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Allows user to create a geometry object, such as point, line, arc, ellipse, etc


  • geometryEncoding (optional) one of 'fmeXML' or 'geoJSON' to indicate the string format the geometry will be stored in. Default is 'geoJSON'
  • bounds (optional) the coordinates used to center the map picker on startup. When not included, we center the map on user location if detectable. Default is to not include this. The bounds are specified using the properties: top, bottom, left, right
  • supportedTypes (optional) a list of supported geometry types. If not specified or empty then all types are allowed. Choices include 'point', 'line', 'polygon'


  "bounds": {
    "bottom": 90,
    "left": -180,
    "right": 180,
    "top": -90
   "name": "GEOM",
   "prompt": "Geometry Pick:",
   "required": true,
   "supportedTypes": [
   "type": "geometry",
   "valueType": "stringEncoded"