You are here: FME Readers and Writers > PostGIS Reader/Writer > Reader > PostGIS Reader Parameters

PostGIS Reader Parameters

Database Connection

Connection Parameters

Note: The source and destination dataset must be set to the database name.


Schema Attributes

Search Envelope


If the table list in the PostGIS reader Reader Parameters box does not display your table, try the following:

  1. Type the table name by itself. If this works, then your table may not be properly registered in the PostGIS metadata tables or it may not have a geometry column. If this does not work, try steps 2 or 3 below.
  2. Type the name with the schema prefix, i.e. public.mytable. If this works, it could mean that you likely did not specify the correct schema to search in the settings box. If this does not work, try step 3.
  3. If both steps above do not work, it is possible that the table does not exist. You can verify this by looking at the table list provided by the PostgreSQL reader Reader Parameters box.

If the table list in the PostGIS reader Reader Parameters box lists your table, but you receive an error message that the table does not exist when you run the translation, then it is likely that the PostgreSQL table has been deleted without updating the PostGIS metadata tables. Orphaned metadata may continue to exist in the PostGIS metadata tables. It is suggested that the PostGIS metadata table for the geometry columns be corrected to match only existing PostgreSQL tables.