Contents of an active-search-set (Default Contents)

The contents of an active-search-set change as mapping rules activate and de-activate. This section describes only the default contents of an active-search-set; however, it is possible for an executing mapping rule to override the defaults. The section titled Mapping Rules (Optional Elements) describes how the default contents of an active-search-set may be explicitly changed.

When no mapping rules are activated, the active-search-sets contain the following default contents:

  1. feature-search-set: contains all the mapping rules defined under the <feature-map> element.
  2. group-search-set: contains all the mapping rules defined under the <group-map> element.
  3. reference-search-set: contains all the mapping rules from the <reference-map> element.

Note: Note: If any of the <feature-map>, <group-map> or <reference-map> elements are not present in the xfMap document, then their corresponding active-search-sets will always be empty.

When activated mapping rules exist, the active-search-sets contain the following default contents:

  1. feature-search-set: if at least one feature mapping rule is activated, then it contains all the mapping rules defined under the <feature-content-map> element.
  2. group-search-set: if at least one group mapping rule is activated, then it contains all the mapping rules defined under the <group-content-map> element.
  3. reference-search-set: if at least one reference mapping rule is activated, then it contains all the mapping rules defined under the <reference-content-map> element.

Note: Note: If any of the <feature-content-map>, <group-content-map> or <reference-content-map> elements are not present in the xfMap document, then their corresponding active-search-set will be empty.

For example, if a feature mapping rule is activated, the feature-search-set can only contain mapping rules that are defined under the feature-content-map element.