Metafile Directives
    Used within the Universal Translator, Workbench, and FME Objects. Only
    specific parts of the metafile get used by FME Objects.
        Workbench parses out the preamble sections for all readers and writers. These
        lines end up in the workspace header (see: Workspace Structure), and this is
        where Workbench gets the lines that end up in the navigation pane on the left
        hand side of the Workbench window.
        There are four preamble sections in total:
            - SOURCE_PREAMBLE: Preamble for readers, goes into both Universal Translator
              and Workbench translations.
            - WORKBENCH_SOURCE_PREAMBLE: Preamble for readers, used in Workbench
              translations, commented out in mapping files. Note that only the GUI line
              gets commented out in mapping files, the rest (default macro and keyword) are
              not commented out in a mapping file. This ensures that the default metafile
              value will get used in both automated translations and in default workspaces.
            - DESTINATION_PREAMBLE: Preamble for writers, goes into both Universal
              Translator and Workbench translations.
            - WORKBENCH_DESTINATION_PREAMBLE: Preamble for writers, used in Workbench
              translations, commented out in mapping files. Note that only the GUI line
              gets commented out in mapping files, the rest (default macro and keyword) are
              not commented out in a mapping file. This ensures that the default metafile
              value will get used in both automated translations and in default workspaces.
        The reason we have two sets of preambles is because some obscure options may not
        make sense in a quick Universal Translator drag-and-drop translation. These
        options go into the WORKBENCH_ preamble, so users can customize the translation
        further in Workbench. For a good example of this, see the SHAPE format metafile,
        which has all four sections.
        Preamble sections are often used to define macros and set source and destination
        keywords. It is common practice to use a macro definition to define a value that
        will be resolved at a later time. There are two ways to do this. MACRO defines a
        value to set or override existing macros with the same name. DEFAULT_MACRO is
        like MACRO but only supplies an initial value, and will not override existing
        macros. Additionally, a key difference between these two macro definitions is
        that DEFAULT_MACRO will automatically be changed based on the reader or writer
        keyword, while MACRO will not.
            DEFAULT_MACRO _ATTRKIND external_attributes
            MACRO _ATTRKIND external_attributes
        One more note on this: You cannot assume that your preamble will be
        all alone in a workspace. There may be two copies of it (say, you have
        two AUTOCAD readers), so any items that need to be unique (say, a
        factory name) need to be prefixed. You can use the WB_KEYWORD macro to
        prepend to factory names or anything else of interest. See the AUTOCAD
        source preamble metafile for an example of this.
        Syntax: SOURCE_READER <READER NAME> [<PARM NAME> <PARM_VALUE>] [[-]<Schema Keyword> <Schema Macro|Constant Value>]
        This directive specifies the name of the reader used to drive the generation of
        a mapping file/workspace. It also is where parameters specific to how the reader
        is used are specified. Current, values include:
                - This is only valid for DWG/DXF and causes a
                  mapping file to be generated which only uses the layer names from the input
                  file. Schema Scan directives are:
                    - This directive identifies all of the attributes that are not to be used for the
                      purposes of generating a schema. There is no limit to the number of the
                      ignore statements which may be specified. For example, in AutoCAD there are
                      a large number of attributes that begin with extended_data. If we want to
                      ignore these then we simply define the following: 
                         e.g. IGNORE_ATTRIBUTES_WITH_PREFIX extended_data
                - KEEP_ATTRIBUTE
                    - This directive is used to identify attributes that are to be added to
                      the reader schema in all cases, when performing a FEATURE_SCAN. For
                      example, in AutoCAD the value is autocad_elevation. This indicates that no
                      matter if the autocad_elevation attribute is found in the feature scan,
                      the attribute is added to the schema.
                - GEOMETRY_TYPE_FIELD
                    - This directive is used to identify the attribute that specifies the
                      different geometry types. For example, in AutoCAD the value is
                      autocad_entity. This is the value that controls the attribution specific
                      to a particular type of geometry.
                    - This specifies the prefix for the attributes which are to be associated
                      with the geometry. For example, in autocad the attributes that begin with
                      autocad_ identify the geometry attributes.
                - This value can be used for any reader and results in the source reader
                  reading all features. In this mode the features are scanned and a schema
                  is constructed. This is useful for formats that do not explicitly store
                  schema information. When this schema mode is specified then the reader's
                  readSchema method is not used.
                - This indicates the reader's schemas are canned/fixed/static, and that they
                  are defined in FME_HOME/schemas/<basename>.sch. As a result,
                  IFMEReader::readSchema() does not return any schema features. This is the
                  preferred method of implementing canned schemas, in opposition to achieving
                  the same result programmatically using IFMEReader::readSchema().
            - SCAN_MAX_FEATURES <number>
                - This causes the schema scanner to quit after receiving <number>
                  features, useful for large datasets when the entire schema is known after
                  a first few features.
            Schema Keywords
                Lastly, the SOURCE_READER line specifies keywords to be used during the reading of schema features. 
                The following conventions should be followed:
                - The hyphen should be used.
                    - This means the keyword will now be in the mapping file, allowing us to share code used when
                      reading features instead of schemas
                        - In fact, the schema keyword won't even be present in the 'parameters' array passed through
                - The schema keyword should be identical to the mapping file keyword. (i.e. READ_RAW_DATA)
                - The macro name should be identical to the schema keyword. (i.e. READ_RAW_DATA)
                - If a hyphen is used in front of the keyword, then the format short name prefix is not needed.
                  The infrastructure will prefix with a unique format keyword, so that -READ_RAW_DATA will result
                  in <unique format keyword>_READ_RAW_DATA, and can be fetched in code using _READ_RAW_DATA, which
                  will automatically be prefixed with the unique format keyword by a fetch call.
                  - Note that the keyword on the SOURCE_READER line will also work if it has a leading underscore
                Here's an example - it has been adapted slightly from the current EDIGEO version because at the
                time of writing, no format followed all these conventions
                    SOURCE_READER EDIGEO    -READ_RAW_DATA           $(READ_RAW_DATA)           \
                                            -READ_QUALITY_DATA       NO                         \
                                            -ADD_QUALITY_REFERENCE   $(ADD_QUALITY_REFERENCE)   \
                                            -CNIG_NAME_COMPLETION    $(CNIG_NAME_COMPLETION)    \
                                            -ERROR_OUTPUT            $(ERROR_OUTPUT)
                More detailed info
                    - When using the hyphen:
                        - in non-FME Objects situations, the values will not persist in the mapping file
                          object between readSchema() and read()
                            - this is because the mapping file that exists during readSchema() is a temporary
                              in-memory version,
                              and will get replaced by the physical mapping file produced by the core
                        - In FME Objects apps, the schema keyword will always be present in the mapping file,
                          regardless of whether the '-' was specified.
                        - In non-FME Objects, the keyword is only present when the '-' is specified. Results of
                          testing with FME Objects and schema keywords can be found here
                        - if you're curious, the code that processes the hyphen is in STFControlFormat::processSourceReader
                    - Schema keyword values containing unsafe (fme parser unsafe) characters:
                        - Use the following scheme to set the schema keywords. In this example _fme_encoded_ is a hint
                          to indicate that the following value is FMEParsableText encoded and '$encode' tells fme to FMEParsableText encode
                          macro's value before doing macro substitution.
                          Currently only "encode" and "decode" are supported for macro pre-processing. For a working
                          example see citygml.fmf and corresponding code for the CityGMLReader::readKeywordsHelper(),
                          where directives are fetched for schema reading.
                    <directiveName> _fme_encoded_$(<macroName>$encode)
                    E.g. SOURCE_READER XML -XML_XFMAP "_fme_encoded_$(XFMAP$encode)"
        This directive simply defines the name of the format for which the file
        describes the mapping file generation. This directive should always be
        uppercase to ensure that FME and OEM licensing operate correctly.
        This is an optional directive. If not specified then the <format name> is used
        as the keyword. This should rarely be used as the mapping file generation
        always does the right thing. The only place where this is useful is perhaps for
        SDE export in which case TABLE type is a bit non-obvious and confusing for the
        novice reader. If this is not specified and the reader and writer are the same
        the mapping file generation will generate a unique name of the form <format
        name>_IN for this entry.
        This is an optional directive. If not specified then the <format name> is
        used as the keyword. This should rarely be used as the control file
        generation always does the right thing. The only place where this is useful
        is perhaps for SDE export in which case TABLE type is a bit non-obvious and
        confusing for the novice reader. If this is not specified and the reader and
        writer are the same the mapping file generation will generate a unique name
        of the form <format name>_OUT for this entry.
        This statement defines the value which is placed on the mapping file dataset
        line. Typical values for this will be SOURCE_DATASET $[SourceDataset]
        This directive allows readers to selectively add fme_basename, fme_dataset,
        and fme_feature_type attributes to all features they read.
        For example, all raster readers specify
        so that the fme_basename attribute gets set on each feature.
        This statement defines the value which is placed on the mapping file dataset
        line. Typical values for this will be DESTINATION_DATASET $[DestDataset]
        Enables the creation of metafile-based settings boxes for the reader. The
        section must begin with SOURCE_SETTINGS, end with END_SOURCE_SETTINGS,
        and must be placed outside the SOURCE_PREAMBLE/END_SOURCE_PREAMBLE
        The Settings Box Title will be placed in the title bar of the generated dialog.
        The default title will be generated as: <Input|Output> Settings for <FormatLongName>
        To override this default setting, add this line directly after the SOURCE_SETTINGS line:
            GUI TITLE <Title>
        This used to be mandatory, but now we just generate the title to make it
        Next, come the lines that will generate the GUI elements. If you don't
        supply any of these lines then no settings box will be created, even if you
        specify the GUI TITLE described above. For each setting, two lines must be
            [-]DEFAULT_VALUE <keyword> <default value>
            [-]GUI [OPTIONAL] <guiType> <keyword> <keyword description>
            - DEFAULT_VALUE line will result in a DEFAULT_MACRO line and a format
              DIRECTIVE or KEYWORD line written to the mapping file/workspace file.

