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A container for multiple component parameters which will be arranged sequentially. The 'prompt' text will be used as the title of the group box.


  • style (optional) value is one of Plain, Collapsible or Checkable. Default is Plain. Collapsible will allow the group to expand/collapse. Checkable implies collapsible but adds a checkbox to enable/disable the group. If checkable, a boolean value (string "YES" or "NO") is stored indicating whether the group is checked or not (all child parameters will be disabled, regardless of their "enabled" dynamic properties).
  • collapse (optional) If true, the dialog will open with the group collapsed initially. Default behavior for non-checkable groups is to start collapsed. Default behavior for checkable groups to start collapsed if unchecked and expanded if checked. This setting overrides the default open/close behavior.
  • expand (optional, dynamic) logic to control expanding and collapsing the group. Default specified by "collapse". Ignored if "style" is Plain.
  • gridColumns (optional) the number of columns into which to arrange the group's parameters. Default is 1.
  • radioParameter (optional) if true:
  • each parameter in the group will be shown with a radio button next to it, with all parameters disabled except the selected one
  • neither the group's header prompt nor its border will be displayed
  • the group will store the name of parameter corresponding to the currently selected radio parameter, unless that parameter's definition in the 'parameter' array includes an entry with the key 'radioValue' mapping it to a value, in which case that value will be stored instead
  • parameters a list of objects defining the parameters to be shown in this group. If the group is checked or disabled, all parameters within the group will also be disabled.


  "name": "REQUEST",
  "type": "group",
  "prompt": "Request",
  "parameters": [
      "name": "OPERATION_TYPE",
      "type": "dropdown"
      "prompt": "Google Drive Action"
      "valueType": "string"
      "type": "dropdown"
      "choiceSettings": {
         "choiceSet": "webConnections"
         "webConnectionSettings": {
            "services": "Google Drive"
      "prompt": "Google Drive Account:"
      "valueType": "stringEncoded"
  "style": "Collapsible",
  "expand": {
    "if": [
        "$equals": {
          "parameter": "USE_GOOGLEDRIVE",
          "value": "YES"
        "then": true
    "default": false

Dynamic Properties


Type: boolean

  • true: the group parameter will be expanded, unless its parent "group" is collapsed or parent parameter ("group", "table", or "multi") is in a collapsed "group"
  • false: the group parameter will be collapsed
  • non-boolean or undefined: use default for "group"

This property only applies to "group" parameters. For all other parameter types, this property will be ignored.

expand Example:

"expand": {
  "if": [{
    "$equals": {
      "parameter": "EXPANSION_CHECKBOX",
      "value": "YES"
    "then": true
    "$equals": {
      "parameter": "EXPANSION_CHECKBOX",
      "value": "NO"
    "then": false
  "default": false