Feature Representation

The destination Socrata dataset is dependent on the feature type. If the feature type matches Socrata’s alphanumeric 4-4 ID pattern, the Socrata writer will attempt to treat it as the ID of an existing dataset. Otherwise, the feature type is treated as the name of a dataset, and the Socrata writer will attempt to find the corresponding dataset ID.

If multiple datasets have the same name, the Socrata writer will list the IDs of all matching datasets and then abort. The user will then be required to change the feature type to a specific ID in order to disambiguate between the datasets with identical names. If no dataset with the same name exists, the dataset will be created.

If multiple geometry columns are present, the geometry on input features must be named geometries, or, if the geometry is an aggregate, it must be comprised of multiple geometries, of which each part is named.

Attribute Types

For information on the attribute types supported by the Socrata writer, please visit http://dev.socrata.com/docs/datatypes/index.html.

The date attribute type represents date/times with timezones, whereas the calendar_date attribute type represents date/times without timezones.