            It would result in the following in a mapping file:

               DEFAULT_MACRO x <default value>
               <FMEGEN_<SOURCE|DESTINATION>_KEYWORD>_<keyword> "$(x)"

               where x = <FMEGEN_<SOURCE|DESTINATION>_KEYWORD>_<IN|OUT>_<keyword>

            While it would result in the following in a workspace:

               DEFAULT_MACRO x <default value>
               <WB_KEYWORD>_<keyword> "$(x)"

               where x = <FMEGEN_<SOURCE|DESTINATION>_KEYWORD>_<IN|OUT>_<keyword>_<WB_KEYWORD>

            For example, a line like this:

            would result in following two lines in a mapping file:


            And the same line would result in the following two lines in a workspace:


        - When -DEFAULT_VALUE is used, the corresponding keyword will be accessible
          during reading of schemas, but will not be written to the mapping file for
          later use during reading of features. This is often used when certain
          information is required for reading schemas (e.g., table names) that is not
          required after the mapping file has been generated.
        - <keyword> is the name of the keyword for which the setting will be used.
          It is also useful to know that this is the name of the macro for the
        - <default value> is the desired default value. If no default is required,
          then use "" (see textline.fmf). You must have a value or the parameters
          from the settings box will not be replaced properly when workbench
          generates the fmw.
        - The macro made from this DEFAULT_VALUE line will not be created until the
          metafile is parsed during mapping file or workspace file generation.
        - The GUI line will be written to the mapping file exactly as it written
          in the metafile. If -DEFAULT_VALUE is used then the corresponding GUI 
          line will be absent from the mapping file.
        - If -GUI is used then GUI line will not be written to mapping file. This
          is used if the keyword is to be set and used during schema generation, and
          then cannot be changed when running the mapping file/workspace.
        - [OPTIONAL] determines whether the field is optional. Omitting this token
          makes the field mandatory. All mandatory fields must have some value,
          otherwise the "Ok" button on the dialog will be disabled.
        - <guiType> is one of the possible GUI lines directives. This includes
          TEXT, PASSWORD, DIRNAME, FILENAME, CHOICE etc. If you use CHOICE, then
          after <keyword> will be another field not described in the spec above in
          order to simplify it: a '%' separated list of possible choices. For a
          complete list of what directives to use go to FME GUI Directives. All the
          directives from this page should apply except for ones that say
          "proposed new types" or "Workbench specific types".
        - <keyword description> is the label used for the setting.
        - To have FEATURE_TYPES GUI directive work, you need to use two special
          macro names. Macro DATASET is used to pass the value of dataset between
          source/destination prompt and setting box. Macro TABLELIST is used by the
          GUI framework to temporarily store the feature type list and then convert
          to ID list for the reader. See example below. Similarly the macro
          DESTINATION_TABLELIST is used for the special cases where the writer uses
          the reader::readSchema() call to populate its schemas. See
          WORKBENCH_CANNED_SCHEMA READ_AS_SOURCE for more information.
        - Some custom settings boxes before allowed you to select the metafile used
          in mapping file/workspace generation. This is enabled in metafile settings
          boxes by the special macro METAFILE. The value returned for this macro will
          be parsed out and returned correctly.
        - Note: DEFAULT_VALUE <name> lines for macros that need to be used outside
          the scope of the settings box section (SOURCE_SETTINGS/END_SOURCE_SETTINGS)
          require a previous DEFAULT_MACRO <name> definition to work. The default
          value specification should look like this, DEFAULT_VALUE <name> $(<name>).

        - If your format has specialized connection parameters, then they should be
          grouped in a NAMEDGROUP called FME_CONNECTION_GROUP.  If the format is used
          in a context where only connection information is needed (ex. SQLExecutor,
          Joiner) then only parameters in that group will be shown.
        You may have noticed that the second line of the two line pair has the same syntax
        as other usage of GUI lines within the metafile.
        Metafile comments can be inserted into this section by starting the line with '!'.
        Settings Box Best Practices
            We have some best practices regarding the look and feel of settings boxes. This helps
            them look their best, and provides a consistent feel between all the settings boxes we
            produce. They are as follows:
                1. once you've begun using group boxes, you're committed to placing all widgets
                   within the current settings box within some group box
                2. checkbox widgets must always be in groups, and at the top of the groups they're
                   in (this improves readability)
                3. avoid ending group box descriptions with a colon
                4. If your Reader

                      * only reads the specified feature types (has a required
                        Table List parameter), or
                      * has Feature Type parameters (e.g. SQL WHERE Clause) that
                        need to be applied to each feature type read via a merge
                        filter or Feature Types to Read

                   then your SOURCE_SETTINGS should include the following line:

                   If your reader includes QUERY_FEATURE_TYPES_FOR_MERGE_FILTERS, and
                   your reader does not require a list DEF lines, because it
                   will read all features without any, then adding this line
                   to your metafile will skip the querying for 'dynamic' merged
                   data which is intended to read all features.


                   This must be specified as a SOURCE_SETTINGS DEFAULT_VALUE
                   rather than a normal keyword because we need it to end up in

            The following example is taken from JSON:
                ! The title for the source settings dialog box.
                GUI TITLE JSON Source Settings
                ! Delete the download file?
                GUI CHOICE DELETE_DOWNLOAD_FILE Yes%No Delete downloaded file - [for URL datasets only]
                ! Get a proxy URL
                DEFAULT_VALUE PROXY_URL ""
                GUI OPTIONAL TEXT PROXY_URL Http Proxy URL:
                ! Get a proxy port number
                DEFAULT_VALUE PROXY_PORT ""
                GUI OPTIONAL TEXT PROXY_PORT Http Proxy Port:
                ! Get a proxy user name
                GUI OPTIONAL TEXT PROXY_USERNAME Http Proxy Username:
                ! Get a proxy password
                GUI OPTIONAL PASSWORD PROXY_PASSWORD Http Proxy Password:
                ! Get a proxy authentication type
                GUI OPTIONAL CHOICE PROXY_AUTH_METHOD  Basic%Digest Http Proxy Authentication Method:
            Example Feature Type Picker
                GUI TITLE Microsoft Access Input Settings
                GUI GROUP TABLELIST%WHERE_CLAUSE Constraints
                # ===========================================================================
                # The ADO provider in use.  For Access, this is always MDB_ADO
                # ===========================================================================
                # This will show a widget to select dataset on the setting box. The
                # preceding "-" will ensure that DEFAULT_MACRO line and KEYWORD line is not
                # written out to the mapping file.
                -DEFAULT_VALUE DATASET
                -GUI FILENAME_MUSTEXIST DATASET Access_Database_Files(*.mdb)|*.mdb|All_files(*.*)|*.* Database Path:
                # ===========================================================================
                # Optional Password
                GUI OPTIONAL PASSWORD PASSWORD Password:
                # ===========================================================================
                # This will show a feature type selector widget on the dialog. In order for it
                # to work all the connection string parameters must be defined within the scope
                # of this setting box.
                # ===========================================================================
                # Optional global WHERE clause
                GUI OPTIONAL TEXT WHERE_CLAUSE Where Clause:
            Example Search Envelope
                # ===========================================================================
                # To show search envelope settings this is how the GUI and DEFAULT_VALUE lines
                # should like. Macro name MUST be like SEARCH_ENVELOPE_xxxx..., where "xxxx..." could
                # could be used to make the macro names unique.
                # ===========================================================================
                # this LOOKUP_GLOBAL has a drawback where the value of 0, if assigned to any parameters,
                  will be treated as if no value has been set to that parameter and a
                # different value has to be used in UT. It is recommended to use "LOOKUP [parameter name] <Unused>, [value]"
                  for compatibility with UT
                -GUI LOOKUP_GLOBAL <Unused>,0
                -GUI LOOKUP CLIP_TO_ENVELOPE <Unused>,No
                # ===========================================================================
                GUI FLOAT SEARCH_ENVELOPE_MINX Minimum X:
                # ===========================================================================
                GUI FLOAT SEARCH_ENVELOPE_MINY Minimum Y:
                # ===========================================================================
                GUI FLOAT SEARCH_ENVELOPE_MAXX Maximum X:
                # ===========================================================================
                GUI FLOAT SEARCH_ENVELOPE_MAXY Maximum Y
                # ===========================================================================
                GUI CHECKBOX CLIP_TO_ENVELOPE Yes%No Clip to Search Envelope
            Example Populating Dynamic Lists
                See Hijacking the Feature Type Picker Dialog to Populate Dynamic Lists
        This is the same as the SOURCE_SETTINGS/END_SOURCE_SETTINGS above except it
        is for the writer. This means that the [-] option doesn't really make sense,
        but it can be used. Some settings and includes are only intended for use
        in the DESTINATION_SETTINGS and are often prefixed as such.

        DESTINATION_DATASETTYPE_VALIDATION is a directive that relates to the
        validation of the type of the destination dataset as compared to the 
        dataset type written in the formats.db.

        For example, if the format has a dataset type of FILE in the formats.db
        then enabling this directive means that the infrastructure before the 
        writer will ensure the dataset being passed to the writer is a valid file
        prior to creating the writer. It does this by examining the dataset
        value and determining whether it is a file or directory. 
        Note that only FILE, FILEDIR, FILEURLDIR or DIRONLY dataset types are
        currently supported and that comparison only takes place if the 
        destination dataset is specified and exists. This check is not 
        relevant for any non-file based dataset formats, such as DATABASE, 
        URL, etc. as noted by the dataset type in the formats.db.

        By default, a format does not perform this validation. As part of 
        format design, this directive can be added to help enforce the
        validation of the dataset type.
        Specifying the following include line in the DESTINATION_SETTINGS
        section of a format metafile will cause validation to occur. 

