Salesforce Reader Parameters

Newline characters in field values are stripped out by the Salesforce reader.

Salesforce objects and records do not have geometry. All incoming features will not have geometry.

Salesforce fields of type base64 and address are not supported. Refer to User Attributes for details. To reduce bandwidth requirements and processing time, remove unused user attributes from the Salesforce reader’s feature types.

Salesforce Login


Specifies the host through which to log in to Salesforce. Upon successful login, the Salesforce Reader will automatically switch to a different host if necessary.

Username and Password

Enter the username and password to access the service.

Security Token

If Salesforce is accessed outside of a trusted network, a security token is needed to log in.


Specify which attributes to expose by entering the attribute names. Click the browse button next to the Additional Attributes to Expose parameter.

Note  If a SELECT Statement or WHERE clause is specified in the Salesforce Reader, the resulting attributes may be hidden. To expose the attributes created, you can place an AttributeExposer transformer in the workspace, after the Salesforce Reader. See Salesforce Reader: Feature Type Parameters