException - An FMEException is raised if there was an error.



Return the next feature in the data source.

Returns: FMEFeature
Returns None if the data source is exhausted.
  • FMEException - An FMEException is raised if there was an error.



Return the next schema feature for the data source.

Returns: FMEFeature
Returns None if all the schema features have been returned.
  • FMEException - An FMEException is raised if there was an error.



Specify the spatial and attribute constraints to be used when reading the data. The spatial and attribute query is specified in the feature object. This only need be implemented by those readers which return spatialEnables() as true, otherwise they can do nothing. This can be called at any time after the reader is created. If any read is in progress then it is terminated and the next read will reflect the new constraints.

The constraint feature must have an attribute called 'fme_search_type' on it. The value of this attribute indicates the kind of search to be done. The supported values are:


When this is the value, then the bounding box of the feature is used as the query envelope. Future reads of the data will return only those features in the envelope area.


When this is the value, then a future read will only return the single feature that was the closest to the center of the bounding box of the passed in feature. Normally, a point feature is used. In addition, when this search method is used, a maximum distance must be given in an additional 'fme_max_distance' attribute.


When this is the value, then a future read will only return the single feature that is specified by an additional 'fme_index' attribute which takes a non-negative integer as value, that is integers starting from 0. If the index is out of range, then no features will be returned on subsequent read() calls. It is best for the feature cache to be loaded before this constraint is set, if the cache is not loaded then the reader will automatically read all features from the specified data set into the cache. To load the feature cache manually, simply read through all of the features with the read() method, until the read() method flag returns FME_TRUE.

Returns: None
  • FMEException - An FMEException is raised if there was an error.



Extract reader parameters from schema feature and set the parameters on this reader.

Returns: None
  • FMEException - An FMEException is raised if there was an error.