[Name] REGEXP_OR_STRING [Description] Creates an input box for text or regular expressions. The config string specifies if the text box should use regular expression validation or just default string validation. The next two config string variables after REGEXP_PARAM specify the parameter and value that tell this type to use regexp. Match Type Keyword: CONTAINS - Checks if the input string contains the regular expression EXACT - Checks if the input string exactly matches the regular expression Case Sensitive: specifies the parameter, if one exists, that determines if the regexp editor will use case sensitivity. It is followed by the two values that indicates when case sensitivity is used and when it is not. If these variables are omitted then the editor will not use case sensitivity. NOTE: The value for indicating case sensitivity (see below) must be a case insensitive yes (e.g. yes, YES, yEs). The value for indicating case insensitivity (see ) must be a case insensitive no (e.g. no, NO, nO). CASE_SENSITIVE_ALWAYS Recommended behavior for transformers if there is no case sensitivity option provided. If this is specified, the editor will always be case sensitive In a Transformer (*.fmx) File Syntax PARAMETER_NAME: REGEXP_OR_STRING [%]REGEXP_PARAM%%[%CASE_SENSITIVE%%%][%TEST_STRING%] PARAMETER_PROMPT: