


Returns the arc properties. If ‘withEnds’ is True, the end points will be computed and returned. Note that measures are only stored on the end points. All angles are CCW up from the horizontal, and rotation is measured in degrees. Also, ‘startAngle’ and ‘sweepAngle’ aren’t angles. Refer to the @Arc (function) in the FME Functions and Factories manual for a detailed definition of ‘startAngle’.

The structure of the tuple returned if ‘withEnds’ is True is as follows: (centerPoint, rotation, primaryRadius, secondaryRadius, startAngle, sweepAngle, startPoint, endPoint).

The structure of the tuple returned if ‘withEnds’ is False is as follows: (centerPoint, rotation, primaryRadius, secondaryRadius, startAngle, sweepAngle).

Return type:

tuple[FMEPoint, float, float, float, float, float, FMEPoint, FMEPoint] or tuple[FMEPoint, float, float, float, float, float]


The arc geometry as a centered point definition.