Oracle Spatial Point Cloud Feature Representation

Features read from Oracle Spatial Point Cloud reader consist of a series of attribute values and point cloud data. FME features correspond to rows in Point Cloud tables. The attributes on the features correspond to non-spatial columns in the tables. The point clouds on the features for a feature type correspond to the point cloud column of a point cloud table.

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), the Oracle Spatial Point Cloud module makes use of the following special attribute and trait names:

Attribute/Trait Name



This attribute stores the type of geometric entity stored within the feature. The valid values are:

  • oracle_point_cloud


For the Oracle Spatial Point Cloud reader, this attribute is set to the SRID value of the point cloud being read. If the SRID value is null, oracle_srid is not set on the feature. The SRID value on the first feature read is used to look up a coordinate system in FME, which is then set on all the subsequent features read, even if their SRID values conflict with the first SRID value.

For the Oracle Spatial Point Cloud writer, oracle_srid specifies the SRID of the point cloud being written on a per feature type (table) basis. It overrides the coordinate system set on the writer.