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A widget that allows users to enter text and offers a mode for an enriched editor with syntax highlighting


  • readOnly (optional) if true field will not be editable. Default is false
  • editor (optional) value is one of 'plaintext', 'gquery', 'regex', 'html', 'java', 'javascript', 'pce', 'python', 'raster', 'rstats', 'sql', 'tcl', 'websocket', 'xml', 'xquery', 'url', 'json'. Value affects syntax highlighting and validation in some cases (e.g. url). Default is 'plaintext'
  • trimWhitespace (optional) if true whitespace will be trimmed from the beginning and end of the value. Default is false
  • showInlineEditor (optional) if true the editor dialog will be shown in the dialog itself. Default is false
  • showEditButton (optional) if true a button to open the editor will appear next to the line edit. Default is true
  • showArithmeticEditor (optional) if true an option to show the arithmetic editor will be made available. Default is false
  • numberPriorFeatures (optional) if a non-zero value is specified users will be allowed to select from that many look ahead values for attributes. Default is 0
  • numberPostFeatures (optional) if a non-zero value is specified users will be allowed to select from that many look behind values for attributes. Default is 0
  • addAsAttribute (optional/to be deprecated) the type of attribute to be added. Must be one of char(width), varchar(width), buffer, xml, json, binary(width), varbinary(width), binarybuffer, datetime, time , date, real64, real32, int32, uint32, int64, uint64, logical, int16, int8, uint8, number(width,decimal)
  • runnable (optional/internal) if true the value is a valid executable script. Default is false
  • isNewListAttribute (optional/internal/deprecated) true if the parameter was translated from a NEW_LIST_ATTR guitye. Used for determining mapping file output.
  • sqlSettings (optional) if 'editorFlavor' is 'sql', can specify additional options to allow importing tables from a reader as a dictionary with the following keys:
  • mode one of 'sql' or 'where'. If 'sql' drag and drop produces SELECT statements by default. Default sql
  • format format shortname
  • dataset dataset for a connection
  • connectionParams a dictionary of reader parameters
  • startTableExpanded if set the editor starts with specified table expanded

  • regexSettings (conditionally required) a dictionary of settings applicable when editorFlavor is 'regex'

  • contains (optional) if true regex will be in contains mode; if false exact matches mode will be assumed. Default is false
  • caseSensitive (optional)({parameter} ok) if true regex will be in case-sensitive mode; if false case insensitive mode will be assumed. Default is false

  • webSocketSettings (conditionally required) a dictionary of keys only applicable when editorFlavor is 'webSocket'

  • webSocketOpen (optional) if true websocket preamble will be shown for open. Default is false
  • webSocketSend (optional) if true websocket preamble will be shown for send. Default is false

  • xQuerySettings (conditionally required) a dictionary of keys only applicable when editorFlavor is 'xquery'

  • getFunctions (optional) if true read-only (get, list, contains) functions on attributes and values are exposed. Default is false
  • processFunctions (optional) if true process functions on features and templates are exposed. Default is false
  • setFunctions (optional) if true write-only (set, append) functions on attributes are exposed. Default is false
  • sampleGeneration (optional) if true the ability to generate an XML template is exposed. Default is false
  • noBraces (optional) if true the exposed functions will not be wrapped in braces. Default is false
  • geometryFunctions (optional) if true geometry related functions are exposed. Default is false
  • json (optional) if true json related functions are exposed and replace the xml related functions. Default is false

  • urlSettings (conditionally required) a dictionary of keys only applicable when editorFlavor is 'url'

    • validSchemes (optional) a string list of valid url schemes. Default is an empty list

If a property is labelled with ({parameter} ok), the value can be either a constant (string) or a reference to another parameter, in the form of a dictionary mapping the key "parameter" to the name of the referenced parameter, e.g. { "parameter" : "MY_PARAM" }


  "name": "sometext",
  "type": "text",
  "valueType": "string",
  "prompt": "New Attribute Name"