FME Flow: 2025.0
Deploying to Azure Kubernetes Service Using Azure Files
- Launch the Cluster
- Navigate to the Microsoft Azure portal in a web browser.
- Navigate to the Kubernetes services section.
- Click Click Create > Create a Kubernetes Cluster.
- On the Basics tab, specify the parameters:
- Subscription: Specify your subscription and resource group that Kubernetes will run in.
- Cluster Details: Specify a name for the cluster and the region to launch it. The Kubernetes version can remain as the default.
- Nodes:For each FME Flow Core you wish to run, you need approximately 8GB of memory. For a single-Core deployment, we recommend 2 vCPUS, 8GB RAM, and 2 nodes. For a two-Core deployment, we recommend 4 vCPUs, 16GB RAM, and 3 nodes.
- More than one Core container requires a minimum of two nodes due to a constraint in the Helm chart that prevents Core containers residing on the same node. To ensure fault tolerance, we recommend three nodes because if a node is lost, two Cores can still run on the remaining two nodes.
The above are the requirements for FME Flow alone. The cluster also needs resources to run Azure services that are installed by default. You may wish to create a separate node pool in your cluster for your FME Flow deployment that meets the above requirements.
- For a test deployment, leave all other parameters at their default settings.
- Click Review + Create.
- After validation checks complete, review the settings, and click Create.
- Install Helm and an NGINX Ingress Controller
- Using Azure Cloud Shell, connect to the Kubernetes cluster.
- Check that Helm is installed. Run:
helm version.
If not installed, install Helm.
- Give Helm deploy permissions.
- Install the NGINX ingress controller:
- Setup Shared Storage using Azure Files
- Using Azure Cloud Shell, run:
- Create a general-purpose storage account. Using the Azure CLI, run:
- Use vi or nano to create the following .yaml file in Azure Cloud Shell, or create the file locally and upload it to Azure Cloud Shell using the "Manage Files" option:
- Run:
- If RBAC is enabled, grant permissions to Azure Files:
- Deploy FME Flow
- Add the Safe Software Helm repository:
- Get the IP address of the ingress controller:
Create a namespace in which to deploy. Run:
- Create a values.yaml file that will pass user-supplied parameter values into the Helm chart.
- (Optional) Update parameters in values.yaml.
- Install FME Flow.
- To access FME Flow after it deploys, invoke the external IP in your browser.
Note If you are using the external IP address, and not a DNS, to access the deployment, you must update the URLs for each of the FME Flow Web Services to that address. To update, see Services.

kubectl create clusterrolebinding add-on-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default
kubectl apply -f<version>/deploy/static/provider/cloud/deploy.yaml
Replace <version> with the most recent version in the corresponding script in the NGINX Ingress Controller Installation Guide. As well, replace other syntax elements with any changes in the updated script.

To deploy FME Flow across multiple nodes, create a storage class that defines a shared storage volume backed by Azure Files.
az aks show --resource-group <resource_group> --name <cluster_name> --query nodeResourceGroup -o tsv
Replacing <resource_group> and <cluster_name> with what you defined when you deployed your cluster. This command provides the AKS node resource group for your cluster.
az storage account create --resource-group <node_resource_group> --name <storageaccountname> --sku Premium_LRS --kind FileStorage
Replacing <node_resource_group> with the result of the command in the previous step, and <storageaccountname> with a unique name for the storage account.
kind: StorageClass
name: azurefiles-fmeflow
skuName: Premium_LRS
storageAccount: <storageaccountname>
- uid=1363
- gid=1363
Replacing <storageaccountname> with the name you specified previously when creating the account.
kubectl apply -f <path_to_file>
Where <path_to_file> is the YAML file created above.
To see azurefiles-fmeflow in the list, run:
kubectl get sc
kubectl create clusterrolebinding add-on-cluster-vol-binder --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:persistent-volume-binder

Perform the following in the Azure Cloud Shell:
helm repo add safesoftware
kubectl get services --namespace ingress-nginx
Note the "External IP" of the nginx-ingress-controller. This is the ingress into the cluster. In a production environment, set up a DNS that points to this IP address and use that as the hostname when deploying FME Flow. In this procedure, we access FME Flow directly using the IP.
kubectl create namespace <namespace_name>
For example:
kubectl create namespace fmeflow
To get the default Helm chart values file, run:
helm show values <chart>
For example:
helm show values safesoftware/fmeflow
To write the values to a file:
helm show values safesoftware/fmeflow >> values.yaml
For more information on value files, see the Helm Docs.
A current list of supported parameters for FME Flow can be found on GitHub.
The following are parameters you may want to change in the values.yaml file:

Parameter |
Example or Possible Value |
Description |
fmeflow.image.tag | 2024.2.2-20250115 | Set to a valid date-stamped tag from Docker Hub (, such as 2024.2.2-20250115 |
fmeflow.engines[].name | “standard-group” | The name of the engine group. This can be changed, particularly if creating multiple engine groups. |
fmeflow.engines[].engines | 2 | Controls the number of engine pods to start. |
fmeflow.engines[].type | STANDARD | DYNAMIC | Controls the type of engine to start. |
deployment.hostname | If a DNS has been configured to point to the external IP address, set to that value. If using the external IP address only, leave as localhost and set deployment.useHostnameIngress to false. | |
deployment.numCores | 2 | Starts two FME Flow Core pods for fault tolerance and load balancing. |
deployment.useHostnameIngress | true | false | If DNS is set up for the ingress controller, specify the DNS name for deployment.hostname and leave this parameter to true. If not, specify false. |
storage.fmeflow.class | azurefiles-fmeflow | Uses the Azure Files storage account set up previously. |
storage.fmeflow.accessmode | ReadWriteMany | Set this parameter to ReadWriteMany when using Azure File Storage |
helm install <name> <chart> -f values.yaml -n <namespace>
For example:
helm install fmeflow safesoftware/fmeflow -f values.yaml -n fmeflow
If you make changes to the values.yaml file after FME Flow is installed (such as to scale FME Flow engines), use the helm upgrade command:
helm upgrade <name> <chart> -f values.yaml -n <namespace>
For example:
helm upgrade fmeflow safesoftware/fmeflow -f values.yaml -n fmeflow