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Dynamic Service Values


  • serviceName the name of the service to browse
  • selection a list containing 0-1 instances of each of the strings 'objects', 'containers', and 'noRoot'
  • saveObjectID (optional) if true the parameter value will be the service-specific object ID instead of the FME URL. Default is true
  • showSearch (optional) if true the search bar will appear in the web as a filesystem browser. Default is true
  • configuration (optional) a list of dictionaries specifying named values either by constant or by parameter reference:
    • name the name of the configuration item
    • value ({parameter} ok) the value of the configuration item
  • usePromptAsTitle (optional) boolean. Default is false
  • module (optional) the name of the python module to use. If not specified, the 'serviceName' with spaces removed and lowercased will be the python module name used for this parameter
  • itemIcon (optional) path to the image to be used as the icon to be shown next to items in the browser. If not specified, the icon will be the default file icon. If specified but left empty, there will be no icon. Icon path must be relative to the FME root folder for installed transformers, to the .fmx folder for packages, or to a resource path if icon is compiled in
  • containerIcon (optional) path to an image to use as the icon for containers in the browser. If not specified, the icon will be the default folder icon. Behaves analogously to 'itemIcon'

If a property is labelled with ({parameter} ok), the value can be either a constant (string) or a reference to another parameter, in the form of a dictionary mapping the key "parameter" to the name of the referenced parameter, e.g. { "parameter" : "MY_PARAM" }


