Menu Commands, Tools, and Shortcuts

FME Data Inspector

Command Keyboard Shortcut Function


Opens the FME Options dialog for configuring optional Data Inspector features, including Background Maps, Database Connections, Default Paths, and Web Service Connections.


Command Keyboard Shortcut Function
Open Dataset


Opens a file browser so you can pick a dataset.
Open Recent   Displays a list of the most recently viewed files.
Add Dataset


Opens a file browser so you can add a dataset to the current view.
Close View


Closes the current view.
Save Data As


Saves the current view to a separate dataset. See Saving Data.

Save Selected Data As


Saves selected features to a separate dataset. See Saving Data.

Exit Ctrl+Q Shuts down the FME Data Inspector.


Command Keyboard Shortcut Function



Provides options to show or hide the following parts of the user interface:

  • Display Control Window
  • Feature Information Window
  • Log Window
  • Table View Window
  • Status Bar
  • Toolbar
  • Tab Bar

Table View






Toggle between table, two-dimensional and three-dimensional views.

See Viewing Data in Table Mode and Viewing Data in 2D or 3D Mode.

Background Color


Opens a dialog for selecting a new background color in the View Window.
Display Full Precision  

When checked, floating point values display up to 17 significant digits in the Feature Information Window and Table View. When unchecked, floating point values display up to 15 significant digits. This setting affects only the display of values; it does not affect any internal numeric calculations, which FME performs using the maximum precision.

Note: Changing this setting can also apply to the display of floating point values in the Log Window, when Saving Data using Log This Feature. However, you must exit and restart Data Inspector for the change to take effect.



Reload the data from the source.

The Data Inspector will close the dataset and re-read everything in it from the source folder.

Any changes that have been made to the source dataset since it was opened in the Data Inspector will be updated in the View Window when the dataset is refreshed.

Note: Do not use the Refresh button when you are viewing data routed directly from FME Workbench.



Cancel the current dataset being loaded or the current "Save" operation.


Command Keyboard/ Mouse Shortcut Function

Pan Mode


Press and hold both the left and right mouse buttons.

Move the camera view vertically and horizontally. Click and drag the pointer to pan the current dataset.
Orbit Mode


Hold down the middle mouse button.

Rotate a 3D image in the view window to inspect it from many different angles.

Note that this command is not available in 2D view mode.

Zoom In Mode


Hold down the Shift key.

Moves the view closer, by increments, or farther away, by increments.

Tip: You can zoom in and out in the View window without activating the zoom tools by using the scroll wheel on your mouse.

The zoom tools are location aware, in other words, they draw the focus of the view to where you click or to your mouse location when using the scroll wheel to zoom.

Zoom Out Mode


Hold down the Ctrl key.

Zoom to Selected Feature


Concentrates the view on the selected feature.
Zoom to Full Extent


Zooms the view to a distance so that the data is visible and centered in the window.


Command Keyboard Shortcut Function


Selects a feature, and displays information in the Feature Information pane.
Select All Features with No Geometry


Selects all features that have no geometry (for example, a database record may consist entirely of features that have an fme_type of fme_no_geom).
Filter Features Opens the Filter Features dialog for displaying only features that satisfy a set of filter conditions.
Mark Location Opens the Mark Location dialog for Marking a Location in a View.
Measure Distances


Enables the measuring tool. Click and drag between two points in the View Window to measure the distance between them.

Stereo Mode



Off: Turns off any stereo effect, bringing the display image back to the original 2D default.

Anaglyphic: Gives the display image a stereoscopic 3D effect when viewed with glasses with a red left lens and a cyan right lens.

The display image will consist of two superimposed color layers offset with respect to each other to produce a depth effect.

FME Options Opens the FME Options.


If more than one view is open, this menu switches the focus of the tabs in the main window.


Use Offline Help

By default, when you access Help from any FME Desktop tool (FME Workbench, FME Data Inspector, and others), it is opened from the website. This means that you will always see the latest help topics for updates and for new features.

You can change this default behavior and access product documentation from the help files that are installed locally (for example, if Internet access is unreliable or is not available).