Syntax FACTORY_DEF TriangulationFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [DEAGGREGATE_INPUT (Deaggregate|Reject)] [REJECT_INVALID_GEOM (Yes|No)] [DEDICATED_UNTOUCHED_PORT (Yes|No)] [OUTPUT (TRIANGLES|TIN_SURFACE|UNTOUCHED) FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview Breaks an input geometry into triangular units or a mesh. A Delaunay triangulation scheme is used. The triangulated features are output through the TRIANGLES port, and triangulated mesh geometries are output through the TIN_SURFACE port. Unprocessed geometries are output through the UNTOUCHED port. For 2D geometries the triangulation is performed with respect to the X-Y plane. For 3D geometries, such as faces, the triangulation is performed with respect to the normal direction of each surface. Geometry Type of Output Geometry Container ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The output from the TIN_SURFACE port will always be a single feature containing a mesh geometry, per input feature. The geometry type of the TRIANGLES output geometry container varies depending on the geometry type of the input geometry: If the input is an IFMETriangleStrip, IFMETriangleFan, IFMEFace or IFMEPolygon that is already triangular, the output will be a copy of the input geometry and hence has the same geometry type as the input. If the input is a non-triangular IFMEArea or IFMEMultiArea, the output will be an IFMEMultiArea of triangles. If the input is a non-triangular IFMEFace, or IFMERectangleFace, the output will be an IFMECompositeSurface, whose components are triangular IFMEFaces. If the input is an IFMECompositeSurface, the output will be an IFMECompositeSurface. The type of each component in the resulting IFMECompositeSurface is determined as described above. If the input is an IFMEMultiSurface, the output will be an IFMEMultiSurface. The type of each component in the resulting IFMEMultiSurface is determined as described above. If the input is an IFMEBox, IFMEExtrusion, or IFMEBRepSolid, the output will be an IFMEBRepSolid. The type of each component in the resulting IFMEMultiSurface is determined as described above. If the input is an IFMECSGSolid, the type of the output is determined by the constructed result described by the CSG solid hierarchy which could be an IFMEMultiSolid, IFMEBRepSolid, or IFMENull if the result is an empty set. If the input is an IFMECompositeSolid, the output will be an IFMECompositeSolid. The type of each component in the resulting IFMECompositeSolid is determined as described above. If the input is an IFMEMultiSolid, the output will be an IFMEMultiSolid. The type of each component in the resulting IFMEMultiSolid is determined as described above. If the input is an IFMEAggregate, the output will be an IFMEAggregate. The type of each component in the resulting IFMEAggregate is determined as desribed above. Note that this visitor may produce unexpected results if any part of the input geometry contains invalid donuts. Specifically, the outer boundary should fully contain all inner boundaries and inner boundaries should not overlap. Output Tags The TriangulationFactory supports the following output tags. TRIANGLES Output features with triangulated geometries. TIN_SURFACE Output feature containing mesh geometries. UNTOUCHED Output features with geometries that were not processed by triangulation.