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Reader Values


  • valuesToUse one of 'featureTypes', 'attributeNames', 'attributeListValues', or 'sdeVersions'
  • format (optional) ({parameter} ok) the FME format of the dataset from which to read the parameter's configuration
  • dataset (optional) ({parameter} ok) a filename, URL, or such specifying the dataset
  • formatPrompt (optional) ({parameter} ok) the format prompt parameter reference
  • metafile (optional) path to a file to use as the reader's metafile
  • attributeListSettings (optional) a dictionary of settings to be specified when valuesToUse is 'attributeListValues'. The base name of the list need not be specified. E.g., if the values of interest are in xmlpath{}.display_value and xmlpath{}.feature_path, specify 'display_value' for displayElement and 'feature_path' for valueElement
    • displayElement the name of the list element to be used for display to the user
    • valueElement the name of the list element to be used for the resultant parameter value
  • sdeVersionType (optional) either 'transactional' or 'historical', only applicable (and required) when valuesToUse is 'sdeVersions'
  • readCallToUse (optional) either 'read' or 'readSchema', specifying what reader method to use to fetch the parameter's options. Default is 'readSchema'
  • configuration (optional) a list of dictionaries specifying named values either by constant or by parameter reference:
    • name the name of the configuration item
    • value ({parameter} ok) the value of the configuration item

If a property is labelled with ({parameter} ok), the value can be either a constant (string) or a reference to another parameter, in the form of a dictionary mapping the key "parameter" to the name of the referenced parameter, e.g. { "parameter" : "MY_PARAM" }