        INCLUDE destinationDatasetTypeValidation.fmi

        Note that some formats cannot leverage this directive if they are
        currently, or have historically supported both FILE and DIR dataset
        types, such as FFS, or if their dataset type is not file based.
        This will determine the syntax for the DEF lines that mapping files and
        workbench produce.
        It is important that any parameters you define in the WORKBENCH_DEFLINE_PARMS
        section appear here, or else they won't actually show up in the DEF lines. If
        any parameters are defined on the DEF_LINE_TEMPLATE, Workbench will
        automatically add everything defined in WORKBENCH_DEFLINE_PARMS.
        If {FME_GEN_GEOMETRY} is provided on a def line, then DEF_LINE_BREAK must have
        the value GEOM_CHANGE.
        This provides a similar function in mapping files, with the exception that
        WORKBENCH_DEFLINE_PARMS is irrelevant since it is only for Workbench; however
        since your format should work in Workbench you must still use it.
        DEF_LINE_TEMPLATE defines the format of the defline. It is of the form
            DEF_LINE_TEMPLATE <groupName> [<def_attr> <def_attr_value>]*
        where <def_attr> is the name of a definition attribute and <def_attr_value> is
        the value of the definition line attribute. The value for group name may be
        hardcoded or may be specified using one of two special keywords which are
        available during the definition phase of the correlation table generation.
            - {FME_GEN_GROUP_NAME} is the current name of the group as defined by the
              input feature. The value of this macro is driven totally by the source side
              of the format.
            - {FME_GEN_GROUP_NUMBER} is the current group number. This macro is also
              totally driven by the source side. This is useful when you want to ensure
              that you assign unique numbers to different definition lines.
        <def_attr_value> must be carefully handled in order to work in all possible
        environments (Workbench, GENTRANS, UT Translate, UT Generate and Run). Based
        on experimentation and the Geodatabase example present below, the rules are
        as follows:
            - Empty strings must be escape quote delimited: \"\"
            - Strings with no spaces may be optionally quote delimited: "Object_ID" or Object_ID
                - GENTRANS will treat escaped quotes around non-empty strings as significant.
            - Strings with spaces must be quote and escape quote delimited: "\"Object ID\""
            - Whether the def line template is being INCLUDEd may have an impact
              on the quoting required.

        DEF lines may identify the geometry columns via the fme_geometry_columns value.
        This value has the following format:
            [<FMEParsableText-encoded name>[,<type>];]+
        This value should be used instead of format-specific directives
        Here are a few examples:
                DEF_LINE_TEMPLATE {FME_GEN_GROUP_NAME}                      \
                    geodb_type                       {FME_GEN_GEOMETRY}     \
                    GEODB_UPDATE_KEY_COLUMNS         \"\"                   \
                    GEODB_OBJECT_ID_NAME             "Object_ID"            \
                    GEODB_OBJECT_ID_ALIAS            "\"Object ID\""        \
                    GEODB_SHAPE_NAME                 "Shape"                \
                    GEODB_SHAPE_ALIAS                "Shape"                \
                    GEODB_CONFIG_KEYWORD             "DEFAULTS"             \
                    GEODB_FEATURE_DATASET            \"\"                   \
                    GEODB_GRID{1}                    \"\"                   \
                    GEODB_AVG_NUM_POINTS             \"\"                   \
                    $(_GEODBOutDEF_Xorigin)                                 \
                    $(_GEODBOutDEF_Yorigin)                                 \
                    $(_GEODBOutDEF_XYscale)                                 \
                    GEODB_HAS_Z_VALUES               \"\"                   \
                    $(_GEODBOutDEF_Zorigin)                                 \
                    $(_GEODBOutDEF_Zscale)                                  \
                    GEODB_HAS_MEASURES               \"\"                   \
                    $(_GEODBOutDEF_Morigin)                                 \
                    $(_GEODBOutDEF_Mscale)                                  \
                    GEODB_ANNO_REFERENCE_SCALE       \"\"

      This affects how DEF lines are created within Workbench/Universal Translator (UT).
      If the line contains:
         - GEOM_CHANGE, then only single geometry per feature type will be allowed, and the 'Geometry'
           combo box in Workbench will be enabled in the feature type properties dialog.
         - ATTRIB_CHANGE, then each feature type can handle all geometry types, and 'Geometry' will be
           disabled in the Workbench combo box.
         - NO_DEF, no DEF lines will be written at all, and the geometry combo box in Workbench will be
         - NO_ATTRIBS, then no user-defined attributes will be written onto the DEF line. This also
           means in Workbench, feature type properties dialog will not show the "User Attributes"
        Note that a single line can contain more than one of these values in it (i.e. for BC MOEP the
        This section defines how a format's types map into fme transfer types. For simplicity's sake, just think of transfer types as though they were fme types (i.e. fme_type). It is important that there are format types that map to each fme transfer type. The complete list of fme transfer types along with their permitted attributes is:
            - fme_point
                - fme_color
                - fme_symbol (rarely used)
                - fme_size (rarely used)
            - fme_line
                - fme_color
                - fme_style (rarely used)
                - fme_width (rarely used)
                - fme_smooth_line (rarely used)
            - fme_polygon
                - fme_fill_style (rarely used)
                - fme_foreground_color (rarely used)
                - fme_background_color (rarely used)
                - fme_color
                - fme_style (rarely used)
                - fme_width (rarely used)
            - fme_text
                - fme_rotation
                - fme_oblique_angle (rarely used)
                - fme_background_color (rarely used)
                - fme_color
                - fme_font (rarely used)
                - fme_text_style (rarely used)
                - fme_text_size
                - fme_justification (rarely used)
                - fme_text_string
                - fme_spacing (rarely used)
                - fme_text_width (rarely used)
            - fme_ellipse
                - fme_primary_axis
                - fme_secondary_axis
                - fme_rotation
                - fme_fill_style (rarely used)
                - fme_foreground_color (rarely used)
                - fme_background_color (rarely used)
                - fme_color
                - fme_style (rarely used)
                - fme_width (rarely used)
            - fme_arc
                - fme_primary_axis
                - fme_secondary_axis
                - fme_start_angle
                - fme_sweep_angle
                - fme_rotation
                - fme_color
                - fme_style (rarely used)
                - fme_width (rarely used)
                - fme_smooth_line (rarely used)
                - fme_rectangle (rarely used)
                - fme_fill_style (rarely used)
                - fme_foreground_color (rarely used)
                - fme_background_color (rarely used)
                - fme_color
                - fme_style (rarely used)
                - fme_width (rarely used)
            - fme_rounded_rectangle (rarely used)
                - fme_rounding (rarely used)
                - fme_fill_style (rarely used)
                - fme_foreground_color (rarely used)
                - fme_background_color (rarely used)
                - fme_color
                - fme_style (rarely used)
                - fme_width (rarely used)
            - fme_no_geom
            - fme_collection (implied mapping: fme_no_geom)
            - fme_point_cloud (implied mapping: fme_polygon)
            - fme_raster (implied mapping: fme_polygon)
            - fme_solid (implied mapping: fme_line)
            - fme_surface (implied mapping: fme_line)
            - fme_voxel_grid (implied mapping: fme_point_cloud)
        It is absolutely valid that multiple fme transfer types map to the same format
        type. For example, geodb_polygon maps to fme_polygon, fme_rounded_rectangle,
        and fme_rectangle. It is also possible for a single fme transfer type to map
        to multiple format types. Continuing the example with Geodatabase,
        geodb_polyline, geodb_simple_edge, and geodb_complex_edge all map to fme_line.
        In this situation however, the order of these mappings (i.e. which is first in
        the file) is very important because when writing to the format, fme_line will
        get mapped to the first match found in the metafile, which in the Geodatabase
        case would be geodb_polyline.
        Within Workbench, this section lists all the possible geometry types this
        format supports. It is important that a mapping to all fme transfer types be
        present, for if Workbench cannot map a generic type (say, fme_line) bad things
        will happen.
        Look at existing formats to see what this section looks like.
        Some fme_type values have an "implied mapping". These types were added later,
        and thus may not be present in all metafiles. If no explicit mapping is found,
        the same mapping is used as for the implied type. For example, for mapinfo,
        fme_raster will be mapped to mapinfo_region (the mapinfo mapping for
        Note that fme_collection is special because it is used as an indicator whether
        a writer has support for rich IFMEAggregate geometries or for heterogeneous
        classic FME_GEOM_AGGREGATE/STF_GEOM_AGGREGATE geometries. if fme_collection
        appears in a writer's geom_map, then heterogeneous IFMEAggregates and
        homogeneous IFMEAggregates (that could alternatively be IFMEMultis) will be
        send to the writer to handle. if fme_collection is not in a writer's geom_map,
        then heterogeneous IFMEAggregates will be split into homogeneous IFMEMultis,
        and homogeneous IFMEAggregates will be simplified into IFMEMultis.

        Note also that a special value of fme_no_map can be used on the left
        side of a GEOM_MAP line to indicate that there is no valid mapping for 
        the corresponding fme type on the right side.
        For good reading on this that describes the bare basics needed to know, check
        out: FME Universal Translator help -> FME Fundamentals -> FMEFundamentals ->
        FME Architecture -> FME Features -> fme_type
        This section defines how a format's attribute types map into fme 
        attribute types and vice versa.

        Basically, the right-hand side lists all the possible attribute types that
        FME understands. It is important that each of these types have a mapping
        into the specific format attribute types used by your format. The
        IFMEReader::readSchema() method should return the attribute types on the
        left hand side on feature types that have user attributes.

        Note that the ATTR_TYPE_MAP is read in one of two ways:

        a. Source Format / Reader / Genericize - Left to Right, or
        b. Dest Format / Writer / Specialize - Right to Left


        Case a. above: Reading left to right is called genericizing.
        Case b. above: Reading right to left is called specializing.
        The left side of the ATTR_TYPE_MAP is the format attribute types.
        The right side of the ATTR_TYPE_MAP is the FME attribute types.
        Arguments to types that exist in brackets are called descriptors.

