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Microsoft PowerPoint Feature Representation (Format Attributes)

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), a PowerPoint presentation feature consists of the following attributes:

Attribute Name


pptx_type The kind of PowerPoint slide this feature will add into a presentation.
pptx_measurement_units The measurement units to use for interpreting width attributes.
fme_pptx_font_data Information about any override fonts that are applied to this feature.
pptx_font_color The color of the text foreground.
pptx_image_source Whether the image is being read from a file or from a feature.
pptx_image_filename The path to the desired image.
pptx_image_fit How to fit the image into its placeholder (that is, the type of scaling to apply)
pptx_title_text The text of a title.
pptx_subtitle_text The text of a subtitle.
pptx_caption_text The text of a caption.
pptx_paragraph_text The text of a paragraph.

The order in which the features will be written as slides. Features with the same value will be written in the order they arrive.

Default: 0

pptx_layout_name The name of the layout to be used for this feature’s slide. Must be a name defined in the template presentation.
pptx_hyperlink An address to hyperlink this feature’s content to.
pptx_table_style The named style to use for this table.
pptx_table_banding If set to yes, adjacent rows in the table will differ slightly in color.
pptx_table_data Contains table headings, values for each row, and the width of each column.
pptx_chart_type The type of chart to turn this feature into.
pptx_chart_has_labels Whether or not to include labels in this chart.
pptx_chart_has_legend Whether or not to include a legend with this chart.
fme_pptx_chart_legend_side Which side this chart’s legend should be placed to.
fme_pptx_chart_legend_inside Whether or not to include this chart’s legend within the bounds of the chart. If set to yes, may cause overlapping with data.
pptx_chart_categories List attribute specifying what each successive value in the series represents.
fme_pptx_chart_data Contains the values, names, and override colors for each series to be included in the chart.
pptx_map_label The text of the label for this map element.
pptx_map_fill_pattern The fill pattern for this map element. If unspecified, the entire map will be the foreground color.
pptx_map_fill_fore_color The color for the foreground for this map element. If unspecified, a default will be chosen from the presentation’s theme.
pptx_map_fill_back_color The color for the background for this map element. If unspecified, a default will be chosen from the presentation’s theme.
pptx_map_border_style The style of the line outlining this map element.
pptx_map_border_width The width of the line outlining this map element.
pptx_map_border_color The colour of the line outlining this map element.
pptx_merge_features Whether or not one slide is being created from multiple features.
pptx_merge_id The ID for a group of merged features. Every feature with the same merge_id will contribute to the same slide.
fme_pptx_placeholder_data The information required to elements (placeholders) on custom slide layouts.