Trimble JobXML Reader

FME can read data in the JobXML file format. This file format is produced by Trimble Equipment and used mostly for survey work.

Trimble JobXML Product and System Requirements


FME Platform

Operating System


FME Form

FME Flow

FME Flow Hosted

Windows 64-bit











A JobXML file can be divided into three components:

  1. The Environment: This contains a variety of information about the environment in which the data was created. Some information is important only for the actual hardware (such as the display settings) and some is directly relevant for interpreting the data (such as the coordinate system definition). All portions of the environment are made available as attributes, so even information about the display or job settings is available to the user
  2. The Reductions: This section contains all the point elements after various corrections have been done. Each of these points is constructed with all of its attributes, and a point geometry based on these attributes is created.
Important  The coordinate system has not been defined, so the point geometries created here have no associated coordinate system. You can set the coordinate system manually either by selecting from one of FME’s predefined coordinate systems, or by creating one in the MyCoordSysDefs.fme file in the FME_HOME/Reproject/ folder. The FME Community contains resources related to constructing coordinate systems.
  1. The Fieldbook: This component contains all the recordings that were made during this job. While FME encapsulates each Fieldbook entry into a feature, not all will be of interest. Some track the users’ changing of display settings, while others include the raw observation data (UnitRecords and PointRecords, respectively). Based on the XML schema, there are currently 43 possible FieldBook entries, but more may be created in the future. Each FieldBook entry type will be mapped to a distinct feature type.

Reader Overview

The JOBXML reader module produces an FME feature for each line in each the data file.