Writer Directives

The suffixes shown are prefixed by the current <WriterKeyword> in a mapping file. By default, the <WriterKeyword> for the Socrata Writer is SOCRATA_OUT.


This parameter specifies the Socrata user that owns the dataset. The value is typically an email address, or Socrata alphanumeric 4-4 ID.



Mapping File Syntax

<WriterKeyword>_USER user@example.com

Workbench Parameter



This parameter specifies the password for the Socrata user that owns the dataset.



Mapping File Syntax

<WriterKeyword>_PASSWORD password

Workbench Parameter



Each Socrata dataset must be defined before it can be written. The general form of a Socrata dataset definition statement is:

SOCRATA_DEF <datasetNameOrID> \

[socrata_published (yes|no)] \

[socrata_public (yes|no)] \

[socrata_truncate_dataset (yes|no) \

[socrata_writer_mode (UPSERT|DELETE)] \

[socrata_geometry_columns <column>]


Parameter Contents
datasetNameOrID The name of the dataset to be written, or the dataset ID that uniquely identifies the dataset.

See Format Parameters.

If YES, the dataset will be published. Published datasets cannot be edited: only appending and replacing is permitted. If a dataset is not published, then it is a working copy. Working copy datasets can be freely modified by its creator and other authorized users. This parameter has no effect on existing datasets.

Note that publishing will fail if Socrata has not finished geocoding addresses in the dataset’s location columns. The geocoding step happens after the import process.

Default: NO


See Format Parameters.

Specifies whether the dataset is made available for public read access. If set to NO, only the dataset owner and authorized users may access the dataset. This parameter has no effect on existing datasets.

Default: NO


See Format Parameters.

Specifies whether the dataset should be truncated prior to writing. This parameter has no effect if the dataset does not already exist.

If set to YES, the effective writer mode will be INSERT, regardless of the value of socrata_writer_mode. The truncation and insertion operation is accomplished using a Publish Method of ‘replace’ on the Socrata DataSync tool. This method is also known as SmartUpdate.

Default: NO


See Format Parameters.

Default: UPSERT


See Format Parameters.

A comma-separated list of the geometry column names for writing.

Location columns will be created for each of the supplied geometry column names when creating a new table or matched against the existing geometry columns when writing to an existing table. If the column names listed here conflict with any user attributes, the columns listed here take precedence.

This parameter has no effect when socrata_writer_mode is DELETE.

Default: geom


See Format Parameters.

Specifies whether geocoding should be used for Location columns.

If addresses are not being written to Location columns, this parameter should be set to No to improve performance. Only applicable when writing to existing datasets. Does not apply to Location columns managed by the Geometry Column Name(s) parameter, which will always have geocoding disabled. This parameter corresponds to the useSocrataGeocoding option on the Socrata DataSync tool.

Default: YES