You are here: Working with FME DesktopWorking with FME ServerRepublishing to FME Server

Republishing to FME Server

The primary purpose of this feature is when you want to quickly republish a previously published workspace (.fmw), custom format (.fds) or custom transformer (.fmx) to FME Server, without having to restart the Publish to FME Server wizard. This feature is designed to replace only the authored file on FME Server, but not any associated resource files, such as datasets.

If you have already published a file to FME Server, the menu choice File > Republish to FME Server will become enabled.

Click File > Republish to FME Server..., or click the button on the toolbar.

If you make changes to the file and select Republish to FME Server, the publishing process starts immediately. Workbench will remember the last repository accessed, and the log window will display publishing statistics similar to the ones shown below:

Connecting to FME Server 'fmerserver_name' (port 7071, <user> login)...
Successfully connected to FME Server 'fmeserver_name'.
Accessing repository 'demos'...
Successfully accessed repository.
Uploading to FME Server as 'workspace.fmw'...
Successfully uploaded file.
Publish Summary
Server Host:           <fmeserver_name>
Server Port:           7071
Repository:            demos
Target Name:           workspace.fmw
Resources Uploaded:    Modified
Services Registered:   Unmodified
Successfully published to FME Server as 'workspace.fmw'.

Usage Notes

When you choose Republish to FME Server, Workbench will also try to determine whether associated resources (if any) have been changed. If so, you will be prompted with the following message:

Workbench has detected that document resources have been changed. The Publish to FME Server wizard will now be shown.

You will then be prompted to upload both the file and the updated resources using the Publish to FME Server wizard.

If Workbench fails to connect to the FME Server, you will receive an error message.