Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes described in this topic.

There are four basic types in DMDF: points, curves, line strings and annotation. Curves and annotation are not currently used by DMDF files.

Features read from DMDF are either 3D points with a feature type of point, or lines with a feature type of line.

Each DMDF element, regardless of its geometry type, shares a number of other parameters, as described in the following tables. Subsequent subsections will describe parameters specific to each of the supported element types. If any of these are missing, the default value will be taken. However, the feature will not be processed if there is no default value.

Attribute Name



The DMDF geometric type of this entity.


dmdf_point |

dmdf_line |

dmdf_curves |


Default: No Default


An alphanumeric feature code derived from the CCSM National Standards for the Exchange of Digital Topographic Data.

Range: Maximum 10 characters

Default: No Default