        In both cases above, entries are read top down to find a match.
        Exact matches are expected for types without descriptors, and
        otherwise either types with specific descriptors, I.E. char(20), or
        types with placeholder descriptors, I.E. char(width) are mapped to
        the best possible match.
        A good starting point for the ATTR_TYPE_MAP would be:
            ATTR_TYPE_MAP  string                  fme_buffer                 \
                           char(width)             fme_varchar(width)         \
                           char(width)             fme_char(width)            \
                           datetime                fme_datetime               \
                           time                    fme_time                   \
                           date                    fme_date                   \
                           real64                  fme_real64                 \
                           real32                  fme_real32                 \
                           int32                   fme_int32                  \
                           uint32                  fme_uint32                 \
                           int64                   fme_int64                  \
                           uint64                  fme_uint64                 \
                           logical                 fme_boolean                \
                           int16                   fme_int16                  \
                           uint16                  fme_uint16                 \
                           uint8                   fme_uint8                  \
                           number(width,decimal)   fme_decimal(width,decimal) \
                           string                  fme_xml                    \
                           string                  fme_json
        Note that the format types are arbitrary and are named by the format 
        creator. Format creators are encouraged to to name format types 
        based on native format names, as best as possible, and to be as 
        explicit as possible with types so that they can be addressed 
        individually if needed. Which usually means listing all supported
        format types.
        Note: fme_char used to be a first-class fme type, but has since been
        replaced by fme_uint8, or just fme_char(width)

        WARNING: Attempting to modify the attribute type map after the
        original definition can lead to serious compatibility issues. Should you
        need to modify the map, it is strongly recommended that a type name be
        never removed from the map. Move the old type name lower in the mapping

        In particular, it is important to specify date type fields.
        If formats explicitly identify date, time or datetime types,
        then, when translating to database or other formats that require
        specific formatting, date types can be detected and the date values
        can be properly formatted.

        However, the format creator is responsible for ensuring that date,
        time, or datetime attribute values are formatted correctly according
        to the FME date, time and datetime standards when reading as well.

        In general, the format attribute types should not be prefixed by 
        some format identifier(e.g. use "date" instead of "sdf_date"), 
        unlike with the GEOM_MAP entries.

        Specialization Only Mappings

        Specific format attributes that contain numbers in parenthesis or
        hyphens as suffixes (e.g. char(20), number(10,10), or text-) 
        are only used for specializing.
        For example, the following mapping
            number(31,15)       fme_real64
        or from the example above:

            char(1)             fme_char
        will not have any effect if this is the source format and we are
        genericizing the attribute types.

        Unsupported FME Types

        It is possible that a format does not support one or more of the FME
        attribute types. In this case, it can be mapped to an appropriate 
        attribute type that the format does support. 
        For example, you mapping might look like Shape's/DBF's (dbftypes.fmi):
        ATTR_TYPE_MAP  char(width)             fme_varchar(width)         \
                       char(width)             fme_char(width)            \
                       $(DBF_TYPES)                                       \
                       char(254)               fme_buffer                 \
                       char(20)                fme_datetime               \
                       char(12)                fme_time                   \
                       char(1)                 fme_char                   \
                       date                    fme_date                   \
                       double                  fme_real64                 \
                       double                  fme_uint32                 \
                       float                   fme_real32                 \
                       number(20,0)            fme_int64                  \
                       number(20,0)            fme_uint64                 \
                       logical                 fme_boolean                \
                       short                   fme_int16                  \
                       short                   fme_uint8                  \
                       long                    fme_int32                  \
                       long                    fme_uint16                 \
                       number(width,decimal)   fme_decimal(width,decimal)
        Notice that fme_buffer, fme_datetime, and fme_time all map to 
        char(n) of a specific width large enough to store that type of value.
        Additionally, both signed and unsigned 64 bit floating point numbers
        map to number(20,0).

        Descriptor Matching

        There are many valid mappings possible for each type. For example, 
        an FME attribute type of fme_decimal(width, decimal) could be 
        defined to map to any of the following format types.

        Example valid mappings:

        number(20,10)                         fme_decimal(width,precision)
        number(width,decimal)                 fme_decimal(width,precision)
        char(20)                              fme_decimal(width,precision)
        char(width)                           fme_decimal(width,precision)
        text-                                 fme_decimal(width,precision)

        However, in some case we want more complex mappings such as the 
        cases below. Most of these arise from cases with mismatched
        numbers or values for descriptors beween the format and fme 
        attribute types.

        a. Discarding Undesirable Type Descriptors 
        This is possible using hyphens on the format attribute and are
        useful for specialization only.
        If the right side has a (width) or (width, decimal) and you cannot/do not want
        to use these descriptors then use a hyphen on the left side.
                    double-                fme_decimal(width,decimal)
        Essentially the hyphen means that the width, decimal will be thrown away.
        Note that this also means that the mapping will only be used when 
        writing, where we map from the generic fme attribute type on the right 
        to the format specific attribute type on the left. The hyphen will
        prevent the line above from being used as a valid mapping when reading.
        b. Matching Unequal Numbers of Descriptors

        It is also possible to create mappings where specializing will
        map types with different numbers of descriptors.

        If specializing and the FME attribute type has MORE descriptors
        than the format attribute type, only the required number of 
        attributes are taken.

        Map  : char(width)                   fme_decimal(width,decimal)
        Value: fme_decimal(31,15)     ->     char(31)

        If specializing and the FME attribute type has LESS descriptors
        than the format attribute type, the descriptors would be taken
        literally from the FME type, which is the default behavior.

        Map  : string(width,xlsx_col_props)  fme_varchar(width)
        Value: fme_varchar(21)        ->  string(21)

        None of these format types could be used for genericizing.

        c. Example Descriptor Mismatches
        Examples of actual literal values passing through the 
        ATTR_TYPE_MAP would behave as follows:

        Map  : char(255)                     fme_decimal(width,decimal)
        Value: fme_decimal(31,15)     ->     char(255)

        Map  : char(width)                   fme_decimal(width,decimal)
        Value: fme_decimal(31,15)     ->     char(31)

        Map  : string(width,xlsx_col_props)  fme_varchar(width)
        Value: fme_varchar(21)        ->     string(21)

        Exact Attribute Matching

        In addition to the regular specialize and genericize steps
        there is an extra post mapping step involved when both the source
        and destination formats are known, which is sometimes referred to
        as end-to-end mapping. This extra step is useful when generating
        non-default types to the same format or to another format that 
        supports attributes of the exact same type. 
        The exact matching will attempt to see if there is a better type 
        than the one initially found in the base mapping by checking to 
        see if the exact source format type can be found in the destination
        attribute types. 
        Note that the exact attribute type name must exist
        on the format side of the ATTR_TYPE_MAP of both the source and 
        destination formats and they must map to the same fme attribute
        type as well. If so, the original type is preferred and replaces 
        the previous mapped type from genericization and specialization.

        For example, let's say that an input attribute type of char(50) 
        initially genericized to fme_char(width) and then specialized to 
        string- by default in the destination. The exact attribute type
        matching would might observe that the destination format also has 
        a char(width) type. If this is true, then the input attribute type
        of char(50) will instead be mapped to char(50), not string.

        Automatic Fixed Size Numeric Conversion

        Some formats allow for numeric types that have variable width and 
        precision, and map these types to the fme_decimal(width,precision)
        attribute type. Other formats are unable to store variable precision
        numeric types and must attempt to map fme_decimal to the correct
        size of numeric. 
        The core does this mapping automatically, by attempting an additional
        specialization from the correctly sized fixed numeric FME attribute 
        type to the destination format attribute types. If the result is 
        a new fixed precision type, as indicated by a lack of descriptors, 
        and not equal to the initial result type then that type is preferred.

        For example, let's say that an input attribute type of number(15,0)
        initially genericized to fme_decimal(15,0) and then specialized to
        double in the destination format, by default. The extra fixed size 
        type conversion would detect the fme_decimal type and identify 
        fme_int64 as the closest fixed precision numeric type. If 
        specializing fme_int64 to the destination attribute type resulted 
        in a type of int64 then this type would be preferred to the initial
        double mapping as it is a better fixed numeric size.

        Variable and Fixed Strings: Varchar > Char

        Also notice that char(width) maps to fme_varchar(width) by default. This is
        desirable so that fixed with (char) only formats like ESRI Shape or MapInfo
        Tab will map their string values nicely to varchar supporting formats such as
        Oracle and other databases without the padding.

        For formats that don't have the concept of fixed vs. variable length strings,
        you should preferentially map strings to fme_varchar ahead of fme_char. This
        means automatic translations to database formats will use varchar columns
        instead of char columns, unless the source format knows otherwise.

        Width and No Width

        Sometimes it is desirable to allow width to be optionally specified for
        an attribute type.  This can be accomplished using mappings like the
        following.  Note that it is currently not valid for a Reader to include
        "time(x)" on a readSchema feature in this case (PR#58493).

        time                 fme_time    \
        time(width)          fme_time

        Within Workbench, the WORKBENCH_EXPOSABLE_ATTRIBUTES section lists 
        all the possible attribute types the format supports. 
        It is important that this have a full mapping for the generic
        FME attribute types, for if Workbench cannot map an FME type (say,
        fme_char) bad things will happen (attributes will go missing at
        generate time or errors will occur at runtime).

        IMPORTANT NOTE: Format specific attributes MUST use the format 
        attribute types (types on the left hand side of ATTR_TYPE_MAP).

        Incorrect use:

        shape_name   fme_char(10)

        Correct use:

        shape_name   char(10)


        The REQUIRES_FEATURE_TABLES keyword can be used to specify that a writer
        should only ever receive feature tables as input, and should never be
        passed a "standard" feature. If this keyword is set to Yes, the core
        will accumulate all features into a feature table before passing them to
        the writer. In this case, the feature table is constructed as follows:

            1. User attributes will be added by parsing the DEF lines and
               mapping their types to feature table attribute types.

            2. Geometry columns will be added by parsing the DEF lines and
               looking for the fme_geometry_columns keyword. If not specified,
               the feature table will have a single unnamed geometry. If a
               feature table with no geometry is desired, this keyword can be
               set to a special value of fme_no_geom.

