Tableau Data Extract (TDE) Feature Representation

Features written to a TDE table consist of a series of attribute values. Features written to the TDE file have the output TDE file base name as their feature type, and attributes as defined in the feature type dialog.

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).

TDE Attribute Type Mapping

TDE Attribute Type

FME Attribute Type

integer fme_int32
integer fme_uint32
integer fme_int64
integer fme_int16
integer fme_uint16
boolean fme_boolean
integer fme_int8
integer fme_uint8
string fme_buffer
string fme_xml
string fme_json
string fme_binarybuffer
string fme_varbinary(width)
string fme_binary(width)
datetime fme_datetime
date fme_date
string fme_time
double fme_real64
double fme_real32
charstring fme_varchar(width)
charstring- fme_char(width)
string fme_uint64
double- fme_decimal(width, decimal)

TDE Attributes

Field Type



The type of geometric entity stored within the feature. The valid values are:

  • tde_none
  • tde_point
  • tde_line
  • tde_polygon

Geometry Column Name

Specifies the name of the column for the written geometry.