Viewing and Auto-Resolving of Alerts

Alerts trigger not only based on the specified conditions. You also receive a notification when an alert is no longer in a triggered state. An alert clears when any measurement has returned to normal levels.

When an alert clears, it sends a special "clear" notification, depending on the service. E-mail and Slack send an "alert-has-cleared" message. Webhook posts contain a "clear" attribute in the payload.

From the Instances page, select the running or paused instance containing the alerts you want to view. The Alerts tab lists:

  • Alerts: The alerts that are created on the instance.
  • Alert History: The alerts that have triggered on the instance. Triggered alerts can have the following VALUE:
    • OK: The alert has cleared and conditions are normal.
    • Alert: The alert has triggered and the conditions to clear it are not yet reached.
    • Inactive: The instance is not running.