            3. Format attributes will be added from the set of writer exposable
               attributes. If only a subset of the exposable attributes is
               wanted in the feature table, the FEATURE_TABLE_FORMAT_ATTRS
               keyword can be used to specify a subset of the exposable
               attributes that should exist in the feature table.

    Feature Type Name Constraints
       Following metafile directives determine how feature type names are handled.
       These are also enforced by Workbench during the course of normal workspace
       editing after the workspace has already been generated.
             - ASSUMPTIONS:
                - ALPHA means english alphabet characters (a-z or A-Z)
                - Underscore is the replacement for invalid chars so it is not allowed to
                   be one of the invalid chars
                - . (dot) is the separator between user name and feature type name,
                   unless it is part of the FEATURE_TYPE_INVALID_CHARS. What this means is
                   if there is . (dot) in the feature type name and it is not one of the
                   invalid characters then the FEATURE_TYPE_LENGTH will be from the first .
                   (dot) position to the end. E.g. For feature type name like "ha
                   (28.12.09)$0$H_Align - Controls LOC", "ha (28" would be treated as the
                   prefix or user name and FEATURE_TYPE_LENGTH constraint will be applied on
                   "12.09)$0$H_Align - Controls LOC". To avoid . (dot) being used as delimiter
                   between prefix and feature type name, just add FEATURE_TYPE_LENGTH_INCLUDES_PREFIX
                   directive to the metafile
             - FEATURE_TYPE_CASE: This determines whether the attributes should be all
             upper case, lower, case, or it doesn't matter. Only affects writer. Possible
             values are:
                - ANY - Name will be left alone
                - UPPER - Name will be forced to upper case including any non-alphabetic
                   characters. For example accented characters are non-alphabetic but may
                   have upper and lower case version.
                - LOWER - Name will be forced to lower case including any non-alphabetic
                - FIRST_UPPER - First character of the name will be forced to upper case
                   including any non-alphabetic characters.
                - FIRST_LOWER - First character of the name will be forced to lower case
                   including any non-alphabetic characters.
                - UPPER_FIRST_ALPHA - Force name to uppercase and then ensure that first
                   character is an alphabet (A-Z). Accented characters are not treated as
                - LOWER_FIRST_ALPHA - Force name to lowercase and then ensure that first
                   character is an alphabet (a-z). Accented characters are not treated as
                - FIRST_ALPHA - Ensure that first character is an alphabet (A-Z|a-z).
                   Accented characters are not treated as alphabets.
                - ANY_FIRST_NONNUMERIC - Ensure that the first character is not a number,
                   if it is then put an underscore in front of the name.
             - FEATURE_TYPE_LENGTH: This determines the max length of a feature type name
             in characters not bytes.
             - FEATURE_TYPE_INVALID_CHARS: This determines which characters are invalid
             for a feature type name.
             - FEATURE_TYPE_RESERVED_WORDS: This determines words that have special
             meaning for the format and cannot be used as feature type names. Value of
             this directive is space delimited list of words. See sqlreservedwords.fmi
             for an example.
             - FEATURE_TYPE_LENGTH_INCLUDES_PREFIX: This directive does not take any
             value but we provide a dummy value just so that it doesn't mess up where we
             expect name value pair when this directive is actually present in the
             metafile. Just the presense of this directive indicates that the maximum
             length of feature type will be inclusive of the schema or user prefix
             usually for database formats. "." is treated as part of the user/schema
             name. e.g. A feature type name could be dev.myTables. If this directive is
             present then whole of dev.myTables will be used to determine the maximum
             allowed length otherwise only myTables will be used for maximum length
             - WORKBENCH_FEATURE_TYPE_VALIDATION_SCRIPT: Points at a TCL script that
             workbench will use to validate feature type names.
       Example: In most of our database metafiles we use the following @TCL function
       call to apply the feature type name constraints.
             @TCL("set no_schema_prefix yes; set invalid_chars_regexp {. / * ; : ! # & - \ " ' $ [ ] }; set max_length 64; source {$(FME_MF_DIR_UNIX)/$(tclFileNameToUse)}")
       The above line can be replaced by following metafile directives
             FEATURE_TYPE_INVALID_CHARS . / * ; : ! # & - \ " ' $ [ ]
             FEATURE_TYPE_LENGTH 64
             INCLUDE formatReservedWords.fmi
       INCLUDE line above is to keep the length of metafile reasonable.
       formatReservedWords.fmi will look like
                ABSOLUTE                     \
                ACCESS                       \
                ACCOUNT                      \
                ACTION                       \
                ACTIVATE                     \
                ADD                          \
                ADMIN                        \
                AFTER                        \
                ALL                          \
    Attribute Name Constraints
       There are a few directives that determine how attributes are handled. These
       are used by both Workbench and the Universal Translator (UT).
             - Assumptions:
                - ALPHA means english alphabet characters (a-z or A-Z)
                - Underscore is the replacement for invalid chars so it is not allowed to
                   be one of the invalid char
             - ATTRIBUTE_CASE: This determines whether the attributes should be all upper case, lower, case, or it doesn't matter. Only affects writer. Possible values are:
                - ANY - Name will be left alone
                - UPPER - Name will be forced to upper case including any non-alphabetic
                   characters. For example accented characters are non-alphabetic but may
                   have upper and lower case version.
                - LOWER - Name will be forced to lower case including any non-alphabetic
                - FIRST_UPPER - First character of the name will be forced to upper case
                   including any non-alphabetic characters.
                - FIRST_LOWER - First character of the name will be forced to lower case
                   including any non-alphabetic characters.
                - UPPER_FIRST_ALPHA - Force name to uppercase and then ensure that first
                   character is an alphabet (A-Z). Accented characters are not treated as
                - LOWER_FIRST_ALPHA - Force name to lowercase and then ensure that first
                   character is an alphabet (a-z). Accented characters are not treated as
                - FIRST_ALPHA - Ensure that first character is an alphabet (A-Z|a-z).
                   Accented characters are not treated as alphabets.
                - ANY_FIRST_NONNUMERIC - Ensure that the first character is not a
                   number, if it is then put an underscore in front of the name.
                - FIRST_LETTER - Ensure that the first character is an Alphabetic
                   character according to the Unicode definitions. This is a more
                   expansive version of FIRST_ALPHA (which is limited to Ascii).
             - ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH: This determines the max length of an attribute
             - ATTRIBUTE_INVALID_CHARS: This determines which characters are invalid in
             an attribute name.
             - ATTRIBUTE_CASE_IGNORE_LIST: This sets a list of attributes that are not to
             be affected by the ATTRIBUTE_CASE directive
             - DEST_ILLEGAL_ATTR_LIST: This determines words that have special meaning
             for the format and cannot be used as attribute names. Value of this
             directive is space delimited list of words. See sqlreservedwords.fmi for an
             example. NOTE: This directive is now enforced by workbench.
       It's possible for the value of the directive to depend on whether the format
       is being read or written. In this case you can check the direction within the
       metafile to ensure the correct value is used. But we just said above that
       these only affect writers - why bother? The following is an example taken from
             INCLUDE [if {"$(FMEGEN_DIRECTION)" == "Destination"} { \
                         puts {ATTRIBUTE_CASE UPPER};              \
                         puts {ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH 31};               \
                      } else {                                      \
                         puts {ATTRIBUTE_CASE ANY};                \
                         puts {ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH 255};              \
                      } ]
        Old comments (since 2001 at least)
        These statements are used to define tables whose values as to be placed in
        correlation or definition lines. The idea is that each time the table is
        referenced the next table value is used. The table value is incremented as
        each feature is processed. This is done to ensure that definition lines
        always match corresponding correlation lines. The next value is retreived
        from the table using the {FME_TABLE:<tableName>} substitution value.
        Currently the <accessType> is stored but not used. The idea would be to
        support values such as GROUP_RELATED, SEQUENTIAL, RANDOM, etc. If
        GROUP_RELATED is specified then the value returned is associated with the
        group. Each group Name is thus associated with an index into the table. This
        should be specified if the table value must appear on both an FME mapping
        file definition line and a FME correlation line and the values must be in
        New comments (2008)
        The common use of this seems to be:
        as when it was set to "ATTRIB_CHANGE" the features were duplicated in an
        OBJ->OBJ translation and in a translation from Shape->OBJ where the shape
        feature type wasn't what was specified in [<FEATURE_TYPES>]+ caused an error
        to occur on workspace generation (although that could be related to
        WORKBENCH_CANNED_SCHEMA). I also believe that you'll want/need to specify
            WORKBENCH_CANNED_SCHEMA <schema file>
        The TFS Fixed Schema Plugin is a good example of how this all works.
        Single Destination Feature Type Usage
        Another common usage is for writers like GENERIC (in dynamic mode), 3DS and
        OBJ. In these three cases, the destination dataset has a single workbench
        node whose actual feature type and attributes are irrelevant to the writer
        at runtime. At file generation time, however, one would want all source
        feature types to feed into the single destination type.
        There are three points of configuration to set this up in the metafile:
            1. A META_TABLE command is added to allow only a single feature type to be emitted
            2. A canned schema is used to define the one feature type that will be emitted
            3. The DEF_LINE_BREAK is set so that all input is connected. The internals of FME
               will detect the case where META_TABLE is limiting the output to a single table,
               and will join all input feature types to the one output feature type at generation
        In the metafile for 3DS, these three lines look like the following. The
        order is not significant, but they must be located in the appropriate
        sections of the metafile. The "NO_ATTRIBS" prevents the user from adding
        attributes to the destination feature type.
            WORKBENCH_CANNED_SCHEMA 3ds.sch
        This will generate workspaces with all input feature types joined to a
        destination feature type named "3DS_ELEMENT". This type is defined in
        schemas/3ds.sch as:
            FEATURE_DEF 3DS_ELEMENT                                 \
               fme_geometry{0}                             3ds_mesh \
               fme_geomattr{0}.3ds_diffuse_color           string   \
               fme_geomattr{0}.3ds_specular_color          string   \
               fme_geomattr{0}.3ds_ambient_color           string   \
               fme_geomattr{0}.3ds_material                string   \
               fme_geomattr{0}.3ds_texture_image           string   \
               fme_geomattr{0}.3ds_texture_map_blur        string   \
               fme_geomattr{0}.3ds_texture_map_scale       string   \
               fme_geomattr{0}.3ds_texture_map_offset      string   \
               fme_geomattr{0}.3ds_texture_map_rotation    string   \
               fme_geomattr{0}.3ds_texture_map_mirror      string   \
               fme_geomattr{0}.3ds_texture_map_intensity   string
        Correlation Line Directives
            CORR_LINE_TEMPLATE defines the format of the correlation line. It is of the form:
                CORR_LINE_TEMPLATE <groupName> [<def_attr> <def_attr_value>]*
            For formats with only one format-specific type, this is typically:
            For formats with multiple format-specific types, this is typically:
                CORR_LINE_TEMPLATE {FME_GEN_GROUP_NAME} <format-specific-type-attribute> {FME_GEN_GEOMETRY}
            The second form is needed on both the source and destination sides whenever
            the format has more than one format-specific type. If you leave this out on
            the reader side, you can't successfully convert to a format that splits the
            data up by geometry type (e.g., Shape). If you leave this out on the writer
            side, the writer won't get the format-specific type. These bad symptoms only
            occur if you are using the Universal Translator or generated mapping files.
            Therefore, it is good practice to test each format by converting the alltypes
            MIF to the format, and then converting the format to Shape, all via the
            Universal Translator.
        This line will prevent FME from iterating through each type when creating the
        reader or writer. This allows more specific errors to appear in the logfile,
        and prevents misleading log messages from appearing should FME fail to create
        this reader or writer.
        Note: The existence of the keywords DYNAMIC_LIBRARY* implies FORMAT_TYPE DYNAMIC
            Same as FORMAT_TYPE, except specific for the reader.
            Same as FORMAT_TYPE, except specific for the writer.
        If the format type is DEPRECATED, the reader and writer creators will log
        that and suggest a preferred format as specified by the following:

