[Name] USER_DEFINED_ARRAY [Description] Before using this type, consider using a GUI_LINE_TABLE with a STRING_ENCODED column instead since it gives a better user experience. With the table 'inline, the user can easily see the values and does not have to launch a different modal dialog to edit. It also gives more flexibility such as the ability to define a delimeter and the ability to confine the type (eg. INT will only allow int values) If you don't like the 'inline-ness' of the table because your parameter is not often used (eg. attributes to expose), then put the table in a disclosure widget. Appears as an ellipsis button and clicking the ellipsis should bring up a dialog box. Allows user to enter an array of values, and returns the entries in a space- and comma- delimited string in the text box. It takes a configuration string to specify the headings (and implicitly the number) of the columns. For instance: PARAMETER_TYPE: USER_DEFINED_ARRAY "Column One"%"Column Two" %"Column Three" The parameter value will contain the FMEParsableText-encoded text from the cells, separated by commas within a row and by spaces between the rows. So entering the following in the dialog box Column One Column Two Column Three 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 will return "1,2,3 4,5,6 7,8,9". In a Transformer (*.fmx) File Syntax PARAMETER_NAME: PARAMETER_TYPE: USER_DEFINED_ARRAY [%]* PARAMETER_PROMPT: