Module fmeobjects :: Class FMECompositeSurface
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Class FMECompositeSurface


Create an instance of a Composite Surface geometry object.


Default FMECompositeSurface constructor.

Returns: FMECompositeSurface


Create a copy of the passed in Composite Surface geometry object.


Returns: FMECompositeSurface

Instance Methods [hide private]
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
This appends the surface to the composite surface.
FMESurface of a terminal type or None
This method returns the surface at the given index.
This returns the number of surfaces that make up this composite surface.
FMESurface of a terminal type or None
This removes and returns the last surface of the composite surface.
Recursively resolves surface parts with default appearances by replacing these defaults with the inherited appearance references stored by the parent surface, if such a value exists.
This creates a simple surface iterator.

Inherited from FMESurface: deleteSide, getAppearanceReference, getAsWireFrame, isInPlane, isOriented, isPlanar, offset, orient, reorient, reverse, rotate2D, scale, setAppearanceReference, sideExists

Inherited from FMEGeometry: __getObject__, __new__, boundingBox, boundingCube, bounds, clearMeasures, copyAttributesFromFeature, copyNameFromGeometry, copyTraitsFromGeometry, copyTraitsToFeature, deleteName, force2D, force3D, getArea, getMeasureNames, getName, getTrait, getTraitNames, getTraitNullMissingAndType, getTraitType, hasMeasures, hasName, is3D, isCollection, measureExists, removeMeasure, removeTraits, renameMeasure, setName, setTrait, setTraitNullWithType

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


Overrides: FMESurface.__decIterRef__


Overrides: FMESurface.__incIterRef__



x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__




Overrides: FMESurface.__iter__



This appends the surface to the composite surface. If None is passed in, nothing will be appended. All areas in the composite surface will be forced to have the same dimension. If any 3D areas exist, all 2D areas will be converted to 3D with a default Z value of 0.0.

  • surface (FMESurface) - The surface to be appended.
Returns: None
  • FMEException - An exception is raised if an error occurred.



This method returns the surface at the given index. None is returned if the index is out of range.

  • index (int) - The index of the surface part to return.
Returns: FMESurface of a terminal type or None
The surface at the given index. Note: This method returns a terminal area type of the FMESurface; i.e. one of the leaf classes in the FMESurface inheritance graph. For example, a FMEMesh is returned if the area truly is a Mesh.
  • FMEException - An exception is raised if an error occurred.



This returns the number of surfaces that make up this composite surface.

Returns: int
The number of surfaces in composite surface.



This removes and returns the last surface of the composite surface. If there are no surfaces in the composite surface, it will return None.

Returns: FMESurface of a terminal type or None
The last surface of the composite surface. Note: This method returns a terminal surface type of the FMESurface; i.e. one of the leaf classes in the FMESurface inheritance graph. For example, a FMEMesh is returned if the area truly is a mesh.
  • FMEException - An exception is raised if an error occurred.



Recursively resolves surface parts with default appearances by replacing these defaults with the inherited appearance references stored by the parent surface, if such a value exists. The nearest non-default ancestor value will be used to set the default appearances on the part.

Returns: None



This creates a simple surface iterator.

Returns: FMESimpleSurfaceIterator
Returns a simple surface iterator.