        Name of the dynamic library (minus the extension) to use for the reader/writer 
        relative to FME_HOME/plugins/ and FME_HOME/ (in that order). This metafile 
           - allows a single dynamic library to be shared by multiple formats 
              - for example, AutoCAD DWG/DXF and AutoCAD DWF both share the same 
                dynamic library 
           - provides a specific folder for storing 3rd party files specific to the 
             plug-in. For example, 3rd party C++ dynamic libraries can be stored here 
             and will automatically get loaded when needed (note: .NET DLLs stored here
             will not automatically get loaded at runtime and therefore should be 
             registered with the GAC or stored in the FME_HOME folder). 
           - helps minimize the number of files/folders located at the FME_HOME root
        If you would like to store your FME plug-in dynamic library in a subfolder within
        the FME_HOME/plugins directory (like PDF does), then the metafile directive will 
            DYNAMIC_LIBRARY <folder name>/<dynamic library name minus file extension>
            Same as DYNAMIC_LIBRARY, except specific for the reader.
            Same as DYNAMIC_LIBRARY, except specific for the writer.
        Re-using entry points from an existing plugin
            Note that if you are adding a new reader (or writer), which piggybacks off
            an existing format (i.e. gdal or xml), and the existing format which you're
            piggybacking off of contains a the writer dynamic library entry point 
            FME_createWriter() (or FME_createReader()) then you'll need to add the 
            following line in the metafile to inform our FORMAT reader that you're only
            a reader:
            If you're a writer only, then you'll need to add the line:
            The purpose of this is so that the FORMAT reader will provide the value NO to the attribute CAN_CREATE_[READER|WRITER].
        The actual plugin name for python and class name for Java plugins.
        This specify the module to load.
            Same as PLUGIN_NAME, except specific for the reader.
            Same as PLUGIN_NAME, except specific for the writer.
        To specify the minimum python version inside the metafile.
        Specify a python path inside the metafile.
            FME_PYTHON_PATH "$(FME_HOME)../foundation/formats/ogdi/"
        This directive defines the lowest level of coordinate system granularity
        supported by a format. Valid values are {DATASET, FEATURE_TYPE, FEATURE}.
        Although this directive can be added anywhere in the metafile but it is
        strongly suggested that this directive be used within the DESTINATION_PREAMBLE
        section of the metafile to maintain backwards compatibility. By adding the
        directive in DESTINATION_PREAMBLE section will ensure that the value of this
        directive will only apply to newly generated workspaces. Existing workspaces
        should work the same way as before this change. If adding a new format you can
        choose to add it any where in the metafile. Here is bit of explanation on what
        the directive value means.
        - DATASET: This is the old behaviour where all features sent to a writer
          will have the same coordinate system. The very FIRST feature with
          coordinate system (it may not be the very first feature sent to the
          writer) was used as the reference coordinate system for all the subsequent
          features. If any feature had a different coordinate system it would then
          be reprojected to the reference coordinate system. If you don't specify
          the COORDINATE_SYSTEM_GRANULARITY directive, this is assumed by default.
          But if you do specify this directive explicity in the metafile then a
          slightly modified approach will be taken to get the reference coordinate
          system. Instead of using the first feature with coordinate system, FME
          would use the first feature's coordinate system as the reference
          coordinate system. This mean that if the first feature doesn't have any
          coordinate system specified then subsequent features that may have a
          coordinate system will never be reprojected
        - FEATURE_TYPE: This will ensure that the same coordinate system will be set
          for a given feature type. Again the coordinate system on the first feature
          for a given feature type will be used as the reference coordinate system.
          All other subsequent features will be re-projected to the reference
          coordinate system if it is different and reference coordinate system is not
          empty. Most database formats will be in this category.
        - FEATURE: This will will ensure that FME core will never touch the
          coordinate system on the feature, it will be up to the writer to handle per
          feature coordinate systems. Most raster writers will be in this category.
        This directive defines if the reader has implemented support for FEATURE_TYPES
        directive when reading schema and data features. What this means is if a reader
        filters the features based on the FEATURE_TYPE directive natively, then reader
        core (STFReaderImp) doesn't have to do any filtering based on FEATURE_TYPES
        directive. WMS reader uses this directive because the FEATURE_TYPES list
        doesn't match with the features that are returned because of the hierarchical
        nature of the feature type naming scheme. E.g.
        Specifies instructions to the multi-writer for a format writer, to help it
        make the decision to create the format writer as resident versus deferred.
        The default without this specified behaves like a value of 'ANY', where the
        multi-writer may choose to defer or not as it has before.

        ALWAYS is the only currently supported setting, which indicates that format
        writer instances should always be deferred, and never made resident. This
        can be useful to avoid access conflicts between readers and writers that can
        occur during resident writing.

