You are here: Querying Features > Filtering Feature Display > Filter Features Dialog

Filter Features Dialog


The content in this topic closely matches that of the Tester transformer, but there are enough differences to prevent a straight copy and paste. Any changes in one should probably be applied in the other at the same time.


Attribute Test Condition Result
x=abcd X Contains abcd PASSED
x=a, Y=big X In Y FAILED
X=100 X < 200 PASSED
X=4E5 X=400000

PASSED, if comparison mode set to Automatic

FAILED, if comparison mode set to String

Comparison Mode is set to Automatic:

@Area() < 100

@Value(numLanes) > 2

Comparison Mode is set to String:

"Joe" = "Jerry"

Search FME Knowledge Center

The Filter Features dialog operates in a similar manner to the Tester transformer in FME Workbench. Search for samples and information about this transformer on FME Knowledge Center.