FME Flow: 2025.0
Performing a Silent Installation (Linux)
Silent installation of FME Flow on Linux is controlled by an install.cfg file that is passed to the installer. This file contains a list of properties that control different options in the installer. The command for silent installation is:
./<filename> -- --file install.cfg
Example <filename>:
Properties are listed in the install.cfg file in the form:
To obtain the installer, see Obtain the Installer.
Specifying FME Flow Components to Install
To select which components of FME Flow to install, use the following set of properties. These properties can be set to either "Yes" or "No" (case-sensitive). The default values are "Yes".
Feature | Property |
Web Services | FEATURE_Services_INSTALL |
FME Flow Database (on PostgreSQL) | FEATURE_FMEFlowDatabase_INSTALL |
Installation Properties
The following table lists the installation properties that you can specify in the install.cfg file, and their default values if left unset. These properties correspond to properties that can be adjusted in the user dialogs of a standard installation.

Property | Default Value | Description |
COREHOSTNAME | localhost if an Express installation; otherwise, the machine name on which the installer is running. | Host name of the machine that runs the FME Flow Core. |
INSTALLDIR | /opt/fmeflow
The FME Flow install directory. |
FMEFLOWSHAREDDATA | [INSTALLDIR] | The path to the FME Flow System Share directory, where FME Flow stores Repositories and Resources files. Path names are case-sensitive. |
The machine name on which the installer is running |
If you are installing an FME Core or FME Engines, use this property to advertise a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) for how other distributed components connect to this COREHOSTNAME. Specify a FQDN that resolves to the IP address of the machine via DNS. |
The database server type that will be used for the FME Flow Database. Possible values are Default, MSSQL, Oracle, PostGreSQL. Default assumes the PostgreSQL database that is included with the FME Flow installer and located on the same machine. Note PostgreSQL is the recommended database server with FME Flow, offering enhanced performance and stability through targeted optimizations.
DATABASEHOST | [COREHOSTNAME] | The host that the database is on. This should only be specified if DATABASETYPE is not Default. |
MSSQL: 1433 PostGreSQL: 5432 Oracle: 1521 |
The port to connect to the database. This should only be specified if DATABASETYPE is not Default. |
INSTANCENAME | If DATABASETYPE is MSSQL, the SQL Server instance name to use for connecting to the database, instead of DATABASEPORT. | |
DATABASECONNECTIONSTRING | A connection string is generated based on the values of DATABASETYPE, DATABASEHOST, DATABASEPORT, and (if specified) INSTANCENAME. | The JDBC connection string for connecting to the FME Flow Database. |
ORACLESID | The SID for the Oracle database. Must be specified only if DATABASETYPE is Oracle. | |
JDBCDRIVER | If your database requires a JDBC driver that Safe does not provide, specify the full path to it here, and it will be copied to the appropriate place in the install directory. | |
DATABASEUSER | fmeflow |
The FME Flow Database user account name. This property applies regardless of the value specified by DATABASETYPE. Warning If DATABASETYPE is Default, do not specify postgres. This name corresponds to the PostgreSQL master user. If the corresponding passwords do not match, the database will not install.
The password for the FME Flow Database user name. The password must not contain any single quote (') characters. Note The password for the FME Flow Database user account is encrypted in FME Flow installation files.