** Metafile Directives Specific to Workbench **
        This is a source and destination macro set in the control file object, which is
        accessible in metafiles with values 'yes' or 'no'. It is intended to indicate
        two things: that the metafile usage is currently for workbnech, and that the
        metafile usage is currently for generate.
        This section gives more information about the DEF line parameters in the
        DEF_LINE_TEMPLATE. Each parameter can supply a GUI line and a default value.
        This defines how the GUI will appear under the 'Parameters' tab in the feature
        type properties dialog.
        Warning: Traditional wisdom was that settings needed only in Workbench should
        be here and could be omitted from the DEF_LINE_TEMPLATE. This isn't true for
        writers! Parameters missing from DEF_LINE_TEMPLATE will be ignored during
        dynamic writing.
        A type of DISABLE means that the parameter is a YES/NO choice and other
        parameters will be enabled/disabled in response to changes to this parameter.
        When the DISABLE parameter is NO, parameters with the DISABLED_ONLY modifier
        are disabled. When the DISABLE parameter is YES, parameters without the
        DISABLED_ONLY modifier are disabled.
        Parameters with the ALWAYS_ENABLED modifier are not affected by DISABLE parameters.
    GUI Modifier: FORCE_DEFS
        Based on apps/workbench/controlDefs.cpp, it appears that if any Workbench parameter has the FORCE_DEFS modifier all attributes will be included in the DEF line regardless of whether the format "writes out def lines" (whatever that means).
            // get if this guy is a "disabled database" record node
            // this occurs with certain formats if the user selects that the
            // database table corresponding to this feature type already exists.
            // if this is true, then the defline parameter for this guy should
            // not be written out
            virtual bool DisabledDeflineParms();
        This gives a list of all the attributes that Workbench will show under the
        'Format Attributes' tab in the feature type properties dialog, and the
        attributes' types.
            NOTE: This keyword has been deprecated.
            Use [FORMAT_PARAMETER WRITER_AUTO_EXPOSE] for automatically exposing (adding
            to destination feature  types) attributes on destination feature types.
        This gives a list of attributes that will, by default, be added to destination
        feature type. This is used in combination with the
        WORKBENCH_EXPOSABLE_ATTRIBUTES tag to automatically expose format attributes for
        destination feature types. It has the same syntax as
        This points to a schema file (the .sch files in install/schemas) defining all
        the canned schemas that will end up as destination feature types for this
        format. This directive is only applicable to writers. See the GXF metafile for
        an example.
        Alternatively instead of a hardcoded .sch file being specified, this directive
        can also be given the value READ_AS_SOURCE which indicates that the writer
        should use the reader readSchema call to determine its schemas. This can be used
        in cases where there are several fixed schemas to be chosen from dynamically
        based on use input. To be clear the source reader is not used as in the variable
        schema cases, rather the destination format uses the same format reader to read
        its own schema accurately. I.e. Shape to ADAC would use the ADAC read to read
        the known schemas for the ADAC format from a well known .xsd file shipped with
        FME. This is a similar but more dynamic way of defining a set fixed schemas for
        a writer without making static .sch files. Another example is OpenSpirit formats
        where the user chooses from several sets of fixed schema data models which we do
        not want to define in .sch files for maintenance reasons.
        When this directive is specified, then the directive
        WORKBENCH_NO_FEATURE_TYPE_FANOUT must also be specified because fan-out does not
        make sense in a fixed schema format.
        By default, Workbench assumes your format will support feature type fanout.
        Your format will get this for free if it is a file-based format. If it is
        directory-based, or a database format, your format will require special code
        (see: Feature Type Fanout). If you have a directory or database format that
        does not support feature-type fanout, put this stand-alone directive in your
        metafile. Workbench will then disable the fanout option in the feature type
        properties dialog.
        This specifies the types of indexes that attributes on this format can have. If
        this is specified, an extra column is provided in the feature type properties
        dialog for this format, allowing the user to select indexes for specific
        columns. The syntax looks like this:
            WORKBENCH_ATTR_INDEX_TYPES <type1> <type2> <type3>
        If the user selects an index for an attribute, it appears after the
        attribute's type on the feature type's DEF line, separated by a comma. For
            SPUD_DEF MyTable \
                column_one  varchar(255) \
                column_two  varchar(10),indexed
        This is a generic way of specifying reader/writer parameters for use in
        Workbench. The way you specify such a parameter is like this:
            FORMAT_PARAMETER <key> <value>
        The key is completely arbitary. Using FORMAT_PARAMETER, instead of making a
        whole new directive (as the ones above), allows you to make new metafile
        parameters instantly, without having to modify about 10 C++ classes. Any
        parameters specified in this way will automatically be stored in workspaces
        and be usable in Workbench. It is anticipated that most new reader/writer
        configuration directives will be done this way.
            Specifies which reader/writer directives should be published when added to a
            workspace. If this is not specified, the default behaviour is to publish the
            source and destination dataset parameter.
            NOTE : If this is used in a metafile to auto publish some parameter(s) then
            ensure that SourceDataset and DestDataset are also included in the list for
            auto publishing. Syntax:
                FORMAT_PARAMETER AUTO_PUBLISH <macro1> <macro2> ...
            <macro1> <macro2> are the macro names used in in the reader/writer preambles.
            These are the macros that will be published.
            Specifies which reader/writer directives should be shown under the 'Advanced'
            branch, instead of in the main 'Parameters' branch in the navigation tree.
                FORMAT_PARAMETER ADVANCED_PARMS <macro1> <macro2> ...
            <macro1> <macro2> are the macro names used in in the reader/writer preambles.
            These are the macros that will be shown under 'Advanced'. Each format can only
            have one ADVANCED_PARMS list, so the reader and writer have to share a list.
            Note: There is a more complete syntax for this for two reasons.
                When using DEFAULT_VALUE <name> lines, the name is mangled into a macro by the
                time the ADVANCED_PARMS list is parsed. Thus the list must specify the mangled
                macro name in a generic fashion if the list it is to work.
                The advanced parameters get parsed once for the source format and once for the
                destination format. If you don't limit when each type of macros get used, you will
                end up with something like destination macros in the source advanced parameters list.
            Thus this syntax is better. Syntax:
                INCLUDE [if { ("$(FMEGEN_DIRECTION)" == "Source") } { \
                            set line "FORMAT_PARAMETER ADVANCED_PARMS"; \
                            append line { $(FMEGEN_SOURCE_FORMAT)_IN_<source_macro_name>}; \
                            puts $line; \
                         } else { \
                            set line "FORMAT_PARAMETER ADVANCED_PARMS"; \
                            append line { $(FMEGEN_DESTINATION_FORMAT)_OUT_<destination_macro_name>}; \
                            puts $line; \
            Specifies which additional reader/writer directives should be shown under the 'Search Envelope'
            branch, instead of in the main 'Parameters' branch in the navigation tree. Directives whose
            name contains "SEARCH_ENVELOPE" or "CLIP_TO_ENVELOPE" are automatically added to 
            'Search Envelope' category, so there is no need to list those directives here.
                FORMAT_PARAMETER SEARCH_ENVELOPE_PARMS <macro1> <macro2> ...
            For information on how to add in the metafile and how to name the directives, see
            details ADVANCED_PARMS parameter above.

            Specifies a list of attribute name and attribute type pairs, to be automatically exposed on source feature types.
                FORMAT_PARAMETER READER_AUTO_EXPOSE <attrName1> <attrType1> <attrName2> <attrType2> ...
            Specifies a list of attribute name and attribute type pairs, to be automatically exposed on destination feature types.
                FORMAT_PARAMETER WRITER_AUTO_EXPOSE <attrName1> <attrType1> <attrName2> <attrType2> ...
            Specifies workbench to ignore dataset conflict warning, if a format can read
            from one dataset and write back to same dataset. If this is not specified, the
            default behaviour is to is to warn user if source and destination datasets are
            same. Syntax:
            Specifies workbench to use the "attributeName" specified as the attribute to
            use for setting the fanout property of destination dataset during workspace
            generation, adding new dataset or adding new feature type. For now the
            attribute type is assumed to be char(50), although I believe it doesn't matter
            anyways. Syntax:
                FORMAT_PARAMETER AUTO_FANOUT_ATTRIBUTE <attributeName>
            <To be written>
            Specifies workbench to use this reader when invoking the inspection application for visualizing the Writer dataset.
                FORMAT_PARAMETER DEFAULT_READER <reader short name>
            For example: In the Excel writer (XLSXW) metafile add this to use a different reader - FORMAT_PARAMETER DEFAULT_READER XLSXR
            Specifies that this format has now been deprecated and replaced by new 
            format whose short name is provided as a value of the parameter. This
            is currently being used to determine which format to use when updating 
            deprecated formats during "update dataset" operation

            Specifies fme/workbench whether or not to automatically add network
            authentication parameters to the reader settings box dialog. If this keyword
            is not specified fme/workbench will defaults its value to be YES. If
            this keyword is set to YES and the source dataset is a URL, fme/workbench
            will add network authentication parameters to the settings box. If this
            keyword is set to ALWAYS, the authentication parameters will be added
            for all datasets. If a reader supports urls for its dataset but want
            to handle network authentication using their own methods or it doesn't
            apply to them then add this keyword with value of NO.
            Specifies fme/workbench whether or not to automatically add network proxy
            parameters to the reader settings box dialog. If this keyword is not specified
            fme/workbench will defaults its value to be NO. If a reader wants to prompt user
            for proxy information then add this parameter in the metafile with a value of YES.
            Specifies fme/workbench whether or not to allow editing of reader feature
            type. Value of this metafile keyword used in conjunction with the global
            setting "Tools|FME Otions...|Workbench|Allow reader feature type editing". If
            this keyword is not specified fme/workbench will defaults its value to be YES.
            If global setting for "Allow reader feature type editing" is set to "NO" then
            this keyword does not apply. If a reader cannot fully support/allow editing of
            reader feature type then add this keyword with value of NO. E.g. CSV
            Specifies fme/workbench whether or not to allow editing of writer 
            feature type. If this keyword is not specified fme/workbench will 
            defaults its value to be YES. Use it for writer's with fixed schema
            that would like to show the user attributes but not allow editing 
            of those attributes. Specify this parameter only if you want to 
            disable writer feature type editing.
            Specifies the name of the feature type for a given format. E.g. For AutoCAD
            it would be "Layer" and Oracle it is "Table"
                FORMAT_PARAMETER FEATURE_TYPE_NAME <format specific name>

            Specifies the default name to use when in Workbench a new feature type
            is added E.g. For AutoCAD
            it would be "Layer1" and Oracle it is "Table1"
                FORMAT_PARAMETER FEATURE_TYPE_DEFAULT_NAME <format specific name>

            Specifies the dataset type name for a given format. E.g. For AutoCAD
            it would be "dwg file" and Oracle it is "Database"
                FORMAT_PARAMETER DATASET_NAME <format specific dataset name>

            Specifies a short description for a reader dataset field. E.g. For AutoCAD
            it could be "Select the AutoCAD DWG file(s)" and Oracle it could be
            "Specify the Oracle Spatial Relational Service". This text is used as 
            tooltip or a gray text for the dataset field in add reader dialog
                FORMAT_PARAMETER READER_DATASET_HINT <format specific reader dataset hint>

            Specifies a short description for a writer dataset field. E.g. For AutoCAD
            it could be "Specify a name for the AutoCAD DWG file" and Oracle it could be
            "Specify the Oracle Spatial Relational Service". This text is used as
            tooltip or a gray text for the dataset field in add writer dialog

                FORMAT_PARAMETER WRITER_DATASET_HINT <format specific writer dataset hint>

            Specifies one of {copy_from_reader, import, import_only, define_new} the 
            option to select by default when adding a new writer. If "import_only" is
            specified then all the other options on the add writer dialog will be

                FORMAT_PARAMETER WRITER_ADD_FEATURE_TYPE_DEFAULT [none|automatic|manual|copy_from_reader|import|dynamic]

            Specifies a format attribute type to use when adding a new writer
            attribute in workbench. This type will be used when mapping from
            reader to writer attribute type cannot be found or when the attribute 
            type is not known in general

            FORMAT_PARAMETER DEFAULT_ATTR_TYPE <format specific attribute type>

            Specifies a format specific geometry type to use when adding a new
            writer in workbench. This will be also used when mapping geometry type
            from reader over to writer feature type in cases where reader support
            multiple geometries and writer doesn't. Once such scenario is when
            copying/duplicating writer feature type from existing reader feature

            FORMAT_PARAMETER DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_TYPE <format specific geometry type>
            FORMAT_PARAMETER DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_TYPE shape_first_feature


            Specifies whether the feature type names should be prefixed with the schema.
            Setting to YES will allow editing of the Table Qualifier parameter in the
            feature type properties dialogs.  If not present, then the parameter is 
            provided iff the format's DATASET_TYPE is DATABASE in 'formats.db'.

            Allows for the renaming of the columns on the user attributes tab of the writer
            feature type properties.  Specifies a mapping of a old value to new value.
            Optionally a new tooltip string can be provided as well, if one is not provided 
            the new name will be used as the tooltip.

