Microsoft Word Feature Representation (Format Attributes)
In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).
Attribute Name |
Contents |
msword_type |
The type of Microsoft Word content this feature will add into a document. |
msword_break_count |
Indicates how many page breaks will be added to the new document. |
msword_bullet_indent |
Specifies how much indent to place left of the list item. |
msword_bullet_ordered |
Indicates whether the list is ordered. |
msword_bullet_text |
The content of the list item. |
msword_font_bold |
Indicates whether the font has bold formatting. |
msword_font_color |
The color of the font. This is a comma-delimited string of three floating point values between 0 and 1. This formatting comes from the color-picker in the MSWordStyler transformer. |
msword_font_italic |
Indicates whether the font has Italic formatting. |
msword_font_name |
The name of the font. |
msword_font_size |
The size of the font, in points. |
msword_font_strikethrough |
Indicates whether the font has strike-through formatting. |
msword_font_underline |
Indicates whether the font has underlined formatting. |
msword_heading_level |
Sets the heading level. |
msword_heading_text |
The content of the heading text. |
msword_image_filename |
Specifies the path to the desired image. |
msword_image_source |
Specifies the source of the image. |
msword_image_width |
Specifies how large to scale the image. |
msword_justification |
Sets the feature’s alignment on the page. |
msword_measurement_units |
The measurement units to use for interpreting width attributes. |
msword_paragraph_style |
The named style to use for this paragraph. |
msword_paragraph_text |
The text of a paragraph. |
msword_use_markdown |
Specifies a simplistic markdown format to apply to the paragraph. |
msword_styler_id |
The ID of a MSWordStyler transformer. Each transformer has a unique ID. |
msword_table_style |
The named style to use for this table. |
msword_table_col_header |
The text to appear in the first row of the particular column. |
msword_table_col_value |
The text values to appear in the particular column of a table. |
msword_table_col_width |
Specifies how large to scale the column. |