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A widget that allows a user to select items from a tree containing the parameter choices


choices and choiceSettings/sets, and the latter's corresponding ~Settings object(s) (available to all parameter types, and described in the Parameters) page, are key to defining an instance of this parameter. If a single display choice is associated with more than one value, then all the values will be selected when that display string is selected.

key type required default value description
singleSelection boolean no false If true the user is only allowed to select a single item.
nodeDelimiter string no '.' A string indicating the delimiter indicating the tree nodes within a string. For example, if delimeter is '.', then a.b will result in a tree where a is the root with b as the child.
nodesToExpand array\({parameter} ok)> no n/a A list of item names to open in an expanded state. Child nodes are be referenced by adding the parent name and nodeDelimiter to the start of a name. Default is no expansion.
scrollTo enum: noScroll, firstExpanded, lastExpanded no lastExpanded Defines the default scroll position of the tree dialog when opened. If noScroll, tree will open scrolled to the top.
defaultFilter string ({parameter} ok) no n/a The initial value to which to set the filter field, which will result in hiding non-matching items from the tree view. Default is no filter.
showParentsAsLeaves boolean no false If true, parents are able to be selected independently of their children.
inline boolean no false If true the selection dialog will be shown in the dialog itself.


key type required default value description
delimiter char no ' ' The delimiter to use between selections when in multiple selection mode.
maxDepth integer no 0 An integer indicating how deep to allow selections. Default value is 0 which allows unlimited depth.

({parameter} ok)

If a property is labelled with ({parameter} ok), the value can be either a constant (string) or a reference to another parameter, in the form of a dictionary mapping the key "parameter" to the name of the referenced parameter, e.g. { "parameter" : "MY_PARAM" }


  "name": "sometree",
  "type": "tree",
  "valueType": "list",
  "description": "Supported Geometries",
  "choiceSettings": {"set": "attributeNames"}