            FORMAT_PARAMETER USER_ATTRIBUTES_COLUMNS <Old Column Name>,<New Column Name>[,<New Tooltip>]%...
            FORMAT_PARAMETER USER_ATTRIBUTES_COLUMNS Width,Cell Width%Precision,Formatting

            Indicates how readers handle attributes to read. If not specified,
            then ALL will be assumed. 
            ALL           - All user attributes are always read. In this case,
                            the reader always reads all the attributes that exist
                            from the actual data runtime.  In workbench, all the 
                            attributes in the User Attributes table will always be
                            put onto the DEFLINE.
            DEFLINE       - Only specified attributes on the DEFLINEs are read.  In
                            this case, the reader uses attributes specified on the
                            DEFLINE to determine what attributes to read.  A special 
                            defline attribute, 'fme_attribute_reading', will be 
                            added to the DEFLINE with a value of 'all' or 'defined' where
                            'all' means read all attributes at runtime regardless of 
                            what's defined on the DEFLINE and 'defined' means read only 
                            the attributes that are specified on the DEFLINE.
            DEFLINE_ATTRS - (Deprecated) Prefer DEFLINE for new readers.
                            Only specified attributes on the DEFLINEs are read.  In
                            this case, the reader uses attributes specified on the
                            DEFLINE to determine what attributes to read.  No attributes
                            on the DEFLINE signals that the reader should read whatever
                            exists on the feature type at runtime.
            When ATTRIBUTE_READING is specified, a DEFAULT_MACRO will be added to 
            the generated mapping file with the same value. For example,
            will generate the following macro in the mapping file:

            When changing the behaviour of a reader, additionally add the 
            ATTRIBUTE_READING_HISTORIC format parameter so that pre-existing
            workspaces continue to work as before.
             Allows a format to change its behaviour for ATTRIBUTE_READING, while
             maintaining behaviour for pre-existing workspaces. Add this whenever
             changing the original behaviour of a format that did not always have
             ATTRIBUTE_READING defined.
             Values are the same and have same meaing as ATTRIBUTE_READING.


             Specifies a list of parameters that should not automatically be used 
             when passing parameters on inspect.  For example, reader SQL statements 
             may modify the dataset and should not be used by default in a data 
             inspection context.



             Specifies which directives should be passed to the reader when executing
             an fme_sql_execute constraint.  
             ALL     - Specifies that all reader directives will be included
             INCLUDE - Specifies that only the listed directives are included; the
                       rest will be disregarded.
             EXCLUDE - Specifies the listed directives will be disregarded; the 
                       rest will be included.

        Getting Classic-style Settings Box Values to Work in FME Objects Applications 
    (e.g. Data Inspector)  (Internal Only)
        IMPORTANT NOTE: All the information in this section pertains to custom settings 
        boxes (where lines like "GUI FORM" and "GUI CONTROLLER" are used) and not the 
        new way of specifying settings boxes through the metafile.
        FME Objects requires an explicit mapping of macro names used in 
        metafiles to reader/writer directives. This is done by adding the 
        following lines into fmeobjdefs.h:
            "<format directive",
              "@<macro name>@", 
        Here's a real-life example:
        If you set the FME_DEBUG environment variable to DUMP_CONFIG, you should 
        be able to see the effect of this - see documentation on the FME_DEBUG 
        environment variable for more information.

    Another Method
         Around 2005, still before the advent of metafile generated settings 
         boxes, another method was developed that prevented developers from 
         having to update the fmeobjdefs.h file. When the macro name adheres to
         the following convention: 
            <format short name>_<IN|OUT>_<directive>
         then no explicit mapping in fmeobjdefs.h is required. For example, the 
         MySQL reader has a keyword called PASSWORD. Following the convention, 
         the macro name is therefore MYSQL_IN_PASSWORD. The MySQL writer also 
         has the same keyword, but because it is a writer keyword, the macro 
         will contain OUT instead of IN - resulting in MYSQL_OUT_PASSWORD. 
    Value Matching
        Matching between different attribute values must also be handled. A good example
        of this is the matching of colors from one system to another. Clearly it is not
        possible to explicitly match colors since a system like MapInfo specifies 16
        million different colors. Instead it is proposed that the FME support 64
        different colors. 4 bits for blue, 4 for red, and 4 for green. The mapping of
        colors from other systems to these is accomplished by dividing the colors
        appropriately. For example 24 bit color is converted to FME color values as
            MapInfo Green Component / 16
            MapInfo Red Component / 16
            MapInfo Blue Component /16
        Hopefully this mapping can be accomplished using @Evaluate(). If not then
        another alternative will have to be done. Of course systems which have 64 or
        fewer defined colors can be directly mapped. It is important to note that we
        cannot merely divide the entire color value by a single value to get the same
        effect as the colors at the bottom end of the value will be unfairly
       discriminated against.
    Predfined Macros
        A number of predefined macros are required in order to specify information
        properly. These macros are defined and can be referenced throughout FME meta
                This macro expands to the source keyword which will be used throughout the resulting mapping file.
                This macro expands to the source keyword which will be used throughout the resulting mapping file.
    Substitution Values
        These values (aside from being poorly named) are used to specify that you want
        the current group name to be substituted into a definition line or correlation
        line. It is expected that these will be used primarily for the specification of
        definition lines and correlation lines.
            {attrName}: This is used to extract an attribute value from the schema
            generation feature and store it within a definition line or correlation
            line. This is currently designed for use on a definition line and removes
            the referenced attribute from the feature once it is substituted. See the
            SDEdefs.txt file for an example of how to use this functionality. It is used
            in the DEF_LINE_TEMPLATE statement.
            {FME_GEN_GROUP_NAME} This macro contains the current name of the group as
            defined by the current source feature which is being used to drive the
            mapping file generation. This value is useful for defining definition and
            correlation lines within a meta file.
            {FME_GEN_GROUP_BASE} This macros is the same value as the GEN_GROUP_NAME above
            except that if the group name contains any file extension names then the file
            extension is removed. For example in MOEP 83d088d.bin would be output as
            83d088d for {FME_GEN_GROUP_BASE} and 83d088d.bin for {FME_GEN_GROUP_NAME}
            {FME_GEN_GROUP_NUMBER} This is not supported as the same functionality can
            be performed using the {FME_TABLE:<meta table name>} directive with more
            flexibility. See igdsdefs.txt for example of how this is done.
            {FME_GEN_GEOMETRY} This value contains the current geometry value of the
            current definition line in the form consistent with the format which the
            value is specified.
            {FME_TABLE:<meta table name>} This value is substituted by the current value in
            the meta table identified by <meta table name>.
**Q & A**
    *What is the purpose of the GENERICIZE_GEOMTYPE_ATTR_NAME line in a
    metafile? Nothing seems to break when I commented that line out of the
    sample, as long as I have the generic format attribute listed on the
        That directive was only put there so that WHEN the CORR_LINE_TEMPLATE does not
        list it (which in many situations it does not) there is a way of specifying
        the attribute. So there's no harm in asking for it always to be listed, it
        decouples the two situations and makes things cleaner likely. the GENERICIZE..
        one was added later, much later, and I only put it into metafiles where the
        CORR LINE thing didn't have what I needed (so the FME basically can get the
        GENERICIZE attribute thing from the corr line, preventing a need to update all
        existing metafiles).
        For the plugin builder, you should always specify the
    *What is the difference between comments that begin with '!' and '#'?*
        -'!' comments are metafile comments, '#' comments are comments that are
        directly inserted into the generated mapping file. -'#' are only used
        used in preamble declarations.
    *What is the meaning of '__'?*
        This is used to insert a return line in the generated mapping file. The
        characters are only used in preamble declarations.
    *What is the purpose of preambles in a metafile?*
        Preambles are a template of comments and directives that are used when
        mapping files are generated. There are three types of preambles:
        preamble, source_preamble, and destination_preamble. Used to define
        comments and directives that are included mapping files generated for
        source/destination, source, and destination metafiles (respectively).
        There are also two more preambles for workbench-only things, see the
        SHAPE metafile for an example. Stuff within the workbench preamble
        sections is only inserted when writing a workspace. The reason we have a
        seperate section is so that you can only put the essential GUI prompts
        in the regular metafile sections, so that when people do a drag and drop
        translation it will only prompt for essential things, but you can expose
        ALL the format's parameters in workbench, which has a nice tree view for
        parameter editing.
    *What is a metafile for?*
          * Mapping file generation
          * Generification
    *Is it possible to add a line to a metafile, so that the
    FME_MINIMUM_BUILD is added to the generated mapping file?*
        Yes, you can put the statement into the "PREAMBLE" section of your
        metafile. Example:
             FME_MINIMUM_BUILD 999
    *What are essential GEOM_MAP lines in a metafile?*
        I think that this depends on your format. If you're thinking minimal,
        you probably should look to the textline format. Here are it's lines
          * GEOM_MAP text_line_none fme_no_geom
          * GEOM_MAP text_line_none fme_point
          * GEOM_MAP text_line_none fme_line
          * GEOM_MAP text_line_none fme_polygon
          * GEOM_MAP text_line_none fme_text
          * GEOM_MAP text_line_none fme_ellipse
          * GEOM_MAP text_line_none fme_arc
          * GEOM_MAP text_line_none fme_rectangle
          * GEOM_MAP text_line_none fme_rounded_rectangle
        This maps all fme geometries to none, and maps the text_line_none
        geometry to 'fme_no_geom'
    *Are ATTR_MAP and GEOM_MAP defining mappings between types? Then what do
    the many to many mappings mean?*
        Order matters. The first matching element from the relevant side is
        matched to its opposing side. So an fme_geometry is matched to
        text_line_none but text_line_none is mapped only to fme_no_geom.
    *What other essential lines are there in metafiles? (i.e. that all
    formats should have*
        You'll need to look to Workbench_and_Metafiles, but here are three that can be
        easily overlooked
          * ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH some_number. If you don't have a limit on your
            reader/writer, use the value 255. You will find other examples, but
            use 255.