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A widget that allows a user to select items from a list


choices and choiceSettings/sets, and the latter's corresponding ~Settings object(s) (available to all parameter types, and described in the Parameters) page, are key to defining an instance of this parameter. If a single display choice is associated with more than one value, then all the values will be selected when that display string is selected.

  • singleSelection (optional) if true the user is only allowed to select a single item. Default false
  • allowOrdering (optional) if true, the interface will allow the user to customize the order of the selected values. Default is false
  • delimiter (deprecated/optional) the delimiter to use when valueType is string or stringEncoded. Default is ' '


  "name": "somelistbox",
  "type": "listbox",
  "valueType": "string_encoded",
  "prompt": "Geometry Type(s)",
  "defaultValue": "poly",
  "choices": [
      "value": "poly",
      "display": "polygon"
      "value": "point",
      "display": "point"
      "value": "line",
      "display": "line"