PGDATADIR | /opt/fmeflow//Utilities/pgsql/data | If DATABASETYPE=Default, the directory to contain the data for the FME Flow PostgreSQL database. |
SERVLETTYPE | Default | The type of Application Server (servlet engine) you will use with FME Flow. Possible values are Default or Apache (Tomcat). Default installs the Apache Tomcat servlet provided with the FME Flow installer. |
EXTERNALHOSTNAME | [COREHOSTNAME] | The hostname on which the Web Application Server is installed, or the hostname of the load balancer serving the Web Application Server, if applicable. |
INSTALLNGINX | true | If true, installs the NGINX reverse proxy. To prevent NGINX from installing, specify false. This option may be useful for fault-tolerant installations that use a third-party load balancer instead. |
NGINXPORT | 80 | If SERVLETTYPE is Default, the listening port of the NGINX reverse proxy. |
SERVLETPORT | 8080 | If SERVLETTYPE is Default, the listening port of the Apache Tomcat servlet engine host. Must be different from EXTERNALPORT. |
EXTERNALPORT | [SERVLETPORT] | If applicable, a load balancer port or port that is otherwise different from the SERVLETPORT on which the Web Application Server is listening. |
WEBAPPSDIR | [INSTALLDIR]\Utilities\tomcat\webapps | If an Apache Tomcat servlet is already installed on the machine, the path to the webapps directory for the servlet engine, for installing WAR files. This is a necessary property for distributed web applications. |
SHAREDTOMCATLIB | [INSTALLDIR]\Utilities\tomcat\lib | If an Apache Tomcat servlet is already installed on the machine, the path to the lib directory for the servlet engine, for installing JAR files. This is a necessary property for distributed web applications. |
If SERVLETTYPE is "Default" and installation is on a Red Hat or Rocky Linux distribution, the SELinux module must be configured to work with the NGINX reverse proxy. Note The NGINX reverse proxy allows easy SSL configuration with the Apache Tomcat web application server, and the ability to choose ports under 1024 without root permission.
To configure SELinux, specify Yes. Else, No. |
NOLOGPREFIX | No | If Yes, FME Flow log file names are not prefixed with the server host name. |
FIRSTLOGINCHANGEPASSWORD | true | If true, the user will be prompted to update the admin password upon initial login to the FME Flow Web User Interface following installation. If false, updating the admin password will not be required upon initial login. |
Properties Required for a Distributed Installation
If you are performing any type of installation other than Express, in which FME Flow components are distributed across servers, refer to the table below to determine which installation properties (above) must be set when installing each component.

Required When Installing the... | |||
Property | FME Flow Core | FME Flow Web Services | FME Engines | FME Flow Database |
INSTALLDIR | Yes, if other than the default value | Yes, if other than the default value | Yes, if other than the default value | Yes, if other than the default value |
FMEFLOWSHAREDDATA | Yes | Yes | Yes | Not applicable |
EXTERNALHOSTNAME | Yes, unless installing with the FME Flow Web Services | Yes, if other than the default value | Not applicable | Not applicable |
COREHOSTNAME | Not applicable | Yes, unless installing with the FME Flow Core | Yes, unless installing with the FME Flow Core | Not applicable |
NODENAME | Yes, if other than the default value | Not applicable | Yes, if other than the default value | Not applicable |
DATABASETYPE | Yes, if other than the default value | Yes, if other than the default value | Yes, if other than the default value | Not applicable |
DATABASEPORT | Yes, if other than the default value | Yes, if other than the default value | Yes, if other than the default value | Not applicable |
DATABASEHOST | Yes, unless installing with the FME Flow Database | Yes, unless installing with the FME Flow Database | Yes, unless installing with the FME Flow Database | Not applicable |
DATABASEUSER | Yes, if other than the default value | Yes, if other than the default value | Yes, if other than the default value | Yes, if other than the default value |
DATABASEPASSWORD | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
PGDATADIR | Not applicable | Not applicable | Not applicable | Yes, if other than the default value |
SERVLETTYPE | Not applicable | Yes, if other than the default value | Not applicable | Not applicable |
SERVLETPORT | Not applicable | Yes, if other than the default value | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Post-Install: MSSQL Formats Only
If you plan to run workspaces that reference Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database (MSSQL_*) readers and writers, you must manually install the SQL Server Native Client and Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server on all machines that host FME Engines. To install, navigate to the [INSTALLDIR] and run the following:
msiexec /i sqlncli.msi /qb
msiexec /i SQLSysClrTypes.msi /qb
Install with all default options (similar to Express install), to /home/user/fmeflow
Install the FME Flow Core only with an FME Flow System Share directory on a share on another machine named "\\machine1\share"
Express install, but with an MSSQL database located on another server
Install the Web Services feature only with an Apache Tomcat Servlet Engine:
WEBAPPSDIR="C:\Program Files\tomcat\webapps"
FME Engine-only install, with all other FME Flow components on another server named "machine1"