[Name] GUI_LINE_TABLE [Description] Provides a user interface to enter table values. The table definition is defined in the config string as follows: Behavior Options: EXPLICIT_SUPPORTED_VALUES - the columns define the supported types completely. Do not inherit supported types from the parent (the table). NO_MOVE - do not show the move up/down buttons NO_LABEL - show the table without the label (most cases). See SQL NO_EXPAND - the table will appear at a fixed size and will not resize with the dialog NOT_OK_IF_INVALID - normally the OK button will not be disabled if the table has invalid data. Add this flag to disable ok button if the table has invalid data. NO_ADD - the table will not by default add a blank row to the bottom whenever a row is added. Also the add remove buttons will not be shown COL_DELIM - specify the column delimiter. If specified, SDF concatenation is used when flattening the table to a string value ROW_DELIM - specify the row delimiter. If specified, SDF concatenation is used when flattening the table to a string value START_NUM_ROWS - starts the table with the specified number of rows HAS_DEFAULTS - for each column a default is specified in addition to the standard heading/guitype pair. The default value is FMEParsableText encoded and MUST be present if this setting is on. SECONDARY_COLS - A single column index. If specified, all columns including and after the specified index (that do not contain values) will be hidden and can be toggled with the disclosure button in the last column header STRETCH_COL - specify the column that will stretch to fill empty space in the table COL_DISPLAY_ORDER - specify the display order of columns if different than the storage order. The order is a comma separated list of zero-based column indices (e.g. COL_DISPLAY_ORDER:1,0,2). Other behaviours that index a column should index based on the display order HIDE_COLS - specify any columns which are stored, but should not appear in the display. The order is a comma separated list of zero-based column indices (e.g. HIDE_COLS:0,1). Note: if COL_DISPLAY_ORDER has been set, the column indices are base on the display order. NO_HEADINGS - the headings will not be displayed for the columns. For parsing purposed, the column heading must still be specified. MIME_TYPE - specify a name for the mime data type, which is by default the parameter name, of this table. This mime type name is used in copying/pasting rows between different tables. Tables with the same mime type name allow copy/paste between each other. IMPORT_COLS - specify columns (with, e.g., IMPORT_COLS:0,1) that accept an import via wizard (an "Import..." button will be shown if this is specified). When given, the following options are also available: NO_EMPTY_IMPORT - if specified, when attribute values are imported, empty values will be skipped. IMPORT_VALS_ONLY - usually the option to import from attribute names or values is given. If this is specified, only values will be importable. DEFAULT_IMPORT_ATTR_PARAM: - is expected to be the name of a parameter on the containing query. Its value will be used to preselect the attribute to import from, if one exists by that name. Following the behavior options, specify each column as a pair of heading, guitype strings. The gui type strings follow standard GUI line syntax but do not include a prompt. When flattening the table to a string, the value of each column is 'blindly' used. For example, if you want data encoded, the type of your column must be _ENCODED. If a column or row delimiter is specified, then SDF is used when flattening the value to a string. In a Transformer (*.fmx) File Syntax: PARAMETER_NAME: PARAMETER_TYPE: GUI_LINE_TABLE [%]*""%""[%""%" "]* PARAMETER_